LORD or lord

Sorry, but the repentance is hollow. They called themselves prophets early on and tried to prove themselves by giving the dates which were false prophecies. The bible tells us that there will be Armageddon. Not Harmageddon. JW's always have to be goofy. And, like you said, in the OT times, one of the God's was named Jehovah. The Son. Elohim is the Father and most high God. I've won this debate. You have nothing. I have a Prophet to lead and guide us of thou Great Jehovah (Jesus).

Its been 49 years since they put a date on it. That is repentance. They will never put a date on it again.
Psalm 83:18 says--YHWH(Jehovah) is the most high over all the earth. It also says in the OT i am YHWH(Jehovah) beside me( singular) there is no other God---Someone is misleading you. And in Ezekial about 20 x for then and prophecy of the last days--They will have to know i am YHWH(Jehovah) all will by believing truth or the hard way.
Yep! Jehovah is the most high over the earth. Elohim is the Most High over the universe.
Its been 49 years since they put a date on it. That is repentance. They will never put a date on it again.
That isn’t repentance nor does repentance have anything to do with whether they are false prophets. They were spreading false prophesies. While it is a sin to lie, the fact the end didn’t happen, that’s what makes them false promises. Therefore you Church and doctrines are false.
That isn’t repentance nor does repentance have anything to do with whether they are false prophets. They were spreading false prophesies. While it is a sin to lie, the fact the end didn’t happen, that’s what makes them false promises. Therefore you Church and doctrines are false.

Armageddon is a real prophecy made by God-nothing false about it. only in your twisted thinking. They erred by trying to put a date on it.
Armageddon is a real prophecy made by God-nothing false about it. only in your twisted thinking. They erred by trying to put a date on it.
They deceived the people to gain money. Gainsayers. This is Satan's method of deception. Say partial truths and them slam them with the lie. False prophets of God but true prophets for Satan. I bet people panicked and sold their homes and gave all to the JW church. The true part was there will be an Armageddon. But, that was borrowed prophecy from the Bible. The lie part was it was happening on a specific date. False prophecy. Another great deception through the JW's is they teach how great Jesus was. But, they then teach he was not part of the Godhead and a God himself even thought he said he was and so are the rest of us, John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. Satan hates Jesus and will get as many people to not give Jesus his glory as the God of this world because Satan wanted that glory.
They deceived the people to gain money. Gainsayers. This is Satan's method of deception. Say partial truths and them slam them with the lie. False prophets of God but true prophets for Satan. I bet people panicked and sold their homes and gave all to the JW church. The true part was there will be an Armageddon. But, that was borrowed prophecy from the Bible. The lie part was it was happening on a specific date. False prophecy. Another great deception through the JW's is they teach how great Jesus was. But, they then teach he was not part of the Godhead and a God himself even thought he said he was and so are the rest of us, John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. Satan hates Jesus and will get as many people to not give Jesus his glory as the God of this world because Satan wanted that glory.

You will find out different, the hard way obviously. I have studied Jesus for 60 years, he backs the JW teachers, as do facts of true God worship history. You are being mislead , blinded by satan-2Cor 4:4
You will find out different, the hard way obviously. I have studied Jesus for 60 years, he backs the JW teachers, as do facts of true God worship history. You are being mislead , blinded by satan-2Cor 4:4
LOL!!! Jesus backs that he isn't the Son of God and a God? When the Sadducees and Pharisees asked him if he was God, what did he say? John 10:34. He said not only he was a god, but all of us too! Psalms 82:6. There is nothing in the Bible that suggests he is Michael the Arc Angel. Adam is the Arc Angel, Michael, which makes total logical sense. It will be the Father and the Son at the Judgment Seat and you will find out the hard way. The question is, when you see Jesus is Jehovah, will you deny the Holy Ghost showing you this?
LOL!!! Jesus backs that he isn't the Son of God and a God? When the Sadducees and Pharisees asked him if he was God, what did he say? John 10:34. He said not only he was a god, but all of us too! Psalms 82:6. There is nothing in the Bible that suggests he is Michael the Arc Angel. Adam is the Arc Angel, Michael, which makes total logical sense. It will be the Father and the Son at the Judgment Seat and you will find out the hard way. The question is, when you see Jesus is Jehovah, will you deny the Holy Ghost showing you this?
1Thess 4:16 --upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel--it is his voice--Daniel 12:1 is occurring. It is Michael who is standing up. The symbolic ride of the white horse( the war in heaven begins it-rev 6) Michael rides it, it is the same ride continuing showing Jesus riding it, and that ride does not end until the conclusion of Rev 20--Then Jesus hands the kingdom back to his God and Father and subjects himself-1Cor 15:24-28
1Thess 4:16 --upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel--it is his voice--Daniel 12:1 is occurring. It is Michael who is standing up. The symbolic ride of the white horse( the war in heaven begins it-rev 6) Michael rides it, it is the same ride continuing showing Jesus riding it, and that ride does not end until the conclusion of Rev 20--Then Jesus hands the kingdom back to his God and Father and subjects himself-1Cor 15:24-28
In 1Thess 4:16, there are commas. It doesn’t say Jesus voice other than the command (shout) for Michael the Archangel to tell Gabriel to blow the Trump of God. If you read the entire chapter you realize Paul is naming Christ as Lord God of the Earth and He will be resurrected to the status of God. But, you have these mindless quote books if your false prophets while I have actual scripture from a true prophet making it clear who the Archangel is. Doctrine and Covenants 29:26.
In 1Thess 4:16, there are commas. It doesn’t say Jesus voice other than the command (shout) for Michael the Archangel to tell Gabriel to blow the Trump of God. If you read the entire chapter you realize Paul is naming Christ as Lord God of the Earth and He will be resurrected to the status of God. But, you have these mindless quote books if your false prophets while I have actual scripture from a true prophet making it clear who the Archangel is. Doctrine and Covenants 29:26.

