Looks like Warren

Rich Democrats are educated and know a healthy economy needs a healthy middle class. Wealthy Republicans are greedy hypocrite idiots. And bought off or Liars....
Really, Frank? So you are claiming that rich republicans AREN'T educated?
Last I checked, it is always the GOP who are trying to empower the Middle Class with self-actualization and personal empowerment.
Meantime, the democrats are forever telling them what victims they are always trying to drive them down into and keep them in poverty with government programs where the democrats spoon feed out just enough welfare for them to live in poverty.
The GOP believes the Middfe Csass are only entitled to what trickles down from the wealthy.


What does the DNC believe the Middle Class are entitled to, what trickles up from the poor?


Who stopped you then, the Russians?

The Middle Class is entitled to a living wage.

The Republicans basically controlled Congress from 1995 through 2006. Six with a Republican President.

All they managed to do was create the worst recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, two quagmire wars, and trillion pus deficits.

But hey, you assfucks keep blaming Democrats.

Nobody is "entitled" to anything chump.
Yes, they are. People working good jobs full time should make a living wage. Like they used to.
Of the 3 major Democratic candidates. One is senile. One just had a heart attack. And the other has less likability than even Hillary Clinton.

The Dems don't have much of a choice. They need HRC to come in and bail them out. The sooner the better.
Of the 3 major Democratic candidates. One is senile. One just had a heart attack. And the other has less likability than even Hillary Clinton.

The Dems don't have much of a choice. They need HRC to come in and bail them out. The sooner the better.
So, you haven't heard Trump speak?
Of the 3 major Democratic candidates. One is senile. One just had a heart attack. And the other has less likability than even Hillary Clinton.

The Dems don't have much of a choice. They need HRC to come in and bail them out. The sooner the better.
So, you haven't heard Trump speak?

Trump's speaking ability is irrelevant. He isn't running for the Dem nomination. The ones that are running have major issues that will necessitate HRC stepping back into the spot light. I wish we could fast forward past all the impeachment nonsense and pretending Joe Biden and Liz Warren are actual contenders and just get on with Trump Vs HRC part 2. Let's get to the main event.
THIS DOESN’T LOOK GOOD FOR ELIZABETH WARREN: And neither does this critique of her bankruptcy study.

Sen. Lying Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., claimed this week that a school principal fired her from a teaching job after she became "visibly pregnant," but a resurfaced video shows that wasn't the actual reason she left the job.

"I was married at nineteen and then graduated from college [at the University of Houston] after I’d married," Warren, then a Harvard Law School professor, said in an interview posted to YouTube in 2008. "My first year post-graduation, I worked -- it was in a public school system but I worked with the children with disabilities. I did that for a year, and then that summer I actually didn’t have the education courses, so I was on an 'emergency certificate,' it was called.

"By the end of the first year, I was visibly pregnant, and the principal did what principals did in those days," she said. "Wish me luck and hire someone else for the job."

Warren has repeated the story at campaign appearances throughout the summer, each time repeating the "principal did what principals did" line to describe her departure from teaching.

The senator's campaign did not respond to a request for comment to clarify the apparent discrepancy.

This isn't the first time that Warren's past has raised questions about her credibility. She has been widely criticized for identifying herself as a Native American in legal directories before applying to work at Harvard Law School. Last year, Warren released the results of a DNA test showing she is only 1/1,024th Native American -- and apologized for identifying as Native American on past forms.

Other Fauxcohontus Lies:

Misdiagnosis: A Comment on 'Illness and Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy' and the Media Publicity Surrounding It

In early February 2005, a barrage of media publicity accompanied Health Affairs’ publication of "Illness and Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy" — just a few weeks before the U.S. Senate was scheduled to take up bankruptcy reform legislation. Headlines like “Medical Bills Blamed in Half of Bankruptcies: and “Medical Bills Cause About Half of Bankruptcies, Study Finds” ran in major newspapers all over the country. For a while, the publicity made bankruptcy policy seem almost glamorous.

The problem with these headlines is that they were false. The study made no finding that medical bills were involved in half of all bankruptcies. Nor did it find that illness or injury, at least as those terms are ordinarily used, were major (or even minor) contributors to half of all bankruptcies. Stripped of its rhetorical excess, the study’s actual findings were far more modest — to the point that the media might not have been interested at all if they had understood it better. This article critiques the study and the publicity surrounding it.
HILLARY 2.0: VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Caught Lying About Being Fired From Teaching Over Pregnancy.

“In some ways, this is worse than her lie about being Native American. Warren claimed she was discriminated against by a real individual whose identity could be exposed and whose reputation could have been destroyed if someone bothered to look into her story and find the identity of the principal. She was willing to slander another person to craft a compelling story of victimhood for her presidential ambitions. She’ll lie about her race to get ahead in her career. She’ll lie about being fired to get votes.”​

She LIES about being a "Woman of Color".
She LIES about being a victim of "Patriarchy".

With Democrats, it just seems to be lies and fakery all the way down.
I don't think any dirt will need to be dug up.

Warren will do herself in by speaking.

Pocahontas has already done herself in. When she marked the 100% American Indian race on the TX bar form, she exploited one of the five races recognized by the US Census, the American Indian race. Much worse than wearing blackface at a costume party, claiming to be a minority/ protected race is as racist as it gets. She will never get past this one.

POLL: Most Don’t See More Women Leaders As Better for Society.

