Looks like Trump will win again.

Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

Wrong. But you're just another mindless Trumpster, so what do you know.
Well, you certainly proved it. NOT.
You can't prove anything to a mindless Trumpster that they refuse to believe.
When have you ever tried, you brainwashed twit?
Many times, Trumpster. I finally gave up when I realized you people exist in a different reality.

You're free to do so, and I'm free to think that you're mindless, juvenile, ignorant sheep.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
We do exist in a different reality. Many of us believe in Jesus Christ and are of The Kingdom of God, so we believe in things like honesty, integrity, truth, and not stealing elections.

If you manage to pull off your theft, it only means God's Judgment and The End times are coming all that much sooner, along with The Great Reset, The New World Order and the 666 Quantum Dot Matrix Tattoo paired with the vaccine.

You may have cheated and taken The White House, but you sold your souls to Hell.

I can live with that.
You insist he's not real, and then you argue that he's a female
Go up and find the post where i argued god is female. Take your time. Then quote it. See you in never, you insufferable crybaby.

God is a she. She hates Republicans. As was evidenced by Trump being voted out by such a large margin.

God wanted him to lose.

By that same "logic", God also hates Democrats, and that's why they took such a shellacking in Congress.

Or there's the sane adult take on things, which is that you're the dumbest waste of organic matter that's ever existed.
God hates Trump more.
She hates his guts. Yours too.

I'm almost as worried about the opinions of whatever made-up fake trollop of a god you would reference as I am about yours.

Please feel free to continue deriving all your self-worth from politics, though. I wouldn't want the despair of your empty existence to make you more of a nuisance to others than you already are.
You insist he's not real, and then you argue that he's a female
Go up and find the post where i argued god is female. Take your time. Then quote it. See you in never, you insufferable crybaby.

God is a she. She hates Republicans. As was evidenced by Trump being voted out by such a large margin.

God wanted him to lose.

By that same "logic", God also hates Democrats, and that's why they took such a shellacking in Congress.

Or there's the sane adult take on things, which is that you're the dumbest waste of organic matter that's ever existed.
God hates Trump more.
She hates his guts. Yours too.
Where will you stand on Judgment Day and when The End Times arrive as they are now?
You insist he's not real, and then you argue that he's a female
Go up and find the post where i argued god is female. Take your time. Then quote it. See you in never, you insufferable crybaby.

God is a she. She hates Republicans. As was evidenced by Trump being voted out by such a large margin.

God wanted him to lose.

By that same "logic", God also hates Democrats, and that's why they took such a shellacking in Congress.

Or there's the sane adult take on things, which is that you're the dumbest waste of organic matter that's ever existed.
God hates Trump more.
She hates his guts. Yours too.

I'm almost as worried about the opinions of whatever made-up fake trollop of a god you would reference as I am about yours.

Please feel free to continue deriving all your self-worth from politics, though. I wouldn't want the despair of your empty existence to make you more of a nuisance to others than you already are.

God Wanted Trump to lose. She hates him. She hates you more though.
You insist he's not real, and then you argue that he's a female
Go up and find the post where i argued god is female. Take your time. Then quote it. See you in never, you insufferable crybaby.

God is a she. She hates Republicans. As was evidenced by Trump being voted out by such a large margin.

God wanted him to lose.

By that same "logic", God also hates Democrats, and that's why they took such a shellacking in Congress.

Or there's the sane adult take on things, which is that you're the dumbest waste of organic matter that's ever existed.
God hates Trump more.
She hates his guts. Yours too.
Where will you stand on Judgment Day and when The End Times arrive as they are now?
Hopefully I'll be at the Hyatt over in Sedona.
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

Wrong. But you're just another mindless Trumpster, so what do you know.
Well, you certainly proved it. NOT.
You can't prove anything to a mindless Trumpster that they refuse to believe.
When have you ever tried, you brainwashed twit?
Many times, Trumpster. I finally gave up when I realized you people exist in a different reality.

You're free to do so, and I'm free to think that you're mindless, juvenile, ignorant sheep.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
We do exist in a different reality. Many of us believe in Jesus Christ and are of The Kingdom of God, so we believe in things like honesty, integrity, truth, and not stealing elections.

