LORD or lord

Jesus is not Jehovah. Jesus is speaking at Psalms 82, not the Father. The Father is who Jesus refers to in verse 8=God.
Jesus said that he is the one who gave Psalms 82:6 in John 10:34. So, either Jesus is the Father according to you or as the True Church teaches that Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Either way, you lose. Like your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews. He even wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler. WOW! You follow that?
Jesus said that he is the one who gave Psalms 82:6 in John 10:34. So, either Jesus is the Father according to you or as the True Church teaches that Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Either way, you lose. Like your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews. He even wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler. WOW! You follow that?
Psalms predate Jesus
Psalms predate Jesus
Why don't you read John 10:34 and you might grasp this. Jesus is saying that he told the people in the OT times that we are gods and children of the Most High (Psalms 82:6). Note that he did not say he was the Most High (The Father). But, Jesus is the one who said it in Psalms 82:6. So, he is not the Father and neither is Jehovah. It's really simple logic and reasoning. Reading comprehension as well. Hope that helps.
Why don't you read John 10:34 and you might grasp this. Jesus is saying that he told the people in the OT times that we are gods and children of the Most High (Psalms 82:6). Note that he did not say he was the Most High (The Father). But, Jesus is the one who said it in Psalms 82:6. So, he is not the Father and neither is Jehovah. It's really simple logic and reasoning. Reading comprehension as well. Hope that helps.
Not part of my Bible.
Not part of my Bible.
What, you don't have Psalms and John in your Bible? I know JW's have butchered the bible with their erroneous translations and cutting out a third of the bible. But, that's your loss. There were already many books lost that are mentioned in the Bible but there. Same with some of the writings of the apostles as well. And, then JW's go an destroy more of the plain and precious truths and doctrines. Most notably destroying the purpose of Jesus Christ that was provided to give Adam and Eve a chance by repenting and being forgiven. But, JW's destroyed that as well as for everyone else who is stupid enough to believe their nonsense. What's the point joining JW's since only 144,000 will get to heaven and everyone else GONE forever!!! Total nonsense.
What, you don't have Psalms and John in your Bible? I know JW's have butchered the bible with their erroneous translations and cutting out a third of the bible. But, that's your loss. There were already many books lost that are mentioned in the Bible but there. Same with some of the writings of the apostles as well. And, then JW's go an destroy more of the plain and precious truths and doctrines. Most notably destroying the purpose of Jesus Christ that was provided to give Adam and Eve a chance by repenting and being forgiven. But, JW's destroyed that as well as for everyone else who is stupid enough to believe their nonsense. What's the point joining JW's since only 144,000 will get to heaven and everyone else GONE forever!!! Total nonsense.
Psalms, absolutely. Not John
Jesus said that he is the one who gave Psalms 82:6 in John 10:34. So, either Jesus is the Father according to you or as the True Church teaches that Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Either way, you lose. Like your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews. He even wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler. WOW! You follow that?

You have no clue why Rutherford did that. The JW,s were in the concentration camps. The servants of Jehovah were in the concentration camps, i believe( no JW teacher ever said this) payback to catholicism for voting Hitler into power and allowing the young men to kill for him. They even killed catholics( allies) for him= pure hipocrosy. It takes throwing Jesus away to kill your own supposed brothers in Christ for an insane mass murderer and continue to do so even when they saw what he was.
Both the Israelite religious leaders(for centuries) and the Jw,s were exposing the false trinity god created at the councils of catholicism. They did not like it.
Why does God have so many human emotions?
Other way around.

Why do we have G-d like emotions?


We are made in the image …
You have no clue why Rutherford did that. The JW,s were in the concentration camps. The servants of Jehovah were in the concentration camps, i believe( no JW teacher ever said this) payback to catholicism for voting Hitler into power and allowing the young men to kill for him. They even killed catholics( allies) for him= pure hipocrosy. It takes throwing Jesus away to kill your own supposed brothers in Christ for an insane mass murderer and continue to do so even when they saw what he was.
Both the Israelite religious leaders(for centuries) and the Jw,s were exposing the false trinity god created at the councils of catholicism. They did not like it.
"Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.) - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis. Anyway, I've proved that Jesus is Jehovah and/or that JW's believe Jesus is the Father. Either way, you are wrong. Your vers 8 hanged you. :777:
Because my Bible is the original.
No, the original Bible has John in it. What else don't you have? Matthew, Mark, Luke? Anything with Paul in it? Good grief! Don't like something and just rip it out! Classless.
No, the original Bible has John in it. What else don't you have? Matthew, Mark, Luke? Anything with Paul in it? Good grief! Don't like something and just rip it out! Classless.
None of those. The original Tanach. Not so much as ri it out as in never had it to begin with.
So, you are entering a discussion on Jesus Christ, and who he is/was, as a Jew. Silly AsherN. :springbed:
If he existed, he was a Jew. And as always, it's about Xtians taking verses out of context and mistranslating them.
If he existed, he was a Jew. And as always, it's about Xtians taking verses out of context and mistranslating them.
What is a Jew? I was born Jewish. Am I still a Jew? To me, a Jew is one who descends from Judah, only one tribe of Israel. In any event, Jesus Christ's mother was of Judah as OT prophets stated would be. The Messiah would be descended from Judah. As my Jewish people did 2,000 years ago and today, they mistranslate and twist things they read to fit their narrative of denying Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Fortunately, my eyes were opened and with the Light of Christ and the Influence of the Holy Ghost.
Did you use "X" because you are lazy or just a bigot? Again, we are discussing whether Jesus was Jehovah or Michael.
What is a Jew? I was born Jewish. Am I still a Jew? To me, a Jew is one who descends from Judah, only one tribe of Israel. In any event, Jesus Christ's mother was of Judah as OT prophets stated would be. The Messiah would be descended from Judah. As my Jewish people did 2,000 years ago and today, they mistranslate and twist things they read to fit their narrative of denying Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Fortunately, my eyes were opened and with the Light of Christ and the Influence of the Holy Ghost.
Did you use "X" because you are lazy or just a bigot? Again, we are discussing whether Jesus was Jehovah or Michael.
Does not matter what tribe her family was from . Whether you are a Jew or not is matrilineal now, was not at that time and tribal affiliation is patrilineal to this day.

we don't mistranslate, hell we can read the original language. And I use X as convenience. First Greek letter if the word.
Does not matter what tribe her family was from . Whether you are a Jew or not is matrilineal now, was not at that time and tribal affiliation is patrilineal to this day.

we don't mistranslate, hell we can read the original language. And I use X as convenience. First Greek letter if the word.
LOL!!! Then you simply can't read. The New Testament is the continuation of the Stick (Book) of Judah As taught in Ezekiel chapter 37. There are many prophecies of Jesus Christ being the Savior and Redeemer. You can start with Isaiah chapter 53. Then, there is Isaiah chapter 7:14, "7:14 יד לָכֵן יִתֵּן אֲדֹנָי הוּא, לָכֶם--אוֹת: הִנֵּה הָעַלְמָה, הָרָה וְיֹלֶדֶת בֵּן, וְקָרָאת שְׁמוֹ, עִמָּנוּ אֵל.‎therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: the maiden is with child and she will bear a son, and will call his name Immanuel.
The sign didn't have to come back in the time of Isaiah because the Ahaz refused Isaiah's prophecy. The buttheads were carried off and 10 tribes lost. Ya, there were tribe of Israel.

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