Voters aren’t convinced that more women political leaders are the way to go, perhaps in part because most think men and women have more common interests than not.​

Only 33% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it would be better for society if women held more political positions than men. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 12% think it would be worse for society. A plurality (45%) thinks it would have no impact.​

Sorry, Liz.
Warren Presents "Heap Big Target" at debate:

Debate Knives Come Out for Lizzie. “Elizabeth Warren hit the stage for Tuesday’s Democratic debate as the front-runner for the first time and, as many suspected, with the spotlight came an increased level of attacks from her rivals.”
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.
When Warren was a young girl she flirted with the idea of being a young man. It was then she was removed from Brownie Scouts. So she understands what it's like to be part Cherokee Indian, and part male with a teeny weeny penis.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....

Funny, I have not heard a single policy from Pocahontas that I'd want if you shoved bamboo shoots under my nails while pouring boiling oil all over me. Is that why Warren was considered a distant 3rd runner behind Old Man Biden and Crazy Bernie?

Elizabeth Warren is a terrible candidate, incorporating most of Hillary’s flaws and none of her modest virtues.

l) Pretty much everyone now understands that Warren’s “Medicare For All” proposal will bankrupt America, require confiscatory taxes on the middle class, and destroy the stock market. The plan is so bad that leaders of the financial industry (“Wall Street”) have warned that if Warren is the Democrats’ nominee, they will support President Trump. For Wall Street to support a Republican is almost unthinkable, but if the Democrats nominate Warren, it will happen.

2) Warren is all in on taxing Americans to pay for health care for illegal aliens: Elizabeth Warren Confirms Her Medicare For All Plan Will Cover Illegal Immigrants. This will cost her countless votes.

3) Warren will suspend all deportations of illegal immigrants, including those who commit violent crimes. This would be a violation of her oath of office even more profound than Barack Obama’s. More important, it is deeply unpopular.

4) Warren has bought into the most outré elements of the Democrats’ increasingly weird coalition. This was her response to the question, “Who (or what) are (or is) the backbone of our democracy?” One can imagine how Democrats of prior generations might have answered that question. This was Warren’s response:

Elizabeth Warren


Thank you, @BlackWomxnFor! Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy and I don’t take this endorsement lightly. I'm committed to fighting alongside you for the big, structural change our country needs. https://twitter.com/BlackWomxnFor/status/1192457539541225472 …


@BlackWomxnFor presents 100 #BWFWarren - We write to endorse, enthusiastically and wholeheartedly, Senator @ewarren for President of the United States. Read our FULL STATEMENT: https://www.blackwomxnfor.com/fullendorse

Elizabeth Warren, like Hillary, will never be president. Democrats: nominate her. Please!
Women donations for Trump surge, No. 1 in suburbs

He has the most big-dollar suburban women donors, 10,534, and has received the most from them, $8,293,135, than any of the Democrats

Statistically, 28% of Trump's "itemized contributions" from women in 2016. For the 2020 election, they are 35%. But it could be higher, and likely is. That is because it is easier to get information on small donors who give $200 or less from Democrats than the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
You think every fucking union member in the US with their company paid for solid gold health care p;lan "wants" to loose their plan?
You're fucking delusional.
Wall Street HATE warren so they aren't going to support her.
Where the fuck in the economy going to get the 52 TRILLION bucks to give anyone free health care?
Warren could confiscate every fucking penny the 'wealthy' have and that money would last about two weeks covering the Warren health care 'plan'.
Warren is a certified congenital liar and she's telling another WHOPPER to get the LIB sheeple to vote for the free shit any sentient person knows is not free shit it's bullshit.
The usual garbage Fox hatchet job lol, brainwashed functional moron. I have now seen one form, a registration form for the Texas bar that she had already passed and had no bearing on anything. She was in her twenties and liked the fact that she had a great great grandmother who was an Indian. Her DNA test proved that she was right. Talk about your GOP political correctness going wild.... Anything to distract from the fact that she would help your family and friends have a much better life instead of the GOP giveaway to the rich and screwjob for everyone else you cluelessly support now and for the last 30 years no doubt.
Anyone who rides the elevator filled with American indians has more AI DNA on them than Warren has.
I did find her recipe for lobster cakes in the Cree indian cookbook she put the recipe in rather fancy.........considering there were/are NO Cree indians living within a thousand miles from where lobsters are harvested. LOL!
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
You think every fucking union member in the US with their company paid for solid gold health care p;lan "wants" to loose their plan?
You're fucking delusional.
Wall Street HATE warren so they aren't going to support her.
Where the fuck in the economy going to get the 52 TRILLION bucks to give anyone free health care?
Warren could confiscate every fucking penny the 'wealthy' have and that money would last about two weeks covering the Warren health care 'plan'.
Warren is a certified congenital liar and she's telling another WHOPPER to get the LIB sheeple to vote for the free shit any sentient person knows is not free shit it's bullshit.
it's funny how every other modern country can afford to do it while we as the richest country in the world cannot, isn't it, brainwashed functional moron? And of course we could get our ridiculous healthcare costs under control so much faster...
The usual garbage Fox hatchet job lol, brainwashed functional moron. I have now seen one form, a registration form for the Texas bar that she had already passed and had no bearing on anything. She was in her twenties and liked the fact that she had a great great grandmother who was an Indian. Her DNA test proved that she was right. Talk about your GOP political correctness going wild.... Anything to distract from the fact that she would help your family and friends have a much better life instead of the GOP giveaway to the rich and screwjob for everyone else you cluelessly support now and for the last 30 years no doubt.
Anyone who rides the elevator filled with American indians has more AI DNA on them than Warren has.
I did find her recipe for lobster cakes in the Cree indian cookbook she put the recipe in rather fancy.........considering there were/are NO Cree indians living within a thousand miles from where lobsters are harvested. LOL!
She said she had a great great grandmother who was native American and the blood tests proved that was absolutely possible. She tested at 1/64 to 1, 000th. All you hear is 1 of 1000 which is a lie.

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