Lose your job

What was she trying to teach? A class on Ignorance? Or on hate?
The teacher shouldn't have been fired, but he still sounds like a douche nozzle.
If you have a dick your a guy. If you have a vagina your a girl.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is dumber than a box of rocks.
It sounds like there's more to the story than what's being reported. The article says that several concerns were raised about his treatment of the student, and he was only dismissed after a five-and-a-half-hour hearing.
The more I think about it this guy probably did deserve to be dismissed. He was obviously just purposely being a dick to one of his students. They say he apologized to the student, saying he meant to say him, but he claims in his suit that his religion permitted him from intentionally lying. So he's either lying about meaning to say him, or is ironically lying about not being able to lie.
because you refuse to call her a him?

Teacher fired for refusing to use transgender student’s pronouns launches legal action

"Teacher fired for refusing to use transgender student’s pronouns launches legal action"

Sorry, PC has gone too damn far.
It's compelled speech, or else.

We don't even have the crazy laws they passed in Canada, and still, people get punished if they dare not fall in line with the SJW crowd.

Check this out. Is this lunacy from Canada, coming our way soon?
If you have a dick your a guy. If you have a vagina your a girl.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is dumber than a box of rocks.
You may have to memorize this, or one day land your butt in prison, or lose your job.


And apparently, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

We already have 100 pronouns, what's a few bazillion more?

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