Then why does he have to subject himself to his God? And tell us all how God has a God?
Then why does he have to subject himself to his God? And tell us all how God has a God?
We all have to honor our Father and Mother. In Psalms 82:6 it says we are all gods AND CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH. Jesus said he does the will of his Father. You don't? I do.
Christians, Jews, JW's, Muslims... have conjured up this idea that the Most High God has no body, parts or passions. That he's so big he can fill the entire universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart. They claim he's spirit yet there is no teachings in the Bible what a spirit is. No wonder atheists have a field day with people like yourself. Yet, Jesus said, "If ye have seen me, ye have also seen the Father." In Genesis, it says we are made in God's image. Do those words suggest God or us are so big we fill the universe and small as well to fit in our hearts? Your religion makes no sense when it comes to what and who God is (are). Jesus Father looks like Him! Plain as can be. The Father therefore has a body with two arms and two legs, two eyes, two ears, one mouth hair on His head, two feet, 10 fingers and 10 toes and a penis with two testicles. Why do you think otherwise? Before Jesus came to the earth, he had a spirit body that looks like our physical bodies only not capable of reproductions that we know of. These are the last days and we have been given more knowledge than just what is contained in the Bible. Some of the things the Biblical apostles said the world could not contain and the Jesus said not to write down at that time. Now, more has been revealed. Line upon line, precept upon precept to prepare for the second coming and what is to follow.
Therefore, the Holy Ghost acted as the physician to artificially inseminate Mary with Heavenly Father's (Elohim) seed (sperm). The interesting thing we know from revealed prophecy is that when a glorified man and a glorified woman have intercourse, their offspring are spirit children. Our Heavenly Parents have had billions and possibly trillions of spirit children now populating many other spheres like our earth. But, Jehovah only came to our earth and will end things here. We learned from our Heavenly Parents in Heaven but could not progress to have all that they do because they are glorified celestial human beings. But, they want us to have all that they do as the Bible says. So, the earth(s) were organized by Jehovah and Michael. Eventually, Father placed man on the earth(s) and the spirit children were placed inside our physical bodies. we've never told how it's done or when it's done other than sometime before birth. When Adam was organized on earth, Michael came into Adam which is the breath of life, our spirits. Not the air or breathing it. Now, the last statement was my opinion on things that I've learned. But, it makes sense and why abortion is wrong. So, Jesus has the physical and spiritual aspects of Heavenly Father. This is why Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh.
We all have to honor our Father and Mother. In Psalms 82:6 it says we are all gods AND CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH. Jesus said he does the will of his Father. You don't? I do.
Christians, Jews, JW's, Muslims... have conjured up this idea that the Most High God has no body, parts or passions. That he's so big he can fill the entire universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart. They claim he's spirit yet there is no teachings in the Bible what a spirit is. No wonder atheists have a field day with people like yourself. Yet, Jesus said, "If ye have seen me, ye have also seen the Father." In Genesis, it says we are made in God's image. Do those words suggest God or us are so big we fill the universe and small as well to fit in our hearts? Your religion makes no sense when it comes to what and who God is (are). Jesus Father looks like Him! Plain as can be. The Father therefore has a body with two arms and two legs, two eyes, two ears, one mouth hair on His head, two feet, 10 fingers and 10 toes and a penis with two testicles. Why do you think otherwise? Before Jesus came to the earth, he had a spirit body that looks like our physical bodies only not capable of reproductions that we know of. These are the last days and we have been given more knowledge than just what is contained in the Bible. Some of the things the Biblical apostles said the world could not contain and the Jesus said not to write down at that time. Now, more has been revealed. Line upon line, precept upon precept to prepare for the second coming and what is to follow.
Therefore, the Holy Ghost acted as the physician to artificially inseminate Mary with Heavenly Father's (Elohim) seed (sperm). The interesting thing we know from revealed prophecy is that when a glorified man and a glorified woman have intercourse, their offspring are spirit children. Our Heavenly Parents have had billions and possibly trillions of spirit children now populating many other spheres like our earth. But, Jehovah only came to our earth and will end things here. We learned from our Heavenly Parents in Heaven but could not progress to have all that they do because they are glorified celestial human beings. But, they want us to have all that they do as the Bible says. So, the earth(s) were organized by Jehovah and Michael. Eventually, Father placed man on the earth(s) and the spirit children were placed inside our physical bodies. we've never told how it's done or when it's done other than sometime before birth. When Adam was organized on earth, Michael came into Adam which is the breath of life, our spirits. Not the air or breathing it. Now, the last statement was my opinion on things that I've learned. But, it makes sense and why abortion is wrong. So, Jesus has the physical and spiritual aspects of Heavenly Father. This is why Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh.
