LORD or lord

Isaiah uses a lot of mother/child imagery to describe the relationship between God and Israel. It helps when you read the original in full context.
Isaiah uses a lot of mother/child imagery to describe the relationship between God and Israel. It helps when you read the original in full context.
Yes, Isaiah used a lot of poetry and imagery as did Jesus Christ. But, chapter 7:14 is pretty clear that this was a sign given by God that the Messiah was coming conceived by a virgin or young woman (same meaning) is "God is with us." The Messiah came, the first time. The Jews of the time didn't understand what is purpose was. It wasn't to eliminate Rome. It was to atone for Adam's transgressions and all of us. The great atoning sacrifice that did away with animal sacrifice.
"Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.) - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis. Anyway, I've proved that Jesus is Jehovah and/or that JW's believe Jesus is the Father. Either way, you are wrong. Your vers 8 hanged you. :777:
The german guards were taking JW,s putting them in front of a firing squad and killing them in front of the other JW,s. Then passed papers to sign denying Jehovah as their God. Not one ever signed. Some of those guards were so impressed became JW,s after the war. There is movie called-the purple triangle about life in those camps for JW,s.
Yes, Isaiah used a lot of poetry and imagery as did Jesus Christ. But, chapter 7:14 is pretty clear that this was a sign given by God that the Messiah was coming conceived by a virgin or young woman (same meaning) is "God is with us." The Messiah came, the first time. The Jews of the time didn't understand what is purpose was. It wasn't to eliminate Rome. It was to atone for Adam's transgressions and all of us. The great atoning sacrifice that did away with animal sacrifice.
If he existed, Jesus did not fulfill any of what the Messiah will do.
If he existed, Jesus did not fulfill any of what the Messiah will do.
Thats the point. There's very little evidence he ever existed and no evidence to suggest he was the son of a god. Its absurd to think grown human beings believe that shit. Now they interpret fairy tales as legislated truth. They ate senile at best.
The german guards were taking JW,s putting them in front of a firing squad and killing them in front of the other JW,s. Then passed papers to sign denying Jehovah as their God. Not one ever signed. Some of those guards were so impressed became JW,s after the war. There is movie called-the purple triangle about life in those camps for JW,s.
What happened in 1942 that caused a change with your Rutherford? All of a sudden they were buddy buddy with the Jew killing machine. False prophet and friend of Hitler.
What happened in 1942 that caused a change with your Rutherford? All of a sudden they were buddy buddy with the Jew killing machine. False prophet and friend of Hitler.
No he wasnt. If anything he was trying to protect the JW,s. He didnt false prophecy anything.
Of those, which did he do?
be a descendant of King David,
gain sovereignty over the land of Israel,
gather the Jews there from the four corners of the earth,
restore them to full observance of Torah law,
bring peace to the whole world.

BTW, descendant is patrilineal, Mary does not count.
Mary does count. A virgin and she conceived Jesus through the Holy Ghost medical procedure. Invitro...
Your rabbis errored in the understanding of your scriptures. You keep clamoring about the end of days 2nd coming of the Messiah. His first coming would end in death and resurrection as stated in Isaiah 53. But there are other versus of the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Messiah prophecy in the Old Testament. Isaiah 35:5-6; Isaiah 40:3-4; Isaiah 9:1-2; Isaiah 8:4; Isaiah 6:9; Psalms 78:1-2; Psalms 40:6-8
And, there are many, many more. The Jews just had their hearts hardened and still do.
Mary does count. A virgin and she conceived Jesus through the Holy Ghost medical procedure. Invitro...
Your rabbis errored in the understanding of your scriptures. You keep clamoring about the end of days 2nd coming of the Messiah. His first coming would end in death and resurrection as stated in Isaiah 53. But there are other versus of the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Messiah prophecy in the Old Testament. Isaiah 35:5-6; Isaiah 40:3-4; Isaiah 9:1-2; Isaiah 8:4; Isaiah 6:9; Psalms 78:1-2; Psalms 40:6-8
And, there are many, many more. The Jews just had their hearts hardened and still do.
You can't read Hebrew; you are reading the Kings James Translation which is shitty at best, manipulative at worst.
No he wasnt. If anything he was trying to protect the JW,s. He didnt false prophecy anything.
Not in 1942. I specifically quoted the referenced information that Rutherford began in 1942 to get buddy buddy with Hitler. The facts are in plain sight. Just read about it. He went from being a good guy to a rotten turncoat Hitler lover. It's fact. You can say no but where is your references? Remember, you can't spout information before 1942. Rutherford became a pawn in the hands of Satan through Hitler.
You can't read Hebrew; you are reading the Kings James Translation which is shitty at best, manipulative at worst.
Terrible comeback. It's old and pointless. The Hebrew says the same thing. But, like I said, Jews were corrupted then and still won't see what's right in their faces.
Terrible comeback. It's old and pointless. The Hebrew says the same thing. But, like I said, Jews were corrupted then and still won't see what's right in their faces.
Not one of these refers to a Moshiach...

Isaiah 35:5-6
Isaiah 40:3-4
Isaiah 9:1-2
Isaiah 8:4
Isaiah 6:9
Psalms 78:1-2
Psalms 40:6-8
Not one of these refers to a Moshiach...

Isaiah 35:5-6
Isaiah 40:3-4
Isaiah 9:1-2
Isaiah 8:4
Isaiah 6:9
Psalms 78:1-2
Psalms 40:6-8
Oh yes they do. But, you cannot see it because you don't want to. You would have to do what I did and convert if you did. To you that is too scary. Your family would have a spiritual funeral for you.
Terrible comeback. It's old and pointless. The Hebrew says the same thing. But, like I said, Jews were corrupted then and still won't see what's right in their faces.
The Hebrew is not even close to the KJV translation.

And Mary does not count to determine the kid being of the line of David. To this day, lineage is still patrilineal. And as Moschiach is to be a man, the re is no "second coming".

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