Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

Wrong again. The earth has gone through glacial periods. Our temperature variances today are statistically insignificant.

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Look at the scale, and you will see it is not linear, but exponential.
That means that for the last 5 million years, the climate has been fairly stable, with ice age and warming cycles, about 110,000 years long. And there have been about 12 such stable ice age and warming cycles.
And the current temperature variance is MUCH greater/faster than the norm.
The current global warming is well over 1000 time greater/faster than any past cycle.
Look at the scale, and you will see it is not linear, but exponential.
That means that for the last 5 million years, the climate has been fairly stable, with ice age and warming cycles, about 110,000 years long. And there have been about 12 such stable ice age and warming cycles.
And the current temperature variance is MUCH greater/faster than the norm.
The current global warming is well over 1000 time greater/faster than any past cycle.

Omigawd you are demented.
You don't grok much about Human Nature, bub. There will always be a clique that forms to be "in charge"...and the dole out the goods to their buds or to people who do things for them.

Which is why you want "collective bargaining".
That gives you better representation, and is unified by the large number of people who are in the same boat and have the same concerns.
With socialism, then all the other employees get input as to whether or not your salary is fair.
It is NOT just dictated by those "in charge" due to their investment and monopoly.
I have a fine financial advisor. I include all of the embedded taxes in my calculations.

And my examples are valid. Government interference distorts market pricing. If you think government doesn't touch health care, then you are even more clueless than I suspected.

Obamacare, ever heard of it?

That is silly.
Obamacare, or ACA, is just mandatory private health insurance.
It is NOT at all public, and there is NO government involvement at all, except for the ER and a few things like that.
It is monopolistic because you are forced to prepay, thus giving up any opportunity to bargain if you dispute quality or costs.
it is third party payer, but none of the parties are government.
Which is why you want "collective bargaining".
That gives you better representation, and is unified by the large number of people who are in the same boat and have the same concerns.
With socialism, then all the other employees get input as to whether or not your salary is fair.
It is NOT just dictated by those "in charge" due to their investment and monopoly.

Please, get a job in the real world and get back to us.
Omigawd you are demented.

Here are some of the 12 ice age cycles.


You can easily see they are very uniform, and very long.
About 110,000 years long each.
The current global warming is about the same cycle done in only 200 years.
Here are some of the 12 ice age cycles.


You can easily see they are very uniform, and very long.
About 110,000 years long each.
The current global warming is about the same cycle done in only 200 years.

That is too short of a time frame. Millions of years is more appropriate. The global maximum occurred 55 million years ago - far far hotter than today and no humans to blame it on.

Please, get a job in the real world and get back to us.

I have had dozens of jobs, and I was a highly paid Software Engineer working on contract, for over $150,000 a year.
I kept my taxes down to about 20%.
For example, there are 9 states without state income tax.
All you need is an address there, since as a contractor, I had to take temporary inhabitance in many different states.
I have had dozens of jobs, and I was a highly paid Software Engineer working on contract, for over $150,000 a year.
I kept my taxes down to about 20%.
For example, there are 9 states without state income tax.
All you need is an address there, since as a contractor, I had to take temporary inhabitance in many different states.

Do the math: Fed, SS, Medicare, State (property, income, sales, excise), gasoline taxes, taxes and fees added to utilities, the embedded taxes in the cost of services. You pay way more in taxes than you think.
That is too short of a time frame. Millions of years is more appropriate. The global maximum occurred 55 million years ago - far far hotter than today and no humans to blame it on.

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At one time the earth was much hotter because it has a methane and ammonia atmosphere instead of oxygen and nitrogen.
The ice age and warming cycles did not start until about 3 million years ago, so going back before that is totally irrelvant.
Before than was an unstable one off.
Only look at the period your graph labels the "Milankovitch Cycles".
That is the only portion we care about.
and scientists and everyone who isn't addicted to GOP Big Oil propaganda...No it isn't a conspiracy of everyone educated and paying attention....
Well......then there's also the science. And the observable weather/climate events like record levels of CO2, extreme weather events, unusual drought in some places and flooding in others, record high temps., etc.
After 2yrs of C19, you guys still believe SCIENCE is the fact. I have some Bre-x stocks you guys may find interesting to buy them.
After 2yrs of C19, you guys still believe SCIENCE is the fact. I have some Bre-x stocks you guys may find interesting to buy them.
The science has been right with a new virus like this. The problem is your garbage propaganda reporting of it, every tiny exception to the rule that the vaccine is safe is obsessed over...same with every topic. You believe a load of crap. Our legal and election systems are just fine, hater dupe. The whole world is aghast at your misinformation and hate, hater dupe........
Do the math: Fed, SS, Medicare, State (property, income, sales, excise), gasoline taxes, taxes and fees added to utilities, the embedded taxes in the cost of services. You pay way more in taxes than you think.

Good point.
I had not been considering all of them.
But SS I don't feel bad about since I get that back, plus 3%.
After 2yrs of C19, you guys still believe SCIENCE is the fact. I have some Bre-x stocks you guys may find interesting to buy them.

I think covid was fake in order to make over $36 billion per company, but I see no profit in global warming?
The best solution to global warming is not to buy anything or spend any money, but to travel less and buy less fossil fuel.
Like with president Carter.
He did not tell us to buy anything, but just to turn down the thermostat.
In a capitalist country there can be no socialism.
I a socialist country, there can be both capitalism and socialism.
Since Sweden has both capitalism and socialism, then it is a socialist country, NOT a capitalist one.

And you misunderstand socialism completely.
Socialism has NOTHING at all to do with welfare.
You do not have to have any welfare in a socialist state.
Instead, socialism pertains to joint public investment in production.
Which Sweden most definitely does.
For example, the government has invested in Volvo, to the tune of about half the company worth, and then gets most of the seat on the board of directors.
WTF? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The science has been right with a new virus like this. The problem is your garbage propaganda reporting of it, every tiny exception to the rule that the vaccine is safe is obsessed over...same with every topic. You believe a load of crap. Our legal and election systems are just fine, hater dupe. The whole world is aghast at your misinformation and hate, hater dupe........

Actually the covid science has been abysmal.
It is not even really a "new" virus, but one of hundreds of coronaviruses we have had for millions of years.
It would not even be remotely significant if not for the fact our immune system has a potentially deadly allergic over reaction. The virus itself does essentially nothing.
There are no vaccines for covid approved in the US.
A vaccine has to have real but dead viruses, so that the immune system has something to remember.
The immune system can not remember a spike protein grown by our own body, because those spike proteins have to work in our own ACE2 receptors, so can't be different from the spike protein our own exosomes use.
Now that we lured the climate changers into the trap lets spring it...

1st you dumb ass Dems and government paid 'scientists' said we were heading into an ice age. When nobody would believe that...

2nd you dumb ass Dems and government paid 'scientists' said the ozone layer was damaged and causing frogs to mutate. When actual scientists discovered the deformations were from a mite...

3rd you dumb ass Dems and government paid 'scientists' said omg we are killing the planet by logging and destroyed the USA timber industry to protect the spotted owl and other bogus nonsense. Then begged Canada to cut their trees down.

4th you dumb ass Dems and government paid 'scientists' told us GLOBAL WARMING and the planet was gonna DIE! When it kept snowing on your global warming summit meetings and people started laughing at you and none of your so called scientific predictions came true then you changed the name to CLIMATE CHANGE. I think we all know why.

Now shut the hell up you lying scum!

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