If you manage to pull off your theft, it only means God's Judgment and The End times are coming all that much sooner, along with The Great Reset, The New World Order and the 666 Quantum Dot Matrix Tattoo paired with the vaccine.

You may have cheated and taken The White House, but you sold your souls to Hell.

I can live with that.
Your ignorant paranoia has become tedious.
Sorry tree You have problems
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
Trump has totally screwed up the reaction to the virus. 90% of this could have been easily avoided. His followers don't believe in science at all LOL a a r r t g
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
And why would that happen in the Biden usa? The crap you people believe is incredible change the channel . Only Rupert Murdoch Incorporated and Rush know what the hell you're talking about period in the entire world including law enforcement.

there will be intensive social disorder-----which actually means that the current trend will not be abated
The only spike in violence in actual FBI statistics since Trump is right-wingers going after Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese the morons. If you're talking about black lives matter etc Trump could have stopped that in a minute by saying all police should have body cams and tasers and de-escalation training period but he had to make the hate work for him. All your fears are totally groundless. The GOP is the racist swamp who's only attraction is total garbage propaganda for ignoramuses.....

you are a very deluded person with no experience in the matter of THE HOOD and just from whence cometh the violence. RIGHT WINGERS ??? watta joke
Who beats up and vandalizes Jews blacks gays Muslims and Chinese lol? It's in FBI statistics. No matter how many times you propaganda machine shows the same things over and over it doesn't change the facts. the violence more than doubles in areas where Trump has his rallies.
Not right wingers, assholee.
Yes right-wingers and the numbers of incidents goes up by 229% after Trump has a rally in an area. Man you people are dumb. And you are interested GOP base voters. Just think how dumb the ones who aren't really interested are. Actually the more you watch the GOP propaganda machine the stupider you are. Fact.
FBI satistics are meaningless. They didn't count a single incident of violance in Portland or Seattle as leftwing terrorism. Their numbers are obvious horseshit.

So you want any incident involving protest to be labelled as "leftwing terrorism". And you think that a thug like Kyle Rittenhaus is a "hero". Gotcha.

In other words, you want an authoritarian right wing government in power. One which quashes all dissent and allows "citizens" with semi-automatic weapons to shoot leftists who they think threaten their way of life - regardless of whether or not these fears are realistic.

Just because you believe in conspiracy theories and right wing lies, doesn't give you the right to kill people in service to those lies and bullshit.
Is limited to destructive acts which you refuse to accept have been 99% perpetrated by mindless Liberals.

Terrorism is defined as act committed with the purpose of striking terror into the lives of citizens - like shooting up a church full of people you don't like. "Civil disobedience" is not and has never been "terrorism", and it is one of the pillars of democracy.

A couple of years ago, you were objecting to professional athletes "taking a knee". You wanted them fired for their disrespect to the system which made them rich. So how does one present their grievances to the heirarchy in a way which meets your requirements?

How come the ONLY people who are righteously aggrieved in your eyes, are white males and the evangelical right? White males fearful of losing their "rights" are allowed to shoot and kill people with impunity - be it the police, or just random people out looking for trouble, but the rest of the people who object to this behaviour are the "terrorists".

Under successive Republican regimes, the right has pushed a "zero tolerance" policy against possession of drugs by young black and brown men, while turning a blind eye to crimes committed by young white males, especially those from middle class families.

When Ryan Lockte was arrested for intoxication and publically urinating on the side of a building in Rio during the Olympics, Americans dismissed it as "boys will be boys", despite the fact that Lockte is a 34 year old veteran of several US Olympic teams and his behaviour was disgraceful, as well as illegal. But when Simone Biles, stood at attention during the national anthem, instead of placing her hand on her heart, it was a national disgrace, and she should have been banned from the team.

The world is watching the new Apartheid state. The USA has a choice between ending segregation and facism, and living up to their motto of "Liberty and justice for ALL" 270 years after the Founders envisioned such a nation.

I don't remember any message by 'Independent' which claimed that the only people who have
reason to be aggrieved are "white males" and
evangelicals. I don't remember any time that
the only people prosecuted for drug possession were
blacks (or the idiot phrase 'people of color')

you got some information which supports your moronic assertions, Dragonjerk?
Thank you...
DL, who is Canadian, is emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.

