LORD or lord

Oh, what about Eve, Deborah, Rachel, Ester and a lot more women of the OT! Like I said, much has been taken from the Torah, Talmud to justify false narratives that Christ came and cleared up. But, the false priests of the time didn't want to lose their power and money they had kissing the butts of the Roman Gods.
What about them? Important women, none of them the Messiah. You have a point yo make?
What about them? Important women, none of them the Messiah. You have a point yo make?
Were all the men the Messiah? What's your point. The point is simple. Women were not looked down on when good men were prophets. Women were important to the Lord and also the writers of the Old Testament.
Were all the men the Messiah? What's your point. The point is simple. Women were not looked down on when good men were prophets. Women were important to the Lord and also the writers of the Old Testament.
Women were mostly an afterthought. Some are mentioned, most are not. Only one of the daughters of Jacob is mentioned, for example. The messiah is a man from the line of David, through the fathers.
Women were mostly an afterthought. Some are mentioned, most are not. Only one of the daughters of Jacob is mentioned, for example. The messiah is a man from the line of David, through the fathers.
The scriptures only say the Messiah will be a descendent of David. It's men who push the idea that it could only be through the men. But, since the Messiah would be the Great Jehovah in the Flesh, the Father's seed implanted into the virgin Mary, that the lineage of mankind from David would have to be through the women.
I don't believe it's an after thought. You have a whole book of Ester. And you Dinas and Deborah with many others. The Priesthood does go through the men as it is the authority and power of God the Father. We are to pray to the Father in the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Mother in Heaven isn't mentioned but is just as important to our Father in Heaven and all of us as our Father is.
The scriptures only say the Messiah will be a descendent of David. It's men who push the idea that it could only be through the men. But, since the Messiah would be the Great Jehovah in the Flesh, the Father's seed implanted into the virgin Mary, that the lineage of mankind from David would have to be through the women.
I don't believe it's an after thought. You have a whole book of Ester. And you Dinas and Deborah with many others. The Priesthood does go through the men as it is the authority and power of God the Father. We are to pray to the Father in the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Mother in Heaven isn't mentioned but is just as important to our Father in Heaven and all of us as our Father is.
Priesthood goes through the men because lineage is patrilineal. The matrilineal test do decide who is Jewish only comes later, and still does not convey lineage. Someone born of a Jewish mother and a converted father is Jewish but not a member of any tribe. A son born of a Cohen mother and a non Levite father is not a Levite or Cohen. It's the way it has always been
Now you are grasping at straws to save face. Rutherford was a false prophet and therefore, so is your Church false. Following a False Prophet, and wicked one at that, does solidify the untruths taught in the JW church. You've torn up about 1/3 to 1/2 of the bible to form a false religion. Therefore, even though most Christian churches do not have the fulness of the Gospel, they have a lot more than JWs do. What does Judas have anything to do with this topic? Another straw you are grasping for. Judas wasn't the head of the Church like Rutherford was.

