"Lose with Cruz" and "Sink with Sanders"

I don't foresee either of them living in the White House. I predict Hillary will be the next president.
Is this white enough for you. It is Alcatraz the authorities are going to reopen it just for Hillary. That is about as close as she deserves to get to any "white house"

It really boggles my mind that their are still people dumb enough this day and age to vote for Hilary Clinton. I get Trump, I get Cruz, I get Sanders. Hilary Clinton though? I just refuse to believe this country is that stupid yet.
I don't foresee either of them living in the White House. I predict Hillary will be the next president.

It is funny to watch these drones believe they actually get a choice in their nominations..

And your choice was made in 2008..

Don't understand why they think or or conceive that a person like Hilary Clinton will still be around to vote for in the general election. The fact that they know she won't be around and she knows she won't be around and still urges people to vote for her is disturbing. Why would anyone vote for anyone as disturbing is her? Why would someone that disturbed vote's be counted anyway? Beats me. Hillary Clinton represents the disturbed of America. No one argues that. It's scary and the media should put a stop it if they claim they are what they say they are be it CNN, Fox News, Msnbc of ect....

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