Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor

Manafort volunteered to work as Trump's campaign manager FOR FREE....

Why would Manafort do that.....? A man that Trump claims he hardly knows and only worked for Candidate Trump for 5 months?

I'm all for finding out ALL of the truth and I certainly support prosecuting those that broke the law.

Why is it that Democrats don't want to know all of the truth nor prosecute Democrats that break the law?



When will the press comment about Trump's Waterloo moment? Or Trumps Katrina?

Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?
I believe she was careless, but not criminal, just as Comey explained....
Manafort volunteered to work as Trump's campaign manager FOR FREE....

Why would Manafort do that.....? A man that Trump claims he hardly knows and only worked for Candidate Trump for 5 months?

I'm all for finding out ALL of the truth and I certainly support prosecuting those that broke the law.

Why is it that Democrats don't want to know all of the truth nor prosecute Democrats that break the law?



When will the press comment about Trump's Waterloo moment? Or Trumps Katrina?

Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?

Evidently not....or she would have been prosecuted
The article/ opinion piece, is based on a LIE....a delusion....created by Trump, to confuse and cause chaos and division....

Manaforts FISA Surveillance began in 2014.... long long before Trump announced running as a candidate....

No one got and no judge issued a FISA warrant on manafort because manafort worked in the Trump campaign.

This is just another fake and false narrative....anyone can see this if they dig deeper than a nano inch.
FISA has said it was wrong.

end of story.
Manafort volunteered to work as Trump's campaign manager FOR FREE....

Why would Manafort do that.....? A man that Trump claims he hardly knows and only worked for Candidate Trump for 5 months?

I'm all for finding out ALL of the truth and I certainly support prosecuting those that broke the law.

Why is it that Democrats don't want to know all of the truth nor prosecute Democrats that break the law?



When will the press comment about Trump's Waterloo moment? Or Trumps Katrina?

Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?

She's either a villainous super villain with the ability to outwit prosecutors and GOP led investigations at will, or the GOP is totally inept, or no.

You choose.
Hollywood made a bunch of movies about Nixon and Clinton and Obama are much worse than Nixon.
nixon just threatened to use the gov agencies against their opponents.

obama perfected it.

How many of the application were denied by the IRS. Who lost their tax free status at any time? The rule of course says that these tax free organization who don't have to disclose their donor list can't be political. Does it make sense to target those organizations with political sounding names? Or should they be given tax free benefits with out a single bit of verification?
Hollywood made a bunch of movies about Nixon and Clinton and Obama are much worse than Nixon.
nixon just threatened to use the gov agencies against their opponents.

obama perfected it.

How many of the application were denied by the IRS. Who lost their tax free status at any time? The rule of course says that these tax free organization who don't have to disclose their donor list can't be political. Does it make sense to target those organizations with political sounding names? Or should they be given tax free benefits with out a single bit of verification?

that's it.

all innocent, just sour grapes by the other side.
Hollywood made a bunch of movies about Nixon and Clinton and Obama are much worse than Nixon.
nixon just threatened to use the gov agencies against their opponents.

obama perfected it.

How many of the application were denied by the IRS. Who lost their tax free status at any time? The rule of course says that these tax free organization who don't have to disclose their donor list can't be political. Does it make sense to target those organizations with political sounding names? Or should they be given tax free benefits with out a single bit of verification?

that's it.

all innocent, just sour grapes by the other side.

The real scandal it uncovered was and still is being ignored by both parties because they both benefit from the corrupt system.
I'm all for finding out ALL of the truth and I certainly support prosecuting those that broke the law.

Why is it that Democrats don't want to know all of the truth nor prosecute Democrats that break the law?



When will the press comment about Trump's Waterloo moment? Or Trumps Katrina?

Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?
I believe she was careless, but not criminal, just as Comey explained....


Lois Lerner was careless too when her Hard Drive Magically disappeared in the middle of her being investigated.
Now that Jared Kushner has admitted to using private email....is he going to release all of his emails?
The article/ opinion piece, is based on a LIE....a delusion....created by Trump, to confuse and cause chaos and division....

Manaforts FISA Surveillance began in 2014.... long long before Trump announced running as a candidate....

No one got and no judge issued a FISA warrant on manafort because manafort worked in the Trump campaign.

This is just another fake and false narrative....anyone can see this if they dig deeper than a nano inch.
FISA has said it was wrong.

end of story.
No they didn't.
The article/ opinion piece, is based on a LIE....a delusion....created by Trump, to confuse and cause chaos and division....

Manaforts FISA Surveillance began in 2014.... long long before Trump announced running as a candidate....

No one got and no judge issued a FISA warrant on manafort because manafort worked in the Trump campaign.

This is just another fake and false narrative....anyone can see this if they dig deeper than a nano inch.
FISA has said it was wrong.

end of story.
No they didn't.
FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens

argue with them. i'm not playing the issue slicing until you find what you want to make illegal activity ok in your world.

have a wonderful day.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?
Nice conservative spin to try to pin the crimes of the Trump administration on the Great Obama

Manafort was tapped because he was breaking the law
The FBI got the wire taps court approved

Now we get to hear what Trump was telling Manafort
The GREAT Obama??
More like the Great Oz.
The curtain is slowly being peeled back.......


When will the press comment about Trump's Waterloo moment? Or Trumps Katrina?

Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?
I believe she was careless, but not criminal, just as Comey explained....


Lois Lerner was careless too when her Hard Drive Magically disappeared in the middle of her being investigated.
You are so uninformed!!!!

Hillary was subpoenaed for her gov't emails, not for her 33k in personal private emails....her server was not subpoenaed by the Congress.....nor were her personal emails.....deleting her personal emails and not sending them to the govt for the govt records was FOLLOWING the gov't rules.
Hillary's name should have been added to that list, but it wasn't, which proves my point.

Even the Russian stooges don't believe that shit.

Did you order the Pepperoni of the Deluxe w/Anchovies?

You don't believe Hillary broke any laws?
I believe she was careless, but not criminal, just as Comey explained....


Lois Lerner was careless too when her Hard Drive Magically disappeared in the middle of her being investigated.
You are so uninformed!!!!

Hillary was subpoenaed for her gov't emails, not for her 33k in personal private emails....her server was not subpoenaed by the Congress.....nor were her personal emails.....deleting her personal emails and not sending them to the govt for the govt records was FOLLOWING the gov't rules.
Well, Prove to us she had 33,000 Emails about Yoga Pants. She's a Known Liar, and a Criminal.
She is also an Attorney who claims NOT TO KNOW THE LAW.
She has also done nothing but suck off the tit of Government her entire life and Claims she does not know what a classified document looks like.

This bitch was either too much of a dishonest piece of shit to be president, or too much of a LIAR.

You choose which is the more accurate description of her.

Either way she deserves to be hit by a bus so that she will quit polluting our atmosphere with CO2 every time she opens her damn mouth.

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