LORD or lord

Again, you are using your preferred translations as well. The ones that attempt to prejudice your thinking to a specific anti-Christ way. The anti-Christ. Way to go...
We are using a translation used by people that read Hebrew. It is as close to a literal translation as one can get.
Again, you are using your preferred translations as well. The ones that attempt to prejudice your thinking to a specific anti-Christ way. The anti-Christ. Way to go...
No moron, I know Hebrew and you don't.
There are sites to translate the words and you are probably too hypnotized to use them.
Oh yes they do. But, you cannot see it because you don't want to. You would have to do what I did and convert if you did. To you that is too scary. Your family would have a spiritual funeral for you.
Convert to a religion based on lies?
Why would I do such a thing?
The Hebrew is not even close to the KJV translation.

And Mary does not count to determine the kid being of the line of David. To this day, lineage is still patrilineal. And as Moschiach is to be a man, the re is no "second coming".
Of course there is. It's prophecy by OT prophets. And, Mary does count as she bore a child as a virgin or young girl in which the child became the Son of Man or God too that bore our sins, transgressions, griefs, Isaiah 53.
Of course there is. It's prophecy by OT prophets. And, Mary does count as she bore a child as a virgin or young girl in which the child became the Son of Man or God too that bore our sins, transgressions, griefs, Isaiah 53.
I got news for the you…the baby is born in the next chapter and it isn’t Jesus!
Of course there is. It's prophecy by OT prophets. And, Mary does count as she bore a child as a virgin or young girl in which the child became the Son of Man or God too that bore our sins, transgressions, griefs, Isaiah 53.
Who is the father? Lineage is patrilineal. The kid can't be of the line of David if the father is not.
Who is the father? Lineage is patrilineal. The kid can't be of the line of David if the father is not.
So, you admit that our Father in Heaven lives...
No, it can also be maternal. There was no distinction given...
Not in 1942. I specifically quoted the referenced information that Rutherford began in 1942 to get buddy buddy with Hitler. The facts are in plain sight. Just read about it. He went from being a good guy to a rotten turncoat Hitler lover. It's fact. You can say no but where is your references? Remember, you can't spout information before 1942. Rutherford became a pawn in the hands of Satan through Hitler.
Where are your references?
Show me the verse in Chapter 53...https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1053.htm

Jesus is called Immanuel?
Are you retarded?
Immanuel means "God is with us." Duh! Are you the one retarded? Jesus walked the earth, teaching correct doctrine, not the ones created by egotistical rabbis of his day. And, I guess today as well. The depiction of Isaiah 53 is exactly the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Where are your references?
Uggg! Why don't you take a reading class. Posted above, "Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.) - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis.
Immanuel means "God is with us." Duh! Are you the one retarded? Jesus walked the earth, teaching correct doctrine, not the ones created by egotistical rabbis of his day. And, I guess today as well. The depiction of Isaiah 53 is exactly the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
And is born in the very next chapter...DUH!
God is always with us.

Not one prophecy of peace on earth came to be.
And is born in the very next chapter...DUH!
God is always with us.

Not one prophecy of peace on earth came to be.
Still trying to equate the next chapter with the next time period? Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump's mother
And, trying to re-write the word of God. No, God is not always with us. He taught that with Noah and the Flood. He taught that when he allowed the Northern 10 tribes carried away into oblivion. He taught that when Judah was carried away as well. He taught that when he allowed Israel to be under slavery in Egypt for 400 years. When one sins, the Holy Spirit withdraws leaving you to fend for yourself.
Still trying to equate the next chapter with the next time period? Stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump's mother
And, trying to re-write the word of God. No, God is not always with us. He taught that with Noah and the Flood. He taught that when he allowed the Northern 10 tribes carried away into oblivion. He taught that when Judah was carried away as well. He taught that when he allowed Israel to be under slavery in Egypt for 400 years. When one sins, the Holy Spirit withdraws leaving you to fend for yourself.
I see you never read Moshe's admonition to the people near the end of Devarim where Moshe said this would happen because God is with us and expects us to be up to par.
I presume you have never read anything in order or context.
I presume they never taught you that if God stopped thinking about you even for an instance, you would cease to exist.
You have been trained to believe God is a bastard.
Uggg! Why don't you take a reading class. Posted above, "Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.) - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis.

Maybe you should watch--the purple triangle.
Jw,s hate no one-- They dislike false religion as God dislikes it.
The JW,s walked into the concentration camps freely. They outright refused to kill for a power mad, mass murderer, especially they would never stand on both sides of wars of hatred killing each other for mortals. It takes applying Jesus. No true follower would ever stand against their own brothers in Christ on the orders of mortal man.
Yes the germans saw a difference in what actual true followers are like --many of them became JW,s after the war.
Maybe you should watch--the purple triangle.
Jw,s hate no one-- They dislike false religion as God dislikes it.
The JW,s walked into the concentration camps freely. They outright refused to kill for a power mad, mass murderer, especially they would never stand on both sides of wars of hatred killing each other for mortals. It takes applying Jesus. No true follower would ever stand against their own brothers in Christ on the orders of mortal man.
Yes the germans saw a difference in what actual true followers are like --many of them became JW,s after the war.
They did many good things up until 1942. Then, they may have got tired of dying for others and made the pack with the devil, Hitler himself. It's right there in print. But, you refuse to read print. Just like with John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. That backfired on you when you tried to point at verse 8 like that would save you. But, it only then said that Jesus was calling himself the Father. You then became silent on that one. Do you think you can get past 1941 and look at what happened in 1942 with your precious Rutherford? I doubt it.
Interesting thing about Jesus Christ is that because he redeems us with his atonement, he becomes like a father to us. An adoptive father. It's even mentioned in the NT. You probably tore that page out as well.

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