Looks like Warren

She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Name them, liar.
Warren is for the regular people.

Republicans are for corporation & ru=ich people

Trump is for himself

Weird considering the mega-weathly and wealthy zip codes are primarily made-up of leftists. Yet it's REPUBLICANS who are for the rich. Looks like projection to me.
Rich Democrats are educated and know a healthy economy needs a healthy middle class. Wealthy Republicans are greedy hypocrite idiots. And bought off or Liars....
Really, Frank? So you are claiming that rich republicans AREN'T educated?
Last I checked, it is always the GOP who are trying to empower the Middle Class with self-actualization and personal empowerment.
Meantime, the democrats are forever telling them what victims they are always trying to drive them down into and keep them in poverty with government programs where the democrats spoon feed out just enough welfare for them to live in poverty.
People who are trained in business accountancy engineering medicine etc etc are no longer trained in history, ethics, citizenship or political science so are no better educated as observers of politics than High School grads like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and many of your other Heroes who are simply bought off swine......

Thanks to the GOP college is so expensive now people take courses only in there job future and are ignoramuses in politics. I had to tell my doctor and physician's assistant about subsidies for lower-income people for healthcare and all kinds of other things. Just like idiots like you, very wealthy people have no interest or experience about politics and are thus prone to brainwashing just like you are. if you get all your news and policy from the GOP propaganda machine, you know less than nothing factual and incredible details about imaginary scandals that have never gone anywhere in the real world of law enforcement and journalism. The world is aghast @gop idiocy and swampiness....

35 years of GOP give away to the rich tax rates and policies and a screw job for everyone else has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history. Only the brainwash makes it possible. change the channel sometimes, read a newspaper not published by scumbag Rupert Murdoch, and get a real political life, super duper.
Jesus fuik you people are uneducated & uninformed.

She had a test run. It said it was likely she had a NA ancestor 6-10 generations ago.

So PLEASE shut the fuck up until you educate your stupid ass.

My sister had the same freaking test run, and we are apparently 0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish- 5 times more Jewish than Mrs. Warren is supposedly Indian.

But it doesn't mean I should walk around in a yarmulke and start claiming to be a Learned Elder of Zion. Yet, Warren used her supposed status as a Squaw to get admitted to and employed by Harvard who was looking for "diversity"
Look you fucking asshole. You can't say she has no NA ancestry when she has proof she did.

It has been proven that any claim she made to have ancestry was not used to get a job.

Not only are you dumber than shit, a liar but a bigoted piece of shit.

Here is how stupid you are. There are guidelines to a person's ancestry in order to gain employment or any government benefits. Warren only had her family stories & never claimed anything beyond it.,

Harvard bragged about having "diversity" because Pocahontas was a "woman of color". Of course she used her claim of being a Squaw to further her career as a liberal.
No Harvard did. And I don't give a damn. Her policies are great and she is honest, not a mobbed-up fraud con man orange clown like your boy, brainwashed functional moron.The GOP is the swamp and has ruined our middle-class and infrastructure the last 35 years. No sacrifice is too great so your greedy idiot mega-rich Heroes don't have to pay their fair share. And their fair share is quite a bit more than now dumbass Jesus save America from these idiots....

Most of the last 30 years, the D's have been in charge, not the R's.
Tax rates and policy have been run by the GOP since 1982. The GOP has the GOP reconciliation rule which means they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts and cuts in services for the non rich. The Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform and tax hikes on the rich so have not been able to do any of that except for ObamaCare the last 35 years dumbass dupe. you are brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron.. idiot.
My sister had the same freaking test run, and we are apparently 0.5% Ashkenazi Jewish- 5 times more Jewish than Mrs. Warren is supposedly Indian.

But it doesn't mean I should walk around in a yarmulke and start claiming to be a Learned Elder of Zion. Yet, Warren used her supposed status as a Squaw to get admitted to and employed by Harvard who was looking for "diversity"
Look you fucking asshole. You can't say she has no NA ancestry when she has proof she did.

It has been proven that any claim she made to have ancestry was not used to get a job.