Our parents arent God. Elohim is not a name--look it up--you are being lied to. 100% fact in every translation on earth--I am Jehovah beside me there is no other God--- do you understand english? In Ezekial--They will have to know i am Jehovah. = The only true living God.
Psalm 83:18--That they may know that you whose name is Jehovah are the most high over all the earth.
Our parents arent God. Elohim is not a name--look it up--you are being lied to. 100% fact in every translation on earth--I am Jehovah beside me there is no other God--- do you understand english? In Ezekial--They will have to know i am Jehovah. = The only true living God.
Psalm 83:18--That they may know that you whose name is Jehovah are the most high over all the earth.
If there is only one God, then why did the only one God tell David in Psalms 82:6 that all men are God's as well? Either that is a contradiction or your scholar's interpretations suck. Does the Bible lie or is your interpretation from false prophets, false? Come on, I know you can logically think. It's so funny watching you and Surada jumping through hoops. Hilarious! Surada tries to explain away in Isaiah 53 that Jesus isn't who Isaiah is prophesying. Surada says the individual pronouns like "Him" or "He" refer to all the inhabitants of Israel, plural. And, you (Probably Surada too) are trying to convince yourselves that "Me" is singular and not the plurality of the "One" Godhead. In other words, Satan is not God or part of the Godhead. Neither is the Arch Angel, Michael (Adam). I am so glad I have learned from the fulness of the Gospel Prophets to know how to stay out of these kinds of contradictions and interpretations. Notice that you did not answer the simple Gospel facts that God has given us His image meaning the Godhead members, Father and Son, are glorified resurrected men. If this were not so, we would not be made in their images.
I didn't say our earthly parents are our Father God. Where did you get that. Comprehension challenges still haunt you, a lot. By the way, I have something you don't have about Jesus being Jehovah, the Son of God. A testimony that is unshakeable for I know through the gift of the Holy Ghost Jesus is Jehovah. And, Father's name is Elohim and your Bible has been tampered so much that JW's are the most lost "Christians" on the planet and even the universe. I'm thankful the God (Godhead) have re-established communications with earthlings through the Prophet Joseph Smith and continue to do so through the prophets that have followed him. I'm thankful for a Prophet to lead me and guide me in these, the latter days. What does everyone else have? Hifalutin snobbish scholars from braindead institutions of learning. As Isaiah chapter 29 talks about Joseph Smith, who is the unlearned man, he brings forth the marvelous work and a wonder, The Book of Joseph (Ephraim), The Book of Mormon, to confound the scholars that can't understand.
If there is only one God, then why did the only one God tell David in Psalms 82:6 that all men are God's as well? Either that is a contradiction or your scholar's interpretations suck. Does the Bible lie or is your interpretation from false prophets, false? Come on, I know you can logically think. It's so funny watching you and Surada jumping through hoops. Hilarious! Surada tries to explain away in Isaiah 53 that Jesus isn't who Isaiah is prophesying. Surada says the individual pronouns like "Him" or "He" refer to all the inhabitants of Israel, plural. And, you (Probably Surada too) are trying to convince yourselves that "Me" is singular and not the plurality of the "One" Godhead. In other words, Satan is not God or part of the Godhead. Neither is the Arch Angel, Michael (Adam). I am so glad I have learned from the fulness of the Gospel Prophets to know how to stay out of these kinds of contradictions and interpretations. Notice that you did not answer the simple Gospel facts that God has given us His image meaning the Godhead members, Father and Son, are glorified resurrected men. If this were not so, we would not be made in their images.
I didn't say our earthly parents are our Father God. Where did you get that. Comprehension challenges still haunt you, a lot. By the way, I have something you don't have about Jesus being Jehovah, the Son of God. A testimony that is unshakeable for I know through the gift of the Holy Ghost Jesus is Jehovah. And, Father's name is Elohim and your Bible has been tampered so much that JW's are the most lost "Christians" on the planet and even the universe. I'm thankful the God (Godhead) have re-established communications with earthlings through the Prophet Joseph Smith and continue to do so through the prophets that have followed him. I'm thankful for a Prophet to lead me and guide me in these, the latter days. What does everyone else have? Hifalutin snobbish scholars from braindead institutions of learning. As Isaiah chapter 29 talks about Joseph Smith, who is the unlearned man, he brings forth the marvelous work and a wonder, The Book of Joseph (Ephraim), The Book of Mormon, to confound the scholars that can't understand.

