Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor

Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?
Nice conservative spin to try to pin the crimes of the Trump administration on the Great Obama

Manafort was tapped because he was breaking the law
The FBI got the wire taps court approved

Now we get to hear what Trump was telling Manafort

What law was he breaking exactly?
We are not privy to that info, but you can't get a Federal Judge to approve a FISA warrant to wiretap unless you show that Judge evidence of a crime.


THE intelligence community is set up to enforce the diktates of the police state.

FISA Court Has Rejected .03 Percent Of All Government Surveillance Requests
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Do these "multiple sources" just involve several wingnut sites quoting other wingnut sites in an attempt to provide you with fake news?
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Do these "multiple sources" just involve several wingnut sites quoting other wingnut sites in an attempt to provide you with fake news?

I know this. Obama, Hillary and their goons were serial fucking liars and you couldn't suck his schlong hard enough you stupid k*nt.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Do these "multiple sources" just involve several wingnut sites quoting other wingnut sites in an attempt to provide you with fake news?

I know this. Obama, Hillary and their goons were serial fucking liars and you couldn't suck his schlong hard enough you stupid k*nt.

Come on, based on your posts I seriously doubt that you know anything.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

What if I told you there is no grandest-conspiracy-ever and you are just a whacked out nutter in for a lifetime of disappointment?


You fellas take in uncritically totally baseless assertions (Obama spied on Trump) and then are perplexed why your falsehoods don't bear out in the justice system.

It's not the world, it's YOU and your spectacular fails at thought and analysis that is the problem. Poor Sessions trying his rightwinger darnest at leading the DOJ out in the phenomenon we call reality.

Simple question. Did Hillary break the law with her private server, classified material escapade?

She mishandled some classified material, but there was no evidence she did so for any gain or ill intent. For that reason FBI's REPUBLICAN director recommended that the case is to be closed.

We also have Petraeus who literally gave folders of classified materials to his journalist lover with full intent. He got 2 years probation.

The emails fiasco and the way Comey handled it probably cost Hillary the election - an outcome far worse than jail time for most. What the F else do you want to happen to Hillary for you nuts to move on from daily posting about damn Hillary's emails?
The worst part about left wing corruption is that the Press is supposed to protect the public, not Corrupt Democrat Politicians

I suspect much of the MSM is bought and paid for by guys like Soros, Hillary and the Obama.

Ok, then the best thing for you to do is hide out under the breitbart rock of the lower educated.
The Dirty Democrat Politicians easily exploit the ignorance and hate of the Troglocrat Voters
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

What if I told you there is no grandest-conspiracy-ever and you are just a whacked out nutter in for a lifetime of disappointment?


You fellas take in uncritically totally baseless assertions (Obama spied on Trump) and then are perplexed why your falsehoods don't bear out in the justice system.

It's not the world, it's YOU and your spectacular fails at thought and analysis that is the problem. Poor Sessions trying his rightwinger darnest at leading the DOJ out in the phenomenon we call reality.

Simple question. Did Hillary break the law with her private server, classified material escapade?

She mishandled some classified material, but there was no evidence she did so for any gain or ill intent. For that reason FBI's REPUBLICAN director recommended that the case is to be closed.

We also have Petraeus who literally gave folders of classified materials to his journalist lover with full intent. He got 2 years probation.

The emails fiasco and the way Comey handled it probably cost Hillary the election - an outcome far worse than jail time for most. What the F else do you want to happen to Hillary for you nuts to move on from daily posting about damn Hillary's emails?

That's utter bullshit. She blatantly broke the law and got a free pass from the corrupt DOJ and serial-lying Obama. Thanks for the k*nt act. I knew you would like every fucking lying liberal asshole.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Do these "multiple sources" just involve several wingnut sites quoting other wingnut sites in an attempt to provide you with fake news?

I know this. Obama, Hillary and their goons were serial fucking liars and you couldn't suck his schlong hard enough you stupid k*nt.

Again, I seriously doubt that you know anything.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

What if I told you there is no grandest-conspiracy-ever and you are just a whacked out nutter in for a lifetime of disappointment?


You fellas take in uncritically totally baseless assertions (Obama spied on Trump) and then are perplexed why your falsehoods don't bear out in the justice system.

It's not the world, it's YOU and your spectacular fails at thought and analysis that is the problem. Poor Sessions trying his rightwinger darnest at leading the DOJ out in the phenomenon we call reality.

Simple question. Did Hillary break the law with her private server, classified material escapade?

She mishandled some classified material, but there was no evidence she did so for any gain or ill intent. For that reason FBI's REPUBLICAN director recommended that the case is to be closed.

We also have Petraeus who literally gave folders of classified materials to his journalist lover with full intent. He got 2 years probation.

The emails fiasco and the way Comey handled it probably cost Hillary the election - an outcome far worse than jail time for most. What the F else do you want to happen to Hillary for you nuts to move on from daily posting about damn Hillary's emails?

That's utter bullshit. She blatantly broke the law and got a free pass from the corrupt DOJ and serial-lying Obama. Thanks for the k*nt act. I knew you would like every fucking lying liberal asshole.