You forgot "dumber than a stump".
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems

I don't believe I want to hear any hypocritical moralizing about "depraved" from someone who voted for Grandpa Badfinger, who was credibly accused of ACTUALLY sexually assaulting a woman. You totally ignored the whole story, but you want to play at being "outraged" by mere words.

You shitbag leftists aren't the only reason we defend Trump, but you're sure as Hell enough of a reason all by yourselves.
I'm surprised to find out that I am only 7/10ths of a person, according to Democrat Fraud Machines used in The 6 states that cheated.

Dr Shiva from MIT just proved Vote Swapping Live on TV at The Arizona Hearing.

130% of Democrats voted for Biden vs. -30% voted for Trump.

If you are a Republican, you are only 7/10ths of a person.

Based on the revelation from MIT Scientist Dr. Shiva, that Dominion Machines swapped votes counting Trump votes at 7/10ths of a vote, and Biden votes as 1.3 votes, here are the actual legal vote totals for the 2020 Election

President Trump 98,028,452 votes
Joe Biden 56,161,000

Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Cecillie I pardon you ,,,Send cash to the WH
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
Trump has totally screwed up the reaction to the virus. 90% of this could have been easily avoided. His followers don't believe in science at all LOL a a r r t g
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
And why would that happen in the Biden usa? The crap you people believe is incredible change the channel . Only Rupert Murdoch Incorporated and Rush know what the hell you're talking about period in the entire world including law enforcement.

there will be intensive social disorder-----which actually means that the current trend will not be abated
The only spike in violence in actual FBI statistics since Trump is right-wingers going after Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese the morons. If you're talking about black lives matter etc Trump could have stopped that in a minute by saying all police should have body cams and tasers and de-escalation training period but he had to make the hate work for him. All your fears are totally groundless. The GOP is the racist swamp who's only attraction is total garbage propaganda for ignoramuses.....

you are a very deluded person with no experience in the matter of THE HOOD and just from whence cometh the violence. RIGHT WINGERS ??? watta joke
Who beats up and vandalizes Jews blacks gays Muslims and Chinese lol? It's in FBI statistics. No matter how many times you propaganda machine shows the same things over and over it doesn't change the facts. the violence more than doubles in areas where Trump has his rallies.
Not right wingers, assholee.
Yes right-wingers and the numbers of incidents goes up by 229% after Trump has a rally in an area. Man you people are dumb. And you are interested GOP base voters. Just think how dumb the ones who aren't really interested are. Actually the more you watch the GOP propaganda machine the stupider you are. Fact.
FBI satistics are meaningless. They didn't count a single incident of violance in Portland or Seattle as leftwing terrorism. Their numbers are obvious horseshit.

So you want any incident involving protest to be labelled as "leftwing terrorism". And you think that a thug like Kyle Rittenhaus is a "hero". Gotcha.

In other words, you want an authoritarian right wing government in power. One which quashes all dissent and allows "citizens" with semi-automatic weapons to shoot leftists who they think threaten their way of life - regardless of whether or not these fears are realistic.

Just because you believe in conspiracy theories and right wing lies, doesn't give you the right to kill people in service to those lies and bullshit.
Is limited to destructive acts which you refuse to accept have been 99% perpetrated by mindless Liberals.

You don't get to define "terrorism" to suit your political purposes. Furthermore, the "terrorism" was inflicted not by liberals, but rather by anarchists, professional gangs of looters, and right wing thugs calling themselves "militias", but who have no legal standing as forces of the state, whatsoever.

