Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

Each person in China uses less than half the fossil fuel we do in the US.
So China is NOT the problem, we are.
If we would use less, than so would China.
You can't expect the people in the rest of the world to use less fossil fuel, per person, than we do.
the difference is that our uses are very non polluting while China's are highly polluting.
Finishing middle school is not highly educated, no matter what you were told. As far as informed, your post prove just the opposite.

I agree, which is why I did not do so.
yeah, I remember you wasted your vote on some loser third party.
Each person in China uses less than half the fossil fuel we do in the US.
So China is NOT the problem, we are.
If we would use less, than so would China.
You can't expect the people in the rest of the world to use less fossil fuel, per person, than we do.
are the goalposts heavy? we can put wheels on them if it makes it easier to move
How can you have complete certainty and enormous unknown risks in the same paragraph?

Best case scenario is still awful.
Of that we have complete certainty.
We have to stop adding so much carbon to atmosphere.
It is simple science.
Heat comes in as light from the sun.
Heat has to then leave or we fry.
Heat can only leave as photonic energy, since the planet is surrounded by vacuum that can not conduct.
But carbon converts light into vibratory heat energy, that can not leave the planet.
We all know this.
That is why greenhouses get hotter than the air ourside.
are the goalposts heavy? we can put wheels on them if it makes it easier to move

You do NOT measure carbon emissions by country.
You measure by person.
And the US is by far the main offender.
We do not even try.
We could easily do mass transit and save almost half our fossil fuel emissions.
China has great mass transit.
Dude, your vote was wasted but you are too dumb to know it.
wrong again, I voted for the guy that got the most votes. 2020 election was a coup of the USA government successfully pulled off by the dems, the media, China, and NWO assholes. Why are you celebrating a coup of your nation?
wrong again, I voted for the guy that got the most votes. 2020 election was a coup of the USA government successfully pulled off by the dems, the media, China, and NWO assholes. Why are you celebrating a coup of your nation?

But the guy you voted for sucks, just like the guy you did not vote for. This is what you are too fucking stupid to grasp.
I am sure you would like to believe that yet I am sure you don't understand where acid rain comes from.

I agree acid rain proves we have effected the environment already.

Also the red tide algae blooms from agricultural run off.

Humans had no real way to effect the environment much until about 200 years ago.
Now we are using up hundreds of millions of years worth of sequestered carbon in fossil fuels.
The most concentrated carbon on the whole planet.
How could burning hundreds of millions of years of stored carbon in only a few hundred years, NOT have a huge impact?
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...

"Climate Change" is just the 21st Century Thugocracy's way of scaring the population. It's an updated version of "Thunder God Angry".
There is NEVER a sharp change in climate naturally.
The ice age and warming cycle is over 110,000 years long.

The current weather changes of colder temperatures in some areas, are NOT from cooling climate, but from warming climate.
With more climate warming, weather has more energy, so weather that used to be trapped to the poles, is now able to blow down to more equatorial geography.
But the planet is NOT cooler.
The poles are over 30 degrees warmer than usual.

And no one is handing academic $100 billion.
The global warming is researched by NOAH, which we already fund regardless.

And again, weather and climate are completely different.
Weather is cold in one area and hot in another.
Climate is the sum total of all local weather, averaged out.
The current weather changes of colder temperatures in some areas, are NOT from cooling climate, but from warming climate. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: fucking morons
That's a great example of a great big sweeping platitude.
How much co2 did the dinosaur killer present..

Where do we get the ego to think it we can even attempt to control the weather

I think she might think you aren't that smart, perhaps pretentious

The dinosaur killer added zero CO2.
Most meteors have zero carbon.
Most meteors hit rock and soil, that are mostly silicates.

NO ONE is trying to control the weather.
Climate is NOT weather.

Climate is controlled by the amount of carbon in the outer atmosphere boundary to space.
Carbon prevents heat from leaving the planet, because it turns photonic radiation into vibratory heat that can't leave the planet.
What socialist or communist countries?
There is slavery in Sweden?
You are confused Moon Bat.

Sweden is a Capitalist economy.

It is also a small heterogeneous society of producers that have chosen to give the government permission to manage certain welfare services. They can do that because they can trust their government and there are very few freeloaders. It also cost them an arm and a leg in taxes and that has stiffed robust economic growth.

That model will fail in the US because we can't trust the government to do anything efficiently and we have a very large population of unproductive welfare queens.

If we send Sweden several million of our Democrat inner city ghetto welfare queens their welfare system would collapse in short order.

Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats never seem to be able abe to grasp that concept, can you?
"Climate Change" is just the 21st Century Thugocracy's way of scaring the population. It's an updated version of "Thunder God Angry".

No, it should be obvious to anyone.
If you were around in 1957, you would remember how momentous it was for the USS Natilus to go under the North Pole.
That was in the summer, the Arctic Ocean never used to open to the water at all. It was always iced shut.
There was no Northwest Passage.
But then in 1997, it all melted enough so that there now is a Northwest Passage.
Anyone can easily tell things are getting MUCH warmer.
When I was a kid about 60 years ago, there was 3 times as much snow and temperatures got 10 degrees colder in the winter.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Sweden is a Capitalist economy.

It is also a small heterogeneous society of producers that have chosen to give the government permission to manage certain welfare services. They can do that because they can trust their government and there are very few freeloaders. It also cost them an arm and a leg in taxes and that has stiffed robust economic growth.

That model will fail in the US because we can't trust the government to do anything efficiently and we have a very large population of unproductive welfare queens.

If we send Sweden several million of our Democrat inner city ghetto welfare queens their welfare system would collapse in short order.

Their ain't no such thing as a free lunch. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats never seem to be able abe to grasp that concept, can you?

In a capitalist country there can be no socialism.
I a socialist country, there can be both capitalism and socialism.
Since Sweden has both capitalism and socialism, then it is a socialist country, NOT a capitalist one.

And you misunderstand socialism completely.
Socialism has NOTHING at all to do with welfare.
You do not have to have any welfare in a socialist state.
Instead, socialism pertains to joint public investment in production.
Which Sweden most definitely does.
For example, the government has invested in Volvo, to the tune of about half the company worth, and then gets most of the seat on the board of directors.
I admire your pluck as misguided As You Are at least you're attempting to discuss physics instead of well we have to think of our grandchildren no more burning any kind of fossil fuel no matter what the causes

And we can also look at it from an entirely different perspective.
Since fossil fuels are so limited, (from ancient 100 million year old swamps), we should be conserving them.
We can easily use less fossil fuel and or replace them with renewable or nuclear.

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