Yet men are not God in reality are they. But men with Gods backing, like Moses can look like a God. God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22, 1 Cor 8:5-6--- I disagree 100% about Joseph Smith. From what i understand he was a paedophile marrying underage girls. Only a single wife is allowed. It isnt the OT days.
Yet men are not God in reality are they. But men with Gods backing, like Moses can look like a God. God did it all through Jesus-Acts 2:22, 1 Cor 8:5-6--- I disagree 100% about Joseph Smith. From what i understand he was a paedophile marrying underage girls. Only a single wife is allowed. It isnt the OT days.
The bible says we are gods. We know good and evil with the ability to progress, be resurrected and take our inheritance with the Father and Son. You think the Bible lied? You think Jesus lied when he said we are gods when asked if he was God? We are still gods in embryo or learning.
Now you spread lies. A rumormonger. Just what Jesus and the Apostles taught not to do. False bearer. No, he did not have sex with underage girls. Also, there are two words non-LDS misunderstand. Marriage is a government secular institution. Polygamy is prohibited by the laws of the land. But, could change since they are allowing gay marriages and worse. However, we have always believed that marriage is between a man and a woman legally and lawfully married by government decree by one with the authority by the government to do so. Joseph Smith was married to only one woman, Emma Smith. Then, there is the word "Sealed." Sealings in the Temple are not earthly government rites. They are rituals that bind a man and a woman together for time and all eternity. Where earthly marriages only are binding for time on earth. Children can also be sealed to their parents binding families together forever. Joseph was sealed to many women during his later life and after his death. But, being sealed did not mean it has to be sealed through sexual intercourse.
In the early years when this polygamy concept was starting to be revealed, it was not explained to the people. We didn't have the internet and ZOOM capabilities. So, for years, many thought that in order to make it to the Celestial Kingdom, they had to be sealed to Joseph Smith or one of the other Apostles like Brigham Young. So, you had men being sealed to men. But, eventually, the confusion ended and the sealings were fully revealed to be family members sealed to one another for eternity. Because of the confusion, some fathers and mothers made their daughters seal themselves to Joseph Smith. But, they did not have sexual relations with Joseph Smith.
The concept of a man having only one wife is in the New Testament. It became the new practice or administration that priesthood men would have only one wife. Bishops, Elders, Teachers, Deacons would be limited to one wife in the Church. But, like the 10 tribes of Israel and eventually the southern 2 tribes, they lost their covenants they made with God through their apostasy of evil sinning. Following other gods and whoring about the earth. As Paul talks about the whoring, backbiters, stealers, the homosexuals and other vile sinners, Paul said a great apostasy would take place. Because Jesus made the New and Everlasting Covenant with His Baptized members, this law was greater than before. And, the apostasy lasted much longer than before. All the way to 1820 when the Godhead returned to the boy, Joseph Smith and told him that through him, Jesus would re-establish His Church and this would be the time of restitution of ALL THINGS that was prophesied in the Bible by Paul. All things. Polygamy as well. These are not the times we must follow all of the teachings of the ancient people. We have a New Covenant. The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage (sealings).
We also believe in upholding the laws of the land. So, Joseph would not have engaged in pedophilia. And, he did not as I explained above. The laws were made by man to limit the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage on earth. When Utah decided to enter into the Union of the United States of American, polygamy by the Church was stopped. Any member caught marrying more than one wife, or having sexual relations with more than one wife are excommunicated. Because we have a Prophet, direct communications with Heaven, there are differences with the Church of Jesus Christ today than in former days when Christ was on the earth.
The bible says we are gods. We know good and evil with the ability to progress, be resurrected and take our inheritance with the Father and Son. You think the Bible lied? You think Jesus lied when he said we are gods when asked if he was God? We are still gods in embryo or learning.