....you just skipped over everything I said and re-asserted very same thing with ZERO account of my answer. ZERO account of Petraeus case and fair proportionality it clearly shows.

Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice. You'd have right about the same response no matter what she was accused of, because you don't give two shits about justice, what you are looking for is to hang Hillary for SOMETHING and you'll grab any straw in sight.

You say there is grand conspiracy to protect Democrats because of Hillary's emails? Well how come events like these do not enter into your calculus:

Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey goes on trial on federal corruption charges in less than three weeks

At Senator Menendez’s Trial, Stakes Are High for Democrats
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Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison. She BLATANTLY broke and law and she should have been prosecuted but your corrupt president and your corrupt AG and your corrupt DOJ got her off the hook. How many fucking immunities did the FBI issue to Hillary minions for nothing in return? They were handing out immunities to save them from prosecution later because they're all fucking corrupt and YOU support them. Then, you tell me I'm crazy that there's no conspiracy and everything is on the "up and up". You're either a shill, a liar or dumber than a fucking rock. Which is it?

Read this:

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant.

...although there may have been profound harm to national security caused by her grossly negligent mishandling of classified information, we’ve decided she shouldn’t be prosecuted for grossly negligent mishandling of classified information.

Cue the k*nt act.

This thread is about Obama's corruption and the corruption of his goons. It's not about Petraeus, who worked for Obama, incidentally. But I suppose we could throw in his malfeasance into the mountain of corruption that team Obama engaged in.
Count me as skeptical that Obama will be held accountable for any crimes or corruption in which he may have engaged. I have lost confidence in Trump to get it done and I think Jeff Sessions is utterly worthless. Additionally, the DOJ and the FBI are also corrupt and will block any attempt to enforce the law when it involves Democrats.

COMMENTARY: Looming Obamagate will make Watergate look like a misdemeanor


According to multiple media reports out last week, officials in the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign. They wiretapped Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort both before and after the election. It appears other top Trump aides were also wiretapped, as was Trump Tower.

Which means while government agents were supposedly listening for “criminal activity,” they just happened to hear every plan of the Trump campaign … they just happened to know what would be in Trump’s speeches … they knew his line of attack versus Hillary … they knew his debate prep … they knew everything Trump was planning before he did it. That’s some valuable inside information.

It was the perfect crime — or so Obama thought. Because with all this inside information on the Trump campaign in the hands of Hillary and her campaign team, she couldn’t lose. And after her easy victory, Hillary would be in control of the Department of Justice. So who would ever investigate or prosecute?

Do these "multiple sources" just involve several wingnut sites quoting other wingnut sites in an attempt to provide you with fake news?

I know this. Obama, Hillary and their goons were serial fucking liars and you couldn't suck his schlong hard enough you stupid k*nt.

Again, I seriously doubt that you know anything.

Yea, k*nt, how many times did Hillary state that she didn't transmit classified information when, in fact, SHE DID on a number of occasions per Jim Comey? Do you want to answer that or can I anticipate more of the k*nt act?
Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison.

Who did not intend and went to prison?

Are you going to honestly address Petraeus case where he DID intend and got 2 year probation he is already done with?
Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison.

Who did not intend and went to prison?

Are you going to honestly address Petraeus case where he DID intend and got 2 year probation he is already done with?

I asked you before and you ducked me. Let's try again. Did Hillary break the law?
This thread is about Obama's corruption and the corruption of his goons. It's not about Petraeus, who worked for Obama, incidentally. But I suppose we could throw in his malfeasance into the mountain of corruption that team Obama engaged in.


How the fuck does negligence even of criminal sort, add up to CORRUPTION?

Do you even know what the word means?
Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison.

Who did not intend and went to prison?

Are you going to honestly address Petraeus case where he DID intend and got 2 year probation he is already done with?

I asked you before and you ducked me. Let's try again. Did Hillary break the law?


You said someone went to prison. I'm asking you who.

There were many cases of mishandling classified information and those that FBI remoends to persecute have to meet certain criterias, INTENT being one of them.
Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison.

Who did not intend and went to prison?

Are you going to honestly address Petraeus case where he DID intend and got 2 year probation he is already done with?

I asked you before and you ducked me. Let's try again. Did Hillary break the law?


You said someone went to prison. I'm asking you who.

There's the k*nt act. You're a dishonest, lying piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.
Hillary's email mishandling is a relatively minor transgression, but your crazy little mind mixes your personal feelings for Hillary and actual justice.

Utter horseshit. I've yet to hear a liberal on this forum acknowledge that she broke the law. It's not even in dispute. Comey said that she didn't "intend" to hurt America and so she got a pass. Others didn't "intend" and they got sent to prison.

Who did not intend and went to prison?

Are you going to honestly address Petraeus case where he DID intend and got 2 year probation he is already done with?

I asked you before and you ducked me. Let's try again. Did Hillary break the law?
Checking in.....how are those indictments coming along? We've been promised they were coming for a very very long time.

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