LORD or lord

I see you never read Moshe's admonition to the people near the end of Devarim where Moshe said this would happen because God is with us and expects us to be up to par.
I presume you have never read anything in order or context.
I presume they never taught you that if God stopped thinking about you even for an instance, you would cease to exist.
You have been trained to believe God is a bastard.
That's just another dumb statement. You are racking up a bunch of those. Why would we cease to exist if God stopped thinking about us? Yet, he gives us free will and free moral agency to choose for ourselves good or evil.
So, if we aren't up to par like the 10 tribes of the north, was he still with them as they disappeared into the people of the various lands they ended up in as Gentiles and probably heathen as well? Now, if those family members accept Christ, will they be remembered once again? Yes! It's why Jesus went to spirit prison to preach to the spirits of those who were wicked in the days of Noah and were swept away by the flood. And, this is why our Church does baptisms and other ordinances for those who have died without the knowledge and opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer.
This "God is with us" in context, means literally on earth with us.
That's just another dumb statement. You are racking up a bunch of those. Why would we cease to exist if God stopped thinking about us? Yet, he gives us free will and free moral agency to choose for ourselves good or evil.
So, if we aren't up to par like the 10 tribes of the north, was he still with them as they disappeared into the people of the various lands they ended up in as Gentiles and probably heathen as well? Now, if those family members accept Christ, will they be remembered once again? Yes! It's why Jesus went to spirit prison to preach to the spirits of those who were wicked in the days of Noah and were swept away by the flood. And, this is why our Church does baptisms and other ordinances for those who have died without the knowledge and opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer.
This "God is with us" in context, means literally on earth with us.
The issue is you didn't start from Genesis 1:1 till the end of Tanach; you started with Jesus and snarked your way back to the Torah.
You are an emotionally dependent, weak willed person needs a daddy and who reads things out of context and accepts them.
Sad for you; count me out.

I never walk into a story in the middle and think I know what's going on.
Jesus wasn't a bigot. So, there is no reason to discount his mother's lineage as we do today. That's your hangup.
Jesus was a very nasty person.
It’s obvious you haven’t actually read his comment in context.
In fact, The Roman Catholic Church never wanted anyone to be able to read at all.
Jesus wasn't a bigot. So, there is no reason to discount his mother's lineage as we do today. That's your hangup.
It's always been discounted. That's the way Jews determine lineage. Then and now. You can't change the rules just because you don't like it. They are our rules.
My apologies…
When you read everything Jesus says you will discover he was an arrogant ass.
That’s why the Roman Catholic Church encourages illiteracy.
I think you seem to be illiterate and are the arrogant ass. I've read everything Jesus said in the Bible, Book of Mormon. He is a member of the Godhead as the Son of God. His message was to bring a new covenant to the people as well as correct the destruction of the law of Moses and the understanding of the messages he gave to the prophets. You seem to be unable to comprehend what you read.
It's always been discounted. That's the way Jews determine lineage. Then and now. You can't change the rules just because you don't like it. They are our rules.
And, Jews made lots of errors, lost writings and messed up the law of Moses. There is no law concerning the genealogies whether it's paternal nor maternal. Women are held in high esteem with Jesus (Jehovah).
And, Jews made lots of errors, lost writings and messed up the law of Moses. There is no law concerning the genealogies whether it's paternal nor maternal. Women are held in high esteem with Jesus (Jehovah).
Oral Torah, Talmud. Look at the genealogies in Torah, it's all males. That's where it is derived from. You can claim what you want, does not make it so. Of all the things Jews look for in the Messiah, descended from David is one. And Jesus did not meet it by our rules.
I think you seem to be illiterate and are the arrogant ass. I've read everything Jesus said in the Bible, Book of Mormon. He is a member of the Godhead as the Son of God. His message was to bring a new covenant to the people as well as correct the destruction of the law of Moses and the understanding of the messages he gave to the prophets. You seem to be unable to comprehend what you read.
The Bunk of Mormon!
You really are an idiot!
They did many good things up until 1942. Then, they may have got tired of dying for others and made the pack with the devil, Hitler himself. It's right there in print. But, you refuse to read print. Just like with John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. That backfired on you when you tried to point at verse 8 like that would save you. But, it only then said that Jesus was calling himself the Father. You then became silent on that one. Do you think you can get past 1941 and look at what happened in 1942 with your precious Rutherford? I doubt it.
Interesting thing about Jesus Christ is that because he redeems us with his atonement, he becomes like a father to us. An adoptive father. It's even mentioned in the NT. You probably tore that page out as well.

Rutherford is dead. He faces judgement alone. That doesnt undo all the truth the JW,s have and the other religions dont. Judas a hand picked apostle sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver--the religion wasnt wrong.
Rutherford is dead. He faces judgement alone. That doesnt undo all the truth the JW,s have and the other religions dont. Judas a hand picked apostle sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver--the religion wasnt wrong.
Now you are grasping at straws to save face. Rutherford was a false prophet and therefore, so is your Church false. Following a False Prophet, and wicked one at that, does solidify the untruths taught in the JW church. You've torn up about 1/3 to 1/2 of the bible to form a false religion. Therefore, even though most Christian churches do not have the fulness of the Gospel, they have a lot more than JWs do. What does Judas have anything to do with this topic? Another straw you are grasping for. Judas wasn't the head of the Church like Rutherford was.
Oral Torah, Talmud. Look at the genealogies in Torah, it's all males. That's where it is derived from. You can claim what you want, does not make it so. Of all the things Jews look for in the Messiah, descended from David is one. And Jesus did not meet it by our rules.
Oh, what about Eve, Deborah, Rachel, Ester and a lot more women of the OT! Like I said, much has been taken from the Torah, Talmud to justify false narratives that Christ came and cleared up. But, the false priests of the time didn't want to lose their power and money they had kissing the butts of the Roman Gods.
I already read James; misquotes galore.
Not one misquotes. You lack wisdom and have a double mind. You look for errors where there aren't any to hide from the Lord. That's always you people who either hate the Lord or don't believe he atoned for our sins, raised the dead and healed the sick and afflicted. It's misquoted or mistranslated or some other excuse. Pathetic. Telling God what is and what isn't.

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