Loretta Lynch walks out in Oregon...

Hahaha!!!! And listen when they try to say this is about BlackLivesMatter shootings.....the guy says he's part of Oregon Cop Block (obviously he has sympathy for the movement against cops shooting people!). Hilarious when the race card blows up. Hey lady....he's CopBlock....he's as sympathetic to BlackLivesMatter as any white person in the country...but HE'S STILL RIGHT about Fast and Furious!!
soon you RWNJ crackas will be broken

Look, you carpet-headed, Nike-Air-Jordan-fetishist, obsolete farm-equipment nagger, you are such an odious, arrogant little virus on humanity, I hope that every single second you live in the South is a psychological torture for you. With your petulant, spoiled chip on shoulder, I have the schadenfreude of knowing you will NEVER be happy; no matter what whites do or don't do, you will always be a miserable malcontent shunned by civilized society while you rot in your own rot.
soon you RWNJ crackas will be broken

Look, you carpet-headed, Nike-Air-Jordan-fetishist, obsolete farm-equipment nagger, you are such an odious, arrogant little virus on humanity, I hope that every single second you live in the South is a psychological torture for you. With your petulant, spoiled chip on shoulder, I have the schadenfreude of knowing you will NEVER be happy; no matter what whites do or don't do, you will always be a miserable malcontent shunned by civilized society while you rot in your own rot.

If your joy comes from other people's suffering, you're already a miserable fuck, Muny
We want to hear from the public...provided they have the questions and comments we want.
soon you RWNJ crackas will be broken

Look, you carpet-headed, Nike-Air-Jordan-fetishist, obsolete farm-equipment nagger, you are such an odious, arrogant little virus on humanity, I hope that every single second you live in the South is a psychological torture for you. With your petulant, spoiled chip on shoulder, I have the schadenfreude of knowing you will NEVER be happy; no matter what whites do or don't do, you will always be a miserable malcontent shunned by civilized society while you rot in your own rot.

Dude wtf is wrong with you? And how many of those words did you pick out of a dictionary?
soon you RWNJ crackas will be broken

Look, you carpet-headed, Nike-Air-Jordan-fetishist, obsolete farm-equipment nagger, you are such an odious, arrogant little virus on humanity, I hope that every single second you live in the South is a psychological torture for you. With your petulant, spoiled chip on shoulder, I have the schadenfreude of knowing you will NEVER be happy; no matter what whites do or don't do, you will always be a miserable malcontent shunned by civilized society while you rot in your own rot.
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
Loretta Lynch asks not to be considered for Supreme Court vacancy...

Attorney General Lynch asks not to be considered for Supreme Court vacancy
Tue Mar 8, 2016 - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked not to be considered as a nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last month, the Justice Department said on Tuesday.
Lynch, 56, was rumored to be under consideration by Democratic President Barack Obama. She is held in high regard within the administration, received bipartisan support for her nomination as attorney general and would be the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. "Given the urgent issues before the Department of Justice, she asked not to be considered for the position," the department said in a statement. In recent weeks, other names have emerged on Obama's short list, including Sri Srinivasan, Jane Kelly and Paul Watford, all of whom serve as federal appeals court judges.


U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch testifies before a House Appropriations subcommittee on the Justice's Department budget in Washington​

In an interview with Fox News last week, Lynch responded to speculation she was being vetted for the job. "I haven't had those conversations. I'm very happy with my job," Lynch said. Justice Department spokeswoman Melanie Newman said that while Lynch was deeply grateful for the support of those who suggested her as a high court nominee, "she is honored to serve as attorney general, and she is fully committed to carrying out the work of the Department of Justice for the remainder of her term."

The process of filling the spot that was held by Scalia, one of the court's most conservative justices, has ignited a partisan battle in Washington. Republicans who control the U.S. Senate do not want to see the court shift ideologically to the left and have said they will not hold a vote on Obama's nominee. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the winner of the Nov. 8 presidential election.

Attorney General Lynch asks not to be considered for Supreme Court vacancy

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