Looters take advantage of Hurricane Irma

Nah I don't see any proof of this post being racist. But since you are trying to make a case for liberals being able to relate to looters I think bigoted is a fair assessment.
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Typical fucktard liberal....ignore the REAL problem and DEFLECT to liberal key words like "BIGOT"

THANK for proving my point.
What point was it you were making? I didn't deflect anything. Btw I didn't even call you a bigot. I called the post bigoted. I don't know you well enough to have an assessment of you one way or another. The post in general and your title in particular does imply that liberal can relate to looters, which is a bigoted standpoint. I'll give you a liberal example. It would be bigoted of me to call Trump supporters neo-nazi's. It wouldn't be bigoted though to assert that MOST, probably all, neo-nazi's are Trump supporters. It would be bigoted of you to say that all blacks are looters, it's not bigoted to say that blacks are more prevalent to those crimes. I could give you a reasoning for this but you wouldn't be interested. The point is if you don't want a label to be pinned on you, then don't say things that warrant that label.
The cops caught the animals you see here so that's good

What's to stop them from doing it again after they get a slap on the wrist from the court system?

Supposedly, here in Florida, looting during a state of emergency is a No-Bond Felony.

I read that also...and because of the publicity this video has caused - I would imagine that is exactly what will happen. One can hope.
It is outrageous, and most definitely widespread across Florida. Who can forget the videos and pictures of people looting after Katrina? People using their kids to help push cart loads of stuff, people using makeshift trailers so they could carry even more stuff.
It is the culture. When you have had pounded in your brain you are a victim of everything - then you will believe you "deserve" the things you can't afford and "getting even" with those victimizing you.
But, the media will whitewash this just like they did with Katrina.
Disasters bring out the best and the worst in people. It was refreshing to see people helping each other during Harvey.

What happened in Florida is what the worst of the worst looks like. Not just stealing from businesses and homes that were evacuated but even posing as utility workers and pulling guns on people as they answered the doors. I guess the scum figured police would be busy elsewhere so it would be a good time to commit some crimes. Many got caught and I hope they find anyone else who would sink so low.

Some people focus on how they can help others in need. Others just focus on helping themselves to the property of others.

"Before the rain had stopped falling, scumbags all over Florida were caught looting while Hurricane Irma was still unleashing its wrath on residents of the Sunshine State.

According to the Daily Mail, “At least 32 people have been arrested across Florida for trying to loot empty businesses and homes that have been evacuated in preparation for Hurricane Irma - 28 alone in Miami, according to local authorities.”

From Orlando to Miami, these human wastes of space did everything from loot businesses to breaking into evacuated homes in order to steal from hurricane evacuees. Some criminals even attempted to steal guns from a sporting goods store (the joke was on them, though, as the store was apparently empty).

In perhaps the worst example of humanity, several criminals posed as utility workers during the storm, knocking on doors and robbing people at gunpoint."

Looters Robbed Stores and Evacuated Homes During Hurricane Irma
I think its all a mistake.

Those folks sitting in jail in the above picture, and ALL the other pictures I've seen of this alleged "looting"---are of folks just collecting on their Reparations.
They are not afraid of the non-existent "police brutality" when they gettin' busy!

Looters are, in large part, opportunistic ass holes.

That said, what the hell does "exist because of whitey paying their bills" mean? Do you think whites paying bills is a requirement for someone to be born? :p
They are not afraid of the non-existent "police brutality" when they gettin' busy!

Who knows?
Thats like asking whites that depended on Blacks to educate them twice why they committed genocide and looted entire continents?

I mean like why do you attract hair lice? Why are you recessive?
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Looters are, in large part, opportunistic ass holes.

That said, what the hell does "exist because of whitey paying their bills" mean? Do you think whites paying bills is a requirement for someone to be born? :p
Personally I dont know anyone that exists because whitey pays their bills but I thought maybe he knows some.
Bless them for saving those shoes in the hour of their greatest need. They would have surely drowned without their assistance.
Don't blacks get lice???
It doesn't last long...
Thats like asking whites that depended on Blacks to educate them twice why they committed genocide and looted entire continents?
Shooting attacking spearchuckers with firearms is not looting. It's called Darwinism.
Those "spearchuckers" were trying to defend their homelands from white thugs who came to rape, pillage and plunder. Cowards like you
just love it when you can wreak destruction
on people of color with few consequences or risks to yourselves.... Vietnam Cuba and North Korea ...three third world countries put a check on your ass. Its just too bad so many American, Viets Cibans and Koreans had to die because our arrogant politicians underestimated the resolve and determination of armed autochtnonous people who come together rto resist militant imperialism. Many white "patriots" fled the country and moved to Canada or paid some doctor to make false physical evaluations ..i.e. deferments for minor condolitions such as bone spurs... But many 19 yesr olds, Black, White or whatever... heeded the call and faced the horrors of war. I was one of them..
My reward is getting home safe and being able to have a voice in selecting my leaders...hoping to keep idiots like those who got us mired in Vietnam from coming to power again.... unfortunately, things do not
always go the way I want: but that's America. Now we have Trump who seems to be obsessed with putting us back on the road to another Vietnam.

Allow me to toy with the remark you made about spearchuckers and substitue Asian communistsarmed with AK-47s and backed by military might of China. Kim Jong Un would understands the relevance of your spearchucker comment and apply it thustly: He has seen that he has to be aggressive if he wants to survive. He saw what happened to Saddam Hussein and Kadafi when they capitulated and gave up their WMDs. Kim knows he same thing is going to happen to him. Can you really blame him for being so aggressive?
After all there must be millions of Americans who think like you do that those spear chuckers, communist Asians or whatever must kneel before you or die.
Thats like asking whites that depended on Blacks to educate them twice why they committed genocide and looted entire continents?
Shooting attacking spearchuckers with firearms is not looting. It's called Darwinism.
Those "spearchuckers" were trying to defend their homelands from white thugs who came to rape, pillage and plunder. Cowards like you
just love it when you can wreak destruction
on people of color with few consequences or risks to yourselves.... Vietnam Cuba and North Korea ...three third world countries put a check on your ass. Its just too bad so many American, Viets Cibans and Koreans had to die because our arrogant politicians underestimated the resolve and determination of armed autochtnonous people who come together rto resist militant imperialism. Many white "patriots" fled the country and moved to Canada or paid some doctor to make false physical evaluations ..i.e. deferments for minor condolitions such as bone spurs... But many 19 yesr olds, Black, White or whatever... heeded the call and faced the horrors of war. I was one of them..
My reward is getting home safe and being able to have a voice in selecting my leaders...hoping to keep idiots like those who got us mired in Vietnam from coming to power again.... unfortunately, things do not
always go the way I want: but that's America. Now we have Trump who seems to be obsessed with putting us back on the road to another Vietnam.

Allow me to toy with the remark you made about spearchuckers and substitue Asian communistsarmed with AK-47s and backed by military might of China. Kim Jong Un would understands the relevance of your spearchucker comment and apply it thustly: He has seen that he has to be aggressive if he wants to survive. He saw what happened to Saddam Hussein and Kadafi when they capitulated and gave up their WMDs. Kim knows he same thing is going to happen to him. Can you really blame him for being so aggressive?
After all they must be millions of Americans who think like you do that those spear chuckers, communist Asians or whatever must kneel before you or die.
Blaming current people for the actions of their ancestors only petty cowards do such a thing...

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