You might also want to rethink your term "mindless Liberals" since the liberals of this world are doing a WHOLE lot better than the right wing authoritarians - especially as their failures to address the corona virus reveal.

dragonjerk-----you have just defined "terrorism" and
"terrorists" for the sole purpose of shoehorning groups into YOUR POLITICAL PURPOSE-----sadly best described as "left - good" "right - bad" <<<<<<<<<<< really really really STUPID

I haven't defined terrorism at all. That would be what you are trying to do. Attaching it to the left. I just pointed out to you that the anarchists and the thugs who called themselves "militias" are the people behind the violence, burning and that gangs of suburban looters from 4Chan lead the looting. These are the people who were arrested in multiple jurisdictions, including Kenosha.
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
Trump has totally screwed up the reaction to the virus. 90% of this could have been easily avoided. His followers don't believe in science at all LOL a a r r t g
Lecture me about literacy and education while deriding the Bible, the book on which Western civilization is founded and which is referenced in western literature more often than all other books combined. Yeah, that'll convince me your opinion is valuable.
Is that the book your moron held up backwards in front of a church???

How would you ever know the difference between the front and the back of the Holy Bible?
Take your holy bible .................................
Now a word from an actual Republican
r/PoliticalHumor - Now a word from an actual Republican

For the life of me, I will never understand why leftists think, "Oh, look, a famous person said this, so that means you have to believe it!" is meaningful to anyone who isn't stupid enough to be a leftist in the first place.

Of all the things in the world about which you are abysmally ignorant and lacking any authority to speak - and God knows, that would be everything - religion is top of the list.

Goldwater isn't a "famous person". He was an hones to God conservative.
"Looks like Trump will win again."


View attachment 417694

I was talking about Florida? How about that executive action you claimed he took to take out the personal exemption from the ACA. More winning, Fawn?

It doesn't matter what "executive actions" Trump took. They will be wiped away on Day 1 of the Biden Administration, the same way that Trump did them - by Executive Order. The Affordable Care Act will be reinstated, and reinforced, and the will of the people will prevail.

For 40 years, the Republican Party has reordered the tax code and the employment laws to give all priority to the shareholders. That's about to change as well. Reagan's cut and spend trickle down theories have destroyed the economic health, the physical health of the people of the United States. People have ceased to matter to Republicans. No health care, no money during the pandemnic. A failed response that has transferred trillions of dollars to the wealthiest Americans while working people line in at food banks.

The American people elect a government to deal with shit like this pandemic. Let them know honestly, what they have to do, and they will do it. But Trump politicized the pandemic, making measures to mitigate the spread a statement of disagreement with him. If he had set about to kill Americans, he couldn't have done a better job of it. A half million Americans will be dead before Trump leaves office, and he now spends all of his time claiming that he wasn't voted out by the people he's leaving out there to die on his watch.

for the record-----I do not own any "shares" -----for the record----the DEATH RATE in the USA will rise like
a tzunami within one year of the BIDEN/KAMALA
era. Of course people will die even while Trump is in
office. -------when were people NOT DYING?
And why would that happen in the Biden usa? The crap you people believe is incredible change the channel . Only Rupert Murdoch Incorporated and Rush know what the hell you're talking about period in the entire world including law enforcement.

there will be intensive social disorder-----which actually means that the current trend will not be abated
The only spike in violence in actual FBI statistics since Trump is right-wingers going after Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese the morons. If you're talking about black lives matter etc Trump could have stopped that in a minute by saying all police should have body cams and tasers and de-escalation training period but he had to make the hate work for him. All your fears are totally groundless. The GOP is the racist swamp who's only attraction is total garbage propaganda for ignoramuses.....

you are a very deluded person with no experience in the matter of THE HOOD and just from whence cometh the violence. RIGHT WINGERS ??? watta joke
Who beats up and vandalizes Jews blacks gays Muslims and Chinese lol? It's in FBI statistics. No matter how many times you propaganda machine shows the same things over and over it doesn't change the facts. the violence more than doubles in areas where Trump has his rallies.
Not right wingers, assholee.
Yes right-wingers and the numbers of incidents goes up by 229% after Trump has a rally in an area. Man you people are dumb. And you are interested GOP base voters. Just think how dumb the ones who aren't really interested are. Actually the more you watch the GOP propaganda machine the stupider you are. Fact.
FBI satistics are meaningless. They didn't count a single incident of violance in Portland or Seattle as leftwing terrorism. Their numbers are obvious horseshit.

So you want any incident involving protest to be labelled as "leftwing terrorism". And you think that a thug like Kyle Rittenhaus is a "hero". Gotcha.

