Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

yes the climate of planet earth has been changing for hundreds of millions of years, the acts of humans have never had any affect on it.
I am sure you would like to believe that yet I am sure you don't understand where acid rain comes from.
No it doesn't.
Families, primitive tribes, and all small social circles are always communist or at least socialist.
Given the free choice, everyone naturally decides to share.
It is inherent human nature.
It takes considerable conditioning to make people greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, isolated, etc.

Mass murder and slavery always are due to a few greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, and anti social sociopaths who are always capitalists.

Yeah socialist/communist governments have never killed anyone.

Evolution is still controversial to many.

That aside, the climate is changing, that there is no controversy over.

The cause is still under debate, but the cause is not the important part. What is important is what we are going to do to mitigate the harm the changing climate does to our country
your prophet the great Algore, said that by now all of Florida and most of the east coast would be under water and that all polar ice would be gone. Was he lying or just stupid----------or was it about making himself richer?
Where are you getting that idea?

China isnt
India isnt
Africa isnt
South America isnt
Mexico isnt
Russia isnt
none of the Stans are

What you mean is a small fraction of the developed world is ”doing something”.

Why do you think China built the 3 Gorges dam?
It was for clean hydroelectrical energy.
As for India, "India added a record 10 Gigawatt (GW) of solar energy to its cumulative installed capacity in 2021".
I did not bother looking up Africa because they probably can't afford much.
South America has always been heavy into solar and bio fuel. For example, Brazil is a heavy ethanol producer.
Mexico is heavy into wind power:
{... Mexico is rapidly growing its production of wind power. In 2016, its installed capacity had reached 3,527 MW, increasing to 8,128 MW in 2020. In 2008, there were three wind farms in the country. The Eurus Wind Farm was the largest wind farm in Latin America. 18 of 27 wind farms construction projects were based in La Ventosa in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca. ...}
Russia is heavy into nuclear.

Anyone not realizing fossil fuel is not just dirty, but is going to run out, is extremely foolish.
The sun is not constant, but is very cyclic and predictable. They also monitor the sun closely, so they know that is NOT the cause of global warming.

The solar cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle is a nearly periodic 11-year change in the Sun's activity measured in terms of variations in the number of observed sunspots on the solar surface. Sunspots have been observed since the early 17th century and the sunspot time series is the longest continuously observed (recorded) time series of any natural phenomena.

The magnetic field of the Sun flips during each solar cycle, with the flip occurring when sunspot cycle is near its maximum. Levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material, the number and size of sunspots, solar flares, and coronal loops all exhibit a synchronized fluctuation, from active to quiet to active again, with a period of 11 years.

This cycle has been observed for centuries by changes in the Sun's appearance and by terrestrial phenomena such as auroras. Solar activity, driven both by the sunspot cycle and transient aperiodic processes govern the environment of the Solar System planets by creating space weather and impact space- and ground-based technologies as well as the Earth's atmosphere and also possibly climate fluctuations on scales of centuries and longer.

Understanding and predicting the sunspot cycle remains one of the grand challenges in astrophysics with major ramifications for space science and the understanding of magnetohydrodynamic phenomena elsewhere in the Universe.
Nice try.
Without googling
Russia has always been about the only sane and practical country in the world.
They are about the only ones who are not invading, corrupting, taking over, colonizing, etc.
That is because " from each according to his ability and to each according to his need " IS a working definition of the condition of slavery.

No its not.
That is the exact opposite of slavery, because no slave holder NEEDS any of the fruits of the slave's labor, or else they would not have been able to afford to buy the slaves in the first place.
Slavery is the exact opposite, where the wealthy get more wealthy by taking from the already poor.
your prophet the great Algore, said that by now all of Florida and most of the east coast would be under water and that all polar ice would be gone. Was he lying or just stupid----------or was it about making himself richer?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Al Gore is a politician, anyone that gets their science from a politician is a fucking moron.

I suspect it was a combination of all 3 though.

By the way, tell me how what I posted in any way is similar to what Al Gore has claimed. Has Al Gore said we need to quit fighting over the cause and focus on taking steps to deal with the changes as they come.
The same way you explain it in a capitalistic nation like the US.
there is no slavery in the USA today, but there is in Muslim countries, African dictatorships, and most "socialist" countries like Russia and China. Facts do not support your foolish claims. Capitalism is the only system ever to raise everyone, sure some achieve more than others, thats simply human nature.
I am sure you would like to believe that yet I am sure you don't understand where acid rain comes from.
acid rain was going to destroy all plant life according to left wing "scientists" did that happen? duh, no.
acid rain was going to destroy all plant life according to left wing "scientists" did that happen? duh, no.

Because people actually saw the danger and made changes.

Air pollution in the US has gone down exponentially from those days.

This is the way a normal society acts.
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That is because " from each according to his ability and to each according to his need " IS a working definition of the condition of slavery.

Orwell was a socialist but also understood how socialism fails. His nook the road to Wigam pier clearly shows this.

Animal farm was an indictment of communism all around it's lesson is that power corrupts and no one is immune from this. Communist governments always amass power because the very ideas of communism is contrary to human nature an people will not cooperate.

No, Snowball was never corrupted.
Snowball was displaced by Napoleon, who was always a corrupt capitalist.

The only lesson to learn from the mistakes that happened in Russia, is to not let a single central capitalist power take over.
Communism has to be local, decentralized, and democratic.