Not only are you dumber than shit, a liar but a bigoted piece of shit.

Here is how stupid you are. There are guidelines to a person's ancestry in order to gain employment or any government benefits. Warren only had her family stories & never claimed anything beyond it.,

Harvard bragged about having "diversity" because Pocahontas was a "woman of color". Of course she used her claim of being a Squaw to further her career as a liberal.
No Harvard did. And I don't give a damn. Her policies are great and she is honest, not a mobbed-up fraud con man orange clown like your boy, brainwashed functional moron.The GOP is the swamp and has ruined our middle-class and infrastructure the last 35 years. No sacrifice is too great so your greedy idiot mega-rich Heroes don't have to pay their fair share. And their fair share is quite a bit more than now dumbass Jesus save America from these idiots....

Most of the last 30 years, the D's have been in charge, not the R's.
Tax rates and policy have been run by the GOP since 1982. The GOP has the GOP reconciliation rule which means they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts and cuts in services for the non rich. The Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform and tax hikes on the rich so have not been able to do any of that except for ObamaCare the last 35 years dumbass dupe. you are brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron.. idiot.

Apparently you forgot about Clinton's Massive tax increases in 1993. Or Obama's Repeal of the W tax cuts.
Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Name them, liar.
Background checks, taxing the rich more and giant corporations Tama living wage good infrastructure healthcare for all guaranteed. Etc etc brainwashed functional moron.
So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Look you fucking asshole. You can't say she has no NA ancestry when she has proof she did.

It has been proven that any claim she made to have ancestry was not used to get a job.

Not only are you dumber than shit, a liar but a bigoted piece of shit.

Here is how stupid you are. There are guidelines to a person's ancestry in order to gain employment or any government benefits. Warren only had her family stories & never claimed anything beyond it.,

Harvard bragged about having "diversity" because Pocahontas was a "woman of color". Of course she used her claim of being a Squaw to further her career as a liberal.
No Harvard did. And I don't give a damn. Her policies are great and she is honest, not a mobbed-up fraud con man orange clown like your boy, brainwashed functional moron.The GOP is the swamp and has ruined our middle-class and infrastructure the last 35 years. No sacrifice is too great so your greedy idiot mega-rich Heroes don't have to pay their fair share. And their fair share is quite a bit more than now dumbass Jesus save America from these idiots....

Most of the last 30 years, the D's have been in charge, not the R's.
Tax rates and policy have been run by the GOP since 1982. The GOP has the GOP reconciliation rule which means they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts and cuts in services for the non rich. The Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform and tax hikes on the rich so have not been able to do any of that except for ObamaCare the last 35 years dumbass dupe. you are brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron.. idiot.

Apparently you forgot about Clinton's Massive tax increases in 1993. Or Obama's Repeal of the W tax cuts.
And what was Clinton's massive tax hike on the rich 4%? You are out of your mind. And Obama never repealed Bush's tax cuts. Brainwashed functional idiot, you live on an imaginary planet.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Name them, liar.
Background checks, taxing the rich more and giant corporations Tama living wage good infrastructure healthcare for all guaranteed. Etc etc brainwashed functional moron.
So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Name them, liar.
Background checks, taxing the rich more and giant corporations Tama living wage good infrastructure healthcare for all guaranteed. Etc etc brainwashed functional moron.
So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Background checks, taxing the rich more and giant corporations Tama living wage good infrastructure healthcare for all guaranteed. Etc etc brainwashed functional moron.
So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.
Harvard bragged about having "diversity" because Pocahontas was a "woman of color". Of course she used her claim of being a Squaw to further her career as a liberal.
No Harvard did. And I don't give a damn. Her policies are great and she is honest, not a mobbed-up fraud con man orange clown like your boy, brainwashed functional moron.The GOP is the swamp and has ruined our middle-class and infrastructure the last 35 years. No sacrifice is too great so your greedy idiot mega-rich Heroes don't have to pay their fair share. And their fair share is quite a bit more than now dumbass Jesus save America from these idiots....