In other words, you want an authoritarian right wing government in power. One which quashes all dissent and allows "citizens" with semi-automatic weapons to shoot leftists who they think threaten their way of life - regardless of whether or not these fears are realistic.

Just because you believe in conspiracy theories and right wing lies, doesn't give you the right to kill people in service to those lies and bullshit.
Is limited to destructive acts which you refuse to accept have been 99% perpetrated by mindless Liberals.

You don't get to define "terrorism" to suit your political purposes. Furthermore, the "terrorism" was inflicted not by liberals, but rather by anarchists, professional gangs of looters, and right wing thugs calling themselves "militias", but who have no legal standing as forces of the state, whatsoever.

You might also want to rethink your term "mindless Liberals" since the liberals of this world are doing a WHOLE lot better than the right wing authoritarians - especially as their failures to address the corona virus reveal.

dragonjerk-----you have just defined "terrorism" and
"terrorists" for the sole purpose of shoehorning groups into YOUR POLITICAL PURPOSE-----sadly best described as "left - good" "right - bad" <<<<<<<<<<< really really really STUPID

I haven't defined terrorism at all. That would be what you are trying to do. Attaching it to the left. I just pointed out to you that the anarchists and the thugs who called themselves "militias" are the people behind the violence, burning and that gangs of suburban looters from 4Chan lead the looting. These are the people who were arrested in multiple jurisdictions, including Kenosha.
There were no "militias" in Portland or Seattle, moron. The left totally owns those disasters. No militia participating in the Kenosha riots.

You just make up whatever "facts" you need to support your moronic claims.
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Cecillie I pardon you ,,,Send cash to the WH

Eddie, I'd rather be executed than have your approval. Send your opinion to the trash can where it belongs.
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Cecillie I pardon you ,,,Send cash to the WH

Eddie, I'd rather be executed than have your approval. Send your opinion to the trash can where it belongs.
Truth be told cecilie I'd rather that too
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Cecillie I pardon you ,,,Send cash to the WH

Eddie, I'd rather be executed than have your approval. Send your opinion to the trash can where it belongs.
Truth be told cecilie I'd rather that too
Then why did you give her your approval, you fucking dumbass?
Why we worship money & power over all else, boggles the mind.
Yep. And, for whatever reason, we refuse to control ourselves and think, like an obese person at a buffet.

& Donny knows how to tap into that, for himself AND for the dupes that he has conned over the years.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ DJT, ' the art of the deal '
As opposed to Biden who just flat out lies? He even refuses to answer important questions like whether he's going to pack the courts, and you voted for this bucket of slime?

That's rich! Sociopathic liars like Trump calling someone a liar! Just proves how fk'n sick you people are! You have no problem bringing the country to it's knees over a "hummer," but have no such problem with a leader lying to your face every single day, consorting with other anarchists/dictators, & totally ignoring his job while the country slowly sickens! Trump calling someone fat and ugly is also a joke; LOOK AT YOURSELF and laugh! One of these days you'll grow a brain & a soul; doubtful, but we can all hope and pray! :poke::itsok: :321:
Trump doesn't lie 1/10,000th as much as Biden or any other Dim, for that matter. Disagreeing with a left-winger is not a lie, turd.

Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. The fact that you continue to believe him shows what a complete dupe you are. Most marks continue to believe the conman even after they've lost everything to him. You are that mark.
Arrogant ignorance, the hallmark of Trumpism.

They'll forgive him anything, because he's the living symbol of their anger, frustration, bigotry and paranoia.
You voted for a senile pedophile and defend voter fraud solely because of your hatred for Trump.

And you support a depraved pussy grabbing moron and defend him only for your hate of Dems
Yeah, best to keep it at their third-grade level.

I've given up trying to dumb things down for them. I can't reach far down enough.
There you go trying to prove you're not a "winger" again.
Bribery for a pardon being investigated Bri Your man is a fn crook and you stand with him
Cecillie I pardon you ,,,Send cash to the WH

Eddie, I'd rather be executed than have your approval. Send your opinion to the trash can where it belongs.
Truth be told cecilie I'd rather that too
Then why did you give her your approval, you fucking dumbass?
I'd rather her be executed is giving my approval??? Are you really as stupid as you seem ?? You gotta be kidding

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