The JW,s did not prophecy false prophecies. Their error was trying to put a date on a real prophecy that God gave. That no matter who or what position one is in, errors can be made--Gods own elite kings like David erred greatly. All men sin. The religion was still correct.
Priesthood goes through the men because lineage is patrilineal. The matrilineal test do decide who is Jewish only comes later, and still does not convey lineage. Someone born of a Jewish mother and a converted father is Jewish but not a member of any tribe. A son born of a Cohen mother and a non Levite father is not a Levite or Cohen. It's the way it has always been
That actually is false doctrine. It's based on man's logic and reasoning and not God's. The Priesthood can only be used and passed on based on righteousness. It cannot be used for evil purposes. There was a time that the lesser Priesthood was given to the tribe of Levi with Aaron as the first leader. His sons were righteous and carried on the Priesthood after the order of Aaron, not Melchizedek. Not sure if Moses was a holder of the higher Priesthood after Melchizedek. Possibly and the only one as Moses was the only one allowed into the most holy part of the Tabernacle, The Holy of Holies. In any event,10 tribes lost all rights when they were carried away. Judah and half of Benjamin lost much of the rights. Ezra attempted to restore Priesthood authority along genealogical lines. He started the Great Sanhedrin or Synagogue. They soon perverted the law again as they decided that prophets could not interpret their messages from God. That they were merely messengers and the smart priests were the ones able to interpret their message. The apostasy started with the Jewish people who were and still are predominately descendants from the tribe of Judah (with some of Benjamin).
Jesus Christ established the Priesthood again in two parts: The lesser Priesthood or after the order of Aaron and the higher Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. You will find this mentioned in The book of Hebrews. The Aaronic Priesthood administers the outward ordinances such as baptism and the administration of the Sacraments. While the Melchizedek Priesthood administers the inward ordinances such as the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost or healing and the affairs in the Temple.
The JW,s did not prophecy false prophecies. Their error was trying to put a date on a real prophecy that God gave. That no matter who or what position one is in, errors can be made--Gods own elite kings like David erred greatly. All men sin. The religion was still correct.
HAHAHA!!! Falsifying a specific date after the Lord himself he didn't know what the date and time of His own 2nd Coming and the end of the 6th Millennium is being a False bearer and thus in Rutherford's case, a false prophet. 5 Times!!! God doesn't make mistakes. So, you are again wrong since prophets are messengers from God. David was not a prophet. Did he prophecy? He gave some information but most likely information from the current prophet in his day. Judas fell, but was not the Prophet of God. When Jesus died, it first was Peter. Apostles are prophets but work under the head or chief apostle. If that chief apostle errors and gives false prophecies, then the entire Church is under apostasy. There are good people that are JW's. Some of the teachings are good as well as is with all Churches. But, the authority never was with Rutherford or anyone else and being in total apostasy because of the wicked Rutherford (kissing Hitler's butt).
That actually is false doctrine. It's based on man's logic and reasoning and not God's. The Priesthood can only be used and passed on based on righteousness. It cannot be used for evil purposes. There was a time that the lesser Priesthood was given to the tribe of Levi with Aaron as the first leader. His sons were righteous and carried on the Priesthood after the order of Aaron, not Melchizedek. Not sure if Moses was a holder of the higher Priesthood after Melchizedek. Possibly and the only one as Moses was the only one allowed into the most holy part of the Tabernacle, The Holy of Holies. In any event,10 tribes lost all rights when they were carried away. Judah and half of Benjamin lost much of the rights. Ezra attempted to restore Priesthood authority along genealogical lines. He started the Great Sanhedrin or Synagogue. They soon perverted the law again as they decided that prophets could not interpret their messages from God. That they were merely messengers and the smart priests were the ones able to interpret their message. The apostasy started with the Jewish people who were and still are predominately descendants from the tribe of Judah (with some of Benjamin).
Jesus Christ established the Priesthood again in two parts: The lesser Priesthood or after the order of Aaron and the higher Priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. You will find this mentioned in The book of Hebrews. The Aaronic Priesthood administers the outward ordinances such as baptism and the administration of the Sacraments. While the Melchizedek Priesthood administers the inward ordinances such as the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost or healing and the affairs in the Temple.
Holy crap you are deluded.
HAHAHA!!! Falsifying a specific date after the Lord himself he didn't know what the date and time of His own 2nd Coming and the end of the 6th Millennium is being a False bearer and thus in Rutherford's case, a false prophet. 5 Times!!! God doesn't make mistakes. So, you are again wrong since prophets are messengers from God. David was not a prophet. Did he prophecy? He gave some information but most likely information from the current prophet in his day. Judas fell, but was not the Prophet of God. When Jesus died, it first was Peter. Apostles are prophets but work under the head or chief apostle. If that chief apostle errors and gives false prophecies, then the entire Church is under apostasy. There are good people that are JW's. Some of the teachings are good as well as is with all Churches. But, the authority never was with Rutherford or anyone else and being in total apostasy because of the wicked Rutherford (kissing Hitler's butt).