Most of the last 30 years, the D's have been in charge, not the R's.
Tax rates and policy have been run by the GOP since 1982. The GOP has the GOP reconciliation rule which means they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts and cuts in services for the non rich. The Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform and tax hikes on the rich so have not been able to do any of that except for ObamaCare the last 35 years dumbass dupe. you are brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron.. idiot.

Apparently you forgot about Clinton's Massive tax increases in 1993. Or Obama's Repeal of the W tax cuts.
And what was Clinton's massive tax hike on the rich 4%? You are out of your mind. And Obama never repealed Bush's tax cuts. Brainwashed functional idiot, you live on an imaginary planet.
But Republicans did stop Obama's payroll tax cut. Because they only like tax cuts for the rich.. .Did you know that Trump's tiny tax cuts for the Non rich end in 2024 but not the tax cuts for the rich, super duper?
So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.

Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.


Also called the CCCP as well as the USSR.

Liberal crooners back in the day praise Joe Stalin, Bloody Gorby and the other leaders of the super state. The sang "Back in the USSR, you don't how lucky you are"
The liar finds it funny when you post the truth.

So communism. Good luck selling that shit.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.
Nazi- National Socialist

It’s actually in their name you moron.

Socialism always turns into communism. Remember Venezuela dumb ass?
Name them, liar.
Warren is for the regular people.

Republicans are for corporation & ru=ich people

Trump is for himself

Weird considering the mega-weathly and wealthy zip codes are primarily made-up of leftists. Yet it's REPUBLICANS who are for the rich. Looks like projection to me.
Rich Democrats are educated and know a healthy economy needs a healthy middle class. Wealthy Republicans are greedy hypocrite idiots. And bought off or Liars....
Really, Frank? So you are claiming that rich republicans AREN'T educated?
Last I checked, it is always the GOP who are trying to empower the Middle Class with self-actualization and personal empowerment.
Meantime, the democrats are forever telling them what victims they are always trying to drive them down into and keep them in poverty with government programs where the democrats spoon feed out just enough welfare for them to live in poverty.
The GOP believes the Middfe Csass are only entitled to what trickles down from the wealthy.


What does the DNC believe the Middle Class are entitled to, what trickles up from the poor?


Who stopped you then, the Russians?
Look you fucking asshole. You can't say she has no NA ancestry when she has proof she did.

It has been proven that any claim she made to have ancestry was not used to get a job.

Not only are you dumber than shit, a liar but a bigoted piece of shit.

Here is how stupid you are. There are guidelines to a person's ancestry in order to gain employment or any government benefits. Warren only had her family stories & never claimed anything beyond it.,

Harvard bragged about having "diversity" because Pocahontas was a "woman of color". Of course she used her claim of being a Squaw to further her career as a liberal.
No Harvard did. And I don't give a damn. Her policies are great and she is honest, not a mobbed-up fraud con man orange clown like your boy, brainwashed functional moron.The GOP is the swamp and has ruined our middle-class and infrastructure the last 35 years. No sacrifice is too great so your greedy idiot mega-rich Heroes don't have to pay their fair share. And their fair share is quite a bit more than now dumbass Jesus save America from these idiots....

Most of the last 30 years, the D's have been in charge, not the R's.
Tax rates and policy have been run by the GOP since 1982. The GOP has the GOP reconciliation rule which means they only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass tax cuts and cuts in services for the non rich. The Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform and tax hikes on the rich so have not been able to do any of that except for ObamaCare the last 35 years dumbass dupe. you are brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You are a brainwashed functional moron.. idiot.

Apparently you forgot about Clinton's Massive tax increases in 1993. Or Obama's Repeal of the W tax cuts.
Apparently, you are too fucking stupid to know that the 1993 was to reduce the deficit. Republicans love deficits.

It was the actions in 1993 that help lead to Clinton's BALANCED BUDGET. You assfucks used to pretend to want a balanced budget but now all you do is pile onto the debt.

And those W tax cuts? They were always set to expire.
Actually, that is fair capitalism, brainwashed functional moron. Or what is known as socialism in every other modern country, that is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all industry and business. You are an idiot.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.