Now you spread lies. A rumormonger. Just what Jesus and the Apostles taught not to do. False bearer. No, he did not have sex with underage girls. Also, there are two words non-LDS misunderstand. Marriage is a government secular institution. Polygamy is prohibited by the laws of the land. But, could change since they are allowing gay marriages and worse. However, we have always believed that marriage is between a man and a woman legally and lawfully married by government decree by one with the authority by the government to do so. Joseph Smith was married to only one woman, Emma Smith. Then, there is the word "Sealed." Sealings in the Temple are not earthly government rites. They are rituals that bind a man and a woman together for time and all eternity. Where earthly marriages only are binding for time on earth. Children can also be sealed to their parents binding families together forever. Joseph was sealed to many women during his later life and after his death. But, being sealed did not mean it has to be sealed through sexual intercourse.
In the early years when this polygamy concept was starting to be revealed, it was not explained to the people. We didn't have the internet and ZOOM capabilities. So, for years, many thought that in order to make it to the Celestial Kingdom, they had to be sealed to Joseph Smith or one of the other Apostles like Brigham Young. So, you had men being sealed to men. But, eventually, the confusion ended and the sealings were fully revealed to be family members sealed to one another for eternity. Because of the confusion, some fathers and mothers made their daughters seal themselves to Joseph Smith. But, they did not have sexual relations with Joseph Smith.
The concept of a man having only one wife is in the New Testament. It became the new practice or administration that priesthood men would have only one wife. Bishops, Elders, Teachers, Deacons would be limited to one wife in the Church. But, like the 10 tribes of Israel and eventually the southern 2 tribes, they lost their covenants they made with God through their apostasy of evil sinning. Following other gods and whoring about the earth. As Paul talks about the whoring, backbiters, stealers, the homosexuals and other vile sinners, Paul said a great apostasy would take place. Because Jesus made the New and Everlasting Covenant with His Baptized members, this law was greater than before. And, the apostasy lasted much longer than before. All the way to 1820 when the Godhead returned to the boy, Joseph Smith and told him that through him, Jesus would re-establish His Church and this would be the time of restitution of ALL THINGS that was prophesied in the Bible by Paul. All things. Polygamy as well. These are not the times we must follow all of the teachings of the ancient people. We have a New Covenant. The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage (sealings).
We also believe in upholding the laws of the land. So, Joseph would not have engaged in pedophilia. And, he did not as I explained above. The laws were made by man to limit the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage on earth. When Utah decided to enter into the Union of the United States of American, polygamy by the Church was stopped. Any member caught marrying more than one wife, or having sexual relations with more than one wife are excommunicated. Because we have a Prophet, direct communications with Heaven, there are differences with the Church of Jesus Christ today than in former days when Christ was on the earth.
you are being mislead-0 doubt in all creation.
you are being mislead-0 doubt in all creation.
You are just stuck in a rut with all of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and so on. We have a Prophet today that leads us, guides us and with the promise he will never lead us astray. I have shared with you the Biblical prophecies of Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon, The restoration of the Gospel, Church and restitution of all things the Apostles said would happen. The Church must be established on the foundations of Apostles and Prophets, it is. We have great teachers and educators. But, the thing we have that you'all don't have is the Gift of the Holy Ghost and the Authority of the Priesthood (the power of God) Keep sticking your head in the sand and being mislead by false teachers and preachers. Study the words I've written. Meditate on them. Pray about them with goodly intent without a double mind and see for yourself. The End.

You are just stuck in a rut with all of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and so on. We have a Prophet today that leads us, guides us and with the promise he will never lead us astray. I have shared with you the Biblical prophecies of Joseph Smith, The Book of Mormon, The restoration of the Gospel, Church and restitution of all things the Apostles said would happen. The Church must be established on the foundations of Apostles and Prophets, it is. We have great teachers and educators. But, the thing we have that you'all don't have is the Gift of the Holy Ghost and the Authority of the Priesthood (the power of God) Keep sticking your head in the sand and being mislead by false teachers and preachers. Study the words I've written. Meditate on them. Pray about them with goodly intent without a double mind and see for yourself. The End.

You will find out the hard way--It is almost done.

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