They arent prophets. Thats right God doesnt make mistakes--every mortal man on earth does.
Paul corrected Peter on 1 occasion. Galations 2:11-21)
And the teachers Jesus appoints give food( spiritual) at the proper time-Matt 24:45)--that means when God wills a truth tobe known. Like these hidden truths mentioned at Daniel 12:4-- they werent revealed until these last days. Yet every one is in the bible. That means errors were taught on those hidden truths all along by every teacher that claims to be of God, and at the proper time God revealed them. That means corrections had to be made in front of all mortal hearts.
HAHAHA!!! Falsifying a specific date after the Lord himself he didn't know what the date and time of His own 2nd Coming and the end of the 6th Millennium is being a False bearer and thus in Rutherford's case, a false prophet. 5 Times!!! God doesn't make mistakes. So, you are again wrong since prophets are messengers from God. David was not a prophet. Did he prophecy? He gave some information but most likely information from the current prophet in his day. Judas fell, but was not the Prophet of God. When Jesus died, it first was Peter. Apostles are prophets but work under the head or chief apostle. If that chief apostle errors and gives false prophecies, then the entire Church is under apostasy. There are good people that are JW's. Some of the teachings are good as well as is with all Churches. But, the authority never was with Rutherford or anyone else and being in total apostasy because of the wicked Rutherford (kissing Hitler's butt).
Rutherford didnt kiss Hitlers butt, why do you make things up?
They arent prophets. Thats right God doesnt make mistakes--every mortal man on earth does.
Paul corrected Peter on 1 occasion. Galations 2:11-21)
And the teachers Jesus appoints give food( spiritual) at the proper time-Matt 24:45)--that means when God wills a truth tobe known. Like these hidden truths mentioned at Daniel 12:4-- they werent revealed until these last days. Yet every one is in the bible. That means errors were taught on those hidden truths all along by every teacher that claims to be of God, and at the proper time God revealed them. That means corrections had to be made in front of all mortal hearts.
He didn't correct a prophecy. Rutherford blew his one great prophecy and lied. False Prophet. Peter's correction was not a prophecy. It was an administration change. Good grief! You have been wrong on every account and still trying to justify JW's and the 5 false prophecies of the end of the world.
That's it? You expect me to say, "Holy Crap Batman! You are always right! I'll follow you anywhere Batman!
Everything I wrote is correct.
You are trying to explain Jewish history and the Jewish Priestly and later Rabbinic system to Jews who live it and can read the original text in the original language. And then try to convince us that your translated text is better than the text in the original language. That is delusion.
He didn't correct a prophecy. Rutherford blew his one great prophecy and lied. False Prophet. Peter's correction was not a prophecy. It was an administration change. Good grief! You have been wrong on every account and still trying to justify JW's and the 5 false prophecies of the end of the world.

I already explained to you--a false prophecy is a prophecy that will never come true-made up. Har-mageddon is a real prophecy made by God, nothing false about it. Trying to put a date on it was the error they made-nothing more, nothing less.
I gave you the reference where Rutherford did start kissing Hitler's butt. Tried to get in good with Hitler in 1942. Why do you dismiss facts?

You just twist it. The bible is clear--return evil for evil to no one. The real Jesus teaches-love, peace, unity. Jesus didnt condemn the ones who tortured him. He said--Forgive them father they know not what they do. Love is to be returned back. Its not weakness to do that, few can.
I already explained to you--a false prophecy is a prophecy that will never come true-made up. Har-mageddon is a real prophecy made by God, nothing false about it. Trying to put a date on it was the error they made-nothing more, nothing less.
Yep and Rutherford and others of your prophet blew it 5 times stating specific dates for end of the world. That's usually the main reason why so-called prophets end up being false prophets. They use specific dates or don't include "If-Then statements.
Now, Joseph Smith prophecied many things and they all came true or they were like Moses and other OT prophets where the prophecies were If-Then statements. If the people don't straighten up, then I will destroy them. Then, there was the prophecy he made of where the Civil War would begin, in South Carolina which came true. But, he gave no date because he was a true prophet of God.
You just twist it. The bible is clear--return evil for evil to no one. The real Jesus teaches-love, peace, unity. Jesus didnt condemn the ones who tortured him. He said--Forgive them father they know not what they do. Love is to be returned back. Its not weakness to do that, few can.
I twisted nothing. I took this from Wikipedia as they did from history: "Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.)" - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis. It's all written down in history.
Yep and Rutherford and others of your prophet blew it 5 times stating specific dates for end of the world. That's usually the main reason why so-called prophets end up being false prophets. They use specific dates or don't include "If-Then statements.
Now, Joseph Smith prophecied many things and they all came true or they were like Moses and other OT prophets where the prophecies were If-Then statements. If the people don't straighten up, then I will destroy them. Then, there was the prophecy he made of where the Civil War would begin, in South Carolina which came true. But, he gave no date because he was a true prophet of God.

Yes they erred trying to date it--Those men have died and paid in full the wages of sin-- The JW leaders dont try to date it anymore. The only true prophets there ever were served-YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God. The JW leaders are not prophets.

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