LORD or lord

The LORD( YHWH) said to my lord( Jesus) --- proving 100% Jesus is not YHWH
The distinction, between LORD and lord; a quantity from absence system, due to the logic of having continued the system via ";" instead of words, the distinction between LORD and lord is that the capitalisation version creates a memory science of physics.

Memory science of physics:
Actually, one can term it memory of physics, but the science word being involved prevents the soul from thinking that physics has it in for truth.
Why does God have so many human emotions?
If I may:

it might be, that God is beholden to use humanity, because of the theology science apparatus, that the word God is God's actual name.

If I also may:
Mark Wahlberg
Taylor Kitsch
Emile Hirsch
Ben Foster
Eric Bana
Rohan Chand
Eric Steinig
Sammy Sheik
Alexander Ludwig
Sarah Aubrey
Dan Bilzerian

God has many emotions/names. Such as the above list.
The distinction, between LORD and lord; a quantity from absence system, due to the logic of having continued the system via ";" instead of words, the distinction between LORD and lord is that the capitalisation version creates a memory science of physics.

Memory science of physics:
Actually, one can term it memory of physics, but the science word being involved prevents the soul from thinking that physics has it in for truth.
Okay, now in plain English. What are you trying to say?
Okay, now in plain English. What are you trying to say?

Capitalisation versions, of words/names is a reality effort at creation from nothing.

Creation from nothing:
Creation, here, is the normal meaning of creation, I suppose; the nothing aspect is anyone's game
Capitalisation versions, of words/names is a reality effort at creation from nothing.

Creation from nothing:
Creation, here, is the normal meaning of creation, I suppose; the nothing aspect is anyone's game
You are trying to communicate in riddles but do a very poor job at it. The lord was great at analogies using parables. You aren't. Now, do tell us what is the difference between Lord and lord.
Again, 144,000 are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. Or, 12 x 12 = 144. Then, 144 x 1,000. The 1,000 is just a number used by the writers to illustrate a large number of people or time periods. There will be the morning of the first resurrection where the just who kept their testimonies of Jesus Christ. That would not include you because you do not glorify Christ as the Son of God and part of the Godhead. Your testimony waivers. But, the good news is that you will not be cast out to Perdition. For, God has made it possible for nearly all to obtain life in Heaven. But, as First Corinthians chapter 15 explains, their will be different glories in the resurrection base on our testimonies of Christ. Three mansions specifically, Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial (Stars).
Not sure what you are trying to say about the other sheep? After his death, he told his disciples that he has other sheep, meaning other people on the earth, to go and preach to. And, he came to the America's and showed himself to the people in the America's. This is recorded in The Book of Mormon." For scriptural references: Ezekiel 37:15 - 20; Isaiah 29:4, 10 - 18;
Psalms 85:11; John 10:16

Literal Israel is cut off( Matt 23:38--What dont understand about that? Spiritual Israel is who John is referring to.
The great crowd are the other sheep. The only 2 parts of the flock mentioned in the bible. The little flock and the great crowd.
The distinction, between LORD and lord; a quantity from absence system, due to the logic of having continued the system via ";" instead of words, the distinction between LORD and lord is that the capitalisation version creates a memory science of physics.

Memory science of physics:
Actually, one can term it memory of physics, but the science word being involved prevents the soul from thinking that physics has it in for truth.
Fact--Every spot in the OT where-GOD or LORD all capitols is YHWH belongs. Men removed Gods name and replaced it with titles, they had no right. Those are altered versions by satans will.
Fact--Every spot in the OT where-GOD or LORD all capitols is YHWH belongs. Men removed Gods name and replaced it with titles, they had no right. Those are altered versions by satans will.
Nobody knows God's name. Nobody knows the pronunciation of YHVH
Literal Israel is cut off( Matt 23:38--What dont understand about that? Spiritual Israel is who John is referring to.
The great crowd are the other sheep. The only 2 parts of the flock mentioned in the bible. The little flock and the great crowd.
What are you mumbling about? The flock Jesus had to go see when Mary tried to touch him isn't what you are talking about.
As far as Israel, you do know that the prophets also prophesied that the physical Israel would return, and it has. So, I have no idea and you have no idea of what you are talking about. You jump all around with no context whatsoever like a chicken with its head cut off. Spiritual Israel is not what John is referring to. There is no spiritual Israel in the Bible. Again, do you want me to give you the scriptures talking about a different people in a different part of the world that Jesus went too? Are not all of the people of the world God's children?
What are you mumbling about? The flock Jesus had to go see when Mary tried to touch him isn't what you are talking about.
As far as Israel, you do know that the prophets also prophesied that the physical Israel would return, and it has. So, I have no idea and you have no idea of what you are talking about. You jump all around with no context whatsoever like a chicken with its head cut off. Spiritual Israel is not what John is referring to. There is no spiritual Israel in the Bible. Again, do you want me to give you the scriptures talking about a different people in a different part of the world that Jesus went too? Are not all of the people of the world God's children?
When did Judaism accomplish Matt 23:39? They havent. they have outright refused for over 1950 years. I John 3 shows who are Gods children and who are the devils children.
I say God made his name known-Jehovah. And Jesus promised to keep on making it known( John 17:26)
In that verse, he does not give the name. Nor did he ever. JW's make everything up. Jesus is Jehovah. Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34.
When did Judaism accomplish Matt 23:39? They havent. they have outright refused for over 1950 years. I John 3 shows who are Gods children and who are the devils children.
Here you go again. Matt 23:39 has nothing to do with Israel and it returning. Israel is a country that the people of Israel lost through disobedience. The country by prophecy is back. Look on a map! JW's are wicked people.
I say God made his name known-Jehovah. And Jesus promised to keep on making it known( John 17:26)
Nobody knows because we don't know how to pronounce THVH. There are a number of vatiations.
Here you go again. Matt 23:39 has nothing to do with Israel and it returning. Israel is a country that the people of Israel lost through disobedience. The country by prophecy is back. Look on a map! JW's are wicked people.
Its the religion i am talking about, and you know it.
Nobody knows because we don't know how to pronounce THVH. There are a number of vatiations.
If Jesus promised to keep making it known, then its 100% fact he does. The only way is through his one religion he is with=YHWH=Jehovah.
The only name that fits=YHWH(Jehovah) Only the Father is YHWH.
Jehovah is the Son and I’ve proved it. There is no proof Jehovah is the Father. You have failed. Your scholars are foolish and are no prophets.

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