Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

there is no slavery in the USA today, but there is in Muslim countries, African dictatorships, and most "socialist" countries like Russia and China. Facts do not support your foolish claims. Capitalism is the only system ever to raise everyone, sure some achieve more than others, thats simply human nature.

acid rain was going to destroy all plant life according to left wing "scientists" did that happen? duh, no.
Capitalists in the USA do business with slave-holding nations so they advocate it. The US did have slavery and they were capitalist...Acid rain is a climate-changing inducement of certain chemicals that humans created by manufacturing items. It occurs in nature also so don't feel too guilty. As far as what the "left" said I am not sure since I don't tend to listen to them.
Bad time scale.
The inland sea in the US was over 120 million years ago.
The normal and natural glacial warming and cooling is 110,000 year long cycle.
We are not just compressing it into just 200 years, but adding a new additional warming on top of the natural warmest part of the natural cycle. That can lead to super warming that can result in a deadly race condition where all liquid water on the planet evaporates.
The unknown risks are enormous.
We can destroy all life on the planet in less than 100 years, in a worst case scenario.
I admire your pluck as misguided As You Are at least you're attempting to discuss physics instead of well we have to think of our grandchildren no more burning any kind of fossil fuel no matter what the causes
Why do you think China built the 3 Gorges dam?
It was for clean hydroelectrical energy.
As for India, "India added a record 10 Gigawatt (GW) of solar energy to its cumulative installed capacity in 2021".
I did not bother looking up Africa because they probably can't afford much.
South America has always been heavy into solar and bio fuel. For example, Brazil is a heavy ethanol producer.
Mexico is heavy into wind power:
{... Mexico is rapidly growing its production of wind power. In 2016, its installed capacity had reached 3,527 MW, increasing to 8,128 MW in 2020. In 2008, there were three wind farms in the country. The Eurus Wind Farm was the largest wind farm in Latin America. 18 of 27 wind farms construction projects were based in La Ventosa in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca. ...}
Russia is heavy into nuclear.

Anyone not realizing fossil fuel is not just dirty, but is going to run out, is extremely foolish.
Yeah they built 3 gorges dam and then 1000 coal burning electric plants.


You'll notice who's on this list and who isnt.


They really look like they are tapering their emissions alright. That was 10 years ago btw.

China is definitely converting to green energy. You'll notice where all the pink and purple (building and planned) coal plants are. Not in the US.
Bad time scale.
The inland sea in the US was over 120 million years ago.
The normal and natural glacial warming and cooling is 110,000 year long cycle.
We are not just compressing it into just 200 years, but adding a new additional warming on top of the natural warmest part of the natural cycle. That can lead to super warming that can result in a deadly race condition where all liquid water on the planet evaporates.
The unknown risks are enormous.
We can destroy all life on the planet in less than 100 years, in a worst case scenario.
How can you have complete certainty and enormous unknown risks in the same paragraph?

massive climate change is a never ending thing throughout the history of the planet. Climagte changew is not man MADE. Man has some influence on it no doubt but to call it man MADE ignores the vast complexity of what iis going on.

Buring ancient sequestered fossil fuel carbon adds over 30 trillion tons of carbon to the atmosphere every single year.
That more dramatic than an asteroid hit every single year.
It is huge, ongoing, and vastly faster than normal climate cycles.
yes the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, the acts of humans have never had any affect on it.

Until now.
Now humans are adding over 30 tons of additional ancient carbon, every single year.
I didn't take a picture because I was driving but I saw a billboard on I-4 just west of Tampa that said "Just drill for oil for Heaven's sake".
Bad time scale.
The inland sea in the US was over 120 million years ago.
The normal and natural glacial warming and cooling is 110,000 year long cycle.
We are not just compressing it into just 200 years, but adding a new additional warming on top of the natural warmest part of the natural cycle. That can lead to super warming that can result in a deadly race condition where all liquid water on the planet evaporates.
The unknown risks are enormous.
We can destroy all life on the planet in less than 100 years, in a worst case scenario.
The Maunder Minimum was just a few hundred years ago.

Had the climate alarmists been living then...we would have been browbeaten into extinguishing heating and cooking fires because smoke was reflecting the suns rays back into space.

Sometimes it ain't about us.

While we may arrogantly believe that the sun rises and sets in our assholes...there is a very high probability that the "science of consensus", aka informed guesses, is wrong...especially in light of the fact no past computer models so far match the present reality.

You see...that is actual science. You model a hypothesis and then the future reality matches the results forecast by the model.

And that STILL isn't proof...because correlation is not causation.

But were not even to that point yet.
What socialist or communist countries?
There is slavery in Sweden?
Sweden is a capitalist society. I know you want it to be a socialist society but they get to decide these types of things.

How are you always so wrong? It's like you're trying to be wrong on purpose.
Capitalists in the USA do business with slave-holding nations so they advocate it. The US did have slavery and they were capitalist...Acid rain is a climate-changing inducement of certain chemicals that humans created by manufacturing items. It occurs in nature also so don't feel too guilty. As far as what the "left" said I am not sure since I don't tend to listen to them.
your ignorance is amazing, you know nothing about the topics you post about. ignorance = liberal
we have reduced pollution by major amounts and that is wonderful. Acid rain was a hoax designed to scare us into obedience, it seems to have worked on you.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Never mind, you do not need to answer.
Yeah they built 3 gorges dam and then 1000 coal burning electric plants.

View attachment 618697

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View attachment 618700

They really look like they are tapering their emissions alright. That was 10 years ago btw.

China is definitely converting to green energy. You'll notice where all the pink and purple (building and planned) coal plants are. Not in the US.

Each person in China uses less than half the fossil fuel we do in the US.
So China is NOT the problem, we are.
If we would use less, than so would China.
You can't expect the people in the rest of the world to use less fossil fuel, per person, than we do.

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