Actually the Union of Soviet socialist republics. Socialism has had three definitions over history. First Marxism proven wrong and not at all democratic so not socialist. Second USSR as socialism, then people realized in the twenties and thirties that there was no democracy in the Soviets, which were councils that ended up with no power. A communist dictatorship. Nowadays socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Like they have in every modern country but us, thanks to you brainwashed functional morons. But as a dupe you want to confuse the two and give us the dictatorships propaganda for Christ's sake. Nazis are not socialist just because they said so, neither are communists. That is called propaganda, which obviously you cannot recognize since you are full of it. And yes I have a masters in history so I know what the hell is going on instead of being a chump of the greedy idiot rich like you...

"We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Although he did not realize how great the GOP is at obstructing and sabotaging Justice and fairness.
Does it even matter? It seems like democrats abandoned the campaign in favor of Banana Republic politics.
They are for Trump now? God you are an idiot... Banana Republics are corporate run American scumbag GOP oligarchies, dumbass dupe. The GOP is the swamp stupid. Only the brainwash makes your idiocy possible.... The world is aghast at your stupidity.
Socialism has nothing to do with fair no matter what stupid name you want to give it. Only an idiot pines for a system that has never had success in its history.
Like all GOP dupes, you're talking about communism. Brainwashed functional moron LOL. Everyone else in the modern world is talking about Bernie Sanders and the governments of every modern country but us, idiot.
Yeah cockroach, that's why he said socialism.
Look up brainwashed in the dictionary and there probably is a picture of you. only GOP dupes think socialism is communism and communism is socialism, in the entire world. Or the Nazis are socialist LOL. The greatest generation who fought the Nazis are spinning in the graves at your idiocy. you are terminally confused, baffled with BS.

Actually the Union of Soviet socialist republics. Socialism has had three definitions over history. First Marxism proven wrong and not at all democratic so not socialist. Second USSR as socialism, then people realized in the twenties and thirties that there was no democracy in the Soviets, which were councils that ended up with no power. A communist dictatorship. Nowadays socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Like they have in every modern country but us, thanks to you brainwashed functional morons. But as a dupe you want to confuse the two and give us the dictatorships propaganda for Christ's sake. Nazis are not socialist just because they said so, neither are communists. That is called propaganda, which obviously you cannot recognize since you are full of it. And yes I have a masters in history so I know what the hell is going on instead of being a chump of the greedy idiot rich like you...

"We are all socialists now!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Although he did not realize how great the GOP is at obstructing and sabotaging Justice and fairness.

Take it up with Lenin liar.

The leader of the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, once said, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

In “Karl Marx’ 6 steps of communism,” socialism is step 5. Please don’t tell me not to confuse socialism and communism."

The leader of the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, once said, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

In “Karl Marx’ 6 steps of communism,” socialism is step 5. Please don’t tell me not to confuse socialism and communism.
Warren is for the regular people.

Republicans are for corporation & ru=ich people

Trump is for himself

Weird considering the mega-weathly and wealthy zip codes are primarily made-up of leftists. Yet it's REPUBLICANS who are for the rich. Looks like projection to me.
Rich Democrats are educated and know a healthy economy needs a healthy middle class. Wealthy Republicans are greedy hypocrite idiots. And bought off or Liars....
Really, Frank? So you are claiming that rich republicans AREN'T educated?
Last I checked, it is always the GOP who are trying to empower the Middle Class with self-actualization and personal empowerment.
Meantime, the democrats are forever telling them what victims they are always trying to drive them down into and keep them in poverty with government programs where the democrats spoon feed out just enough welfare for them to live in poverty.
The GOP believes the Middfe Csass are only entitled to what trickles down from the wealthy.


What does the DNC believe the Middle Class are entitled to, what trickles up from the poor?


Who stopped you then, the Russians?

The Middle Class is entitled to a living wage.

The Republicans basically controlled Congress from 1995 through 2006. Six with a Republican President.

All they managed to do was create the worst recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, two quagmire wars, and trillion pus deficits.

But hey, you assfucks keep blaming Democrats.

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