Communism is exactly aligned with human nature, because on a local level, human ALWAYS cooperate.
The only times humans do not cooperate is when a fake centralize concentration of wealth buys enough propaganda to confuse people.
No most of thw world does not care.

Communist nations n particular do not care and never have. We know now that communist atuons are always more destructive to the envirnment than capitalist nations.

Even that is irrelevant however. The average person cares about heating their home paying for food and getting to work. When climate change alarmists come along demanding sacrifice to save the planet they are rejected because their cure is usually worse than the problem.

There are no communist countries and has not ever been one yet, because the power capitalists won't allow it.

And no, the cure to global warming is not worse.
We would all save money if there were mass transit again, like street cars, lots of fast trains, etc.
Jet planes and private cars cost 10 times more, pollute 10 times more, and are 10 times more dangerous, but the mass transit alternatives were deliberately destroyed by the automobile, oil, and airplane industries.
There are lots of better alternatives that cost less, like nuclear, biofuels, etc.
Read anything about George Orwell, and you see he was a very strong socialist.
Books like "1984" and "Animal Farm" are saying how it is unfortunate that capitalism works to take over socialism.

"Atlas Shrugged" is anti-communist, but that was because Aynn Rand was not very smart, and she actually thought that the USSR was communism.

Yeah...he was a socialist.....and then realized what happens in socialism....
No, Snowball was never corrupted.
Snowball was displaced by Napoleon, who was always a corrupt capitalist.

The only lesson to learn from the mistakes that happened in Russia, is to not let a single central capitalist power take over.
Communism has to be local, decentralized, and democratic.

Communism is exactly aligned with human nature, because on a local level, human ALWAYS cooperate.
The only times humans do not cooperate is when a fake centralize concentration of wealth buys enough propaganda to confuse people.

Communism has no understanding of human nature...which is why murder becomes its primary tool.....it has to eliminate anyone who desires freedom.
Never before in the history of the Earth has there been the burning of massive amounts of CO2 producing fossil fuels as we've had over the last 150 years. The irrefutable result being man made global warming.
Never before in the history of the Earth has there been the burning of massive amounts of CO2 producing fossil fuels as we've had over the last 150 years. The irrefutable result being man made global warming.
That's a great example of a great big sweeping platitude.
How much co2 did the dinosaur killer present..

Where do we get the ego to think it we can even attempt to control the weather
Read anything about George Orwell, and you see he was a very strong socialist.
Books like "1984" and "Animal Farm" are saying how it is unfortunate that capitalism works to take over socialism.

"Atlas Shrugged" is anti-communist, but that was because Aynn Rand was not very smart, and she actually thought that the USSR was communism.
I think she might think you aren't that smart, perhaps pretentious
The question isn't whether the climate changes... The question is do we have anything to do with it.

Missouri was not too long ago on the global timescale both under the sea AND under polar ice...

View attachment 618665

View attachment 618666

Bad time scale.
The inland sea in the US was over 120 million years ago.
The normal and natural glacial warming and cooling is 110,000 year long cycle.
We are not just compressing it into just 200 years, but adding a new additional warming on top of the natural warmest part of the natural cycle. That can lead to super warming that can result in a deadly race condition where all liquid water on the planet evaporates.
The unknown risks are enormous.
We can destroy all life on the planet in less than 100 years, in a worst case scenario.
Use to be called global warming, when that shit didn't work when the assholes found out some areas actually got colder the fucks changed it to climate change. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Additionally, the pretense of global warming prevents us from preparing for a sharp decline in cold weather that will be dangerous to society to say the least. This winter is colder than last year and last year was colder than the previous. It has snowed in Japan down to Athens. Even Corsica where winter highs are typically in the mid-50s, lows around 40, saw snow. We need to pay attention to Climate Change but stop blaming man. Something far more significant is developing and handing academics $100 billion to prove global warming is an absolute joke.

There is NEVER a sharp change in climate naturally.
The ice age and warming cycle is over 110,000 years long.

The current weather changes of colder temperatures in some areas, are NOT from cooling climate, but from warming climate.
With more climate warming, weather has more energy, so weather that used to be trapped to the poles, is now able to blow down to more equatorial geography.
But the planet is NOT cooler.
The poles are over 30 degrees warmer than usual.

And no one is handing academic $100 billion.
The global warming is researched by NOAH, which we already fund regardless.

And again, weather and climate are completely different.
Weather is cold in one area and hot in another.
Climate is the sum total of all local weather, averaged out.
It's not controversial. Either you believe in the science or you don't.
And when you are following the science and science does not agree with your agenda you then hide the science or manipulate the science

your prophet the great Algore, said that by now all of Florida and most of the east coast would be under water and that all polar ice would be gone. Was he lying or just stupid----------or was it about making himself richer?

Or did the reductions in emissions work and head off the worst possible scenario?
But clearly we did still warm.
We now have a Northwest Passage that we did not have for tens of thousands of years, until 1997.
The fact we only have east coast flooding and half the polar ice gone, is still bad.
Nice try.
Without googling


The point is we know all about the solar cycles, like the 11 year sunspot activity cycle.

Russia has only always been concerned with its borders.
The only invasions by Russia have been Poland, Hungary, and Afghanistan, and Russia then left these countries after they were stabilized.
That is in high contrast to the US, that is constantly not just invading the Philippines, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., but attempting to make them imperial colonies, forever.

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