Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

Ok then. They are making record profits year after year. I sure feel sorry for them. NEVER.
That makes sense. It's not like the demand for energy is decreasing. They sell more energy they make more money. Not sure why people a) begrudge them that and/or b) are surprised by it. Are you mad at (insert company here) when they grow and become more profitable each year?
and mainly the USA....
China is ~2X of the USA. If climate crisis was as real as Skye Blue's boobs, the EU would kick the shxt out of the US already, especially Biden is in the WH now. As I say, the climate crisis is as fake as Athena Palomino's boobs, just that the MSM and leftists make it look realistic.
China is ~2X of the USA. If climate crisis was as real as Skye Blue's boobs, the EU would kick the shxt out of the US already, especially Biden is in the WH now. As I say, the climate crisis is as fake as Athena Palomino's boobs, just that the MSM and leftists make it look realistic.
and scientists and everyone who isn't addicted to GOP Big Oil propaganda...No it isn't a conspiracy of everyone educated and paying attention....
Let me ask you this
is the sun constant ?

can you tell me exactly what the sun's going to do in the next 10 years

The sun is not constant, but is very cyclic and predictable. They also monitor the sun closely, so they know that is NOT the cause of global warming.

The solar cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle is a nearly periodic 11-year change in the Sun's activity measured in terms of variations in the number of observed sunspots on the solar surface. Sunspots have been observed since the early 17th century and the sunspot time series is the longest continuously observed (recorded) time series of any natural phenomena.

The magnetic field of the Sun flips during each solar cycle, with the flip occurring when sunspot cycle is near its maximum. Levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material, the number and size of sunspots, solar flares, and coronal loops all exhibit a synchronized fluctuation, from active to quiet to active again, with a period of 11 years.

This cycle has been observed for centuries by changes in the Sun's appearance and by terrestrial phenomena such as auroras. Solar activity, driven both by the sunspot cycle and transient aperiodic processes govern the environment of the Solar System planets by creating space weather and impact space- and ground-based technologies as well as the Earth's atmosphere and also possibly climate fluctuations on scales of centuries and longer.

Understanding and predicting the sunspot cycle remains one of the grand challenges in astrophysics with major ramifications for space science and the understanding of magnetohydrodynamic phenomena elsewhere in the Universe.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...
Were done with you alex jones deniers while the planet burns.
so everyone believes it they just dont care. Got it.

Most of the world cares and is trying to do something about global warming.
The problem is nothing much is going to be accomplished unless everyone cares.
But you see solar, wind, geothermal, bio fuel, etc., all over the globe.
The US is about the only country that is not doing much.
Listen , Trotsky
I just googled animal farm..

Has not change since 7th grade
Isn't that a big part of Communism,
to be sure that people can't be wrong about anything ever ?

The whole story about "Animal Farm" is how Snowball's revolution against the evil humans was good, but that the evil Napoleon kills Snowball and takes over.
That does not mean the communism of Snowball was bad, but that the capitalism of Napoleon was bad.
There is no question George Orwell was a strong and dedicated socialist.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...
The only consistency in our climate is that it goes through cycles of heating and cooling on a fairly regular basis and we're overdue for the next cold turn.

The feedback system cannot go in one direction only, eventually the pendulum has to swing back and when it does we'll really see a "climate disaster" because within a few years we'll cease to be able to feed and warm our ever growing population.

Cold, starvation, and deprivation due to cooling will make the wars we've seen so far look like child's play.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...
I’m sick of lousy spelling. So?
It's not controversial. Only in the minds of idiot Republicans in the USA. The rest of the world isn't denying it.

America is so done with Russian trolls.

When the High Priests and Priestesses of the Man Made Global Warming cult, who tell us oceans are going to rise and flood the coasts....stop buying ocean front mansions.......then I might take them more seriously........
That is silly because "Animal Farm", "1984", "Brave New World", and "Atlas Shrugged" have zero to do with communism, and instead should obviously illustrate the dangers of capitalism.
The book "Animal Farm" is about the capitalist pigs corrupting and taking over.
The book "1984" is about the capitalist bureacracy.
The book "Brave New World" is about capitalism abusing technology to control the ultimate in profits.
The book "Atlas Shrugged" is how to make millions selling fake propaganda.

Wow......you really, truly, are delusional.....

Look, I have some property down in Florida I am trying to sell......is is a little...."Watery," and may actually be owned by the Federal Government, but I would be willing to cut you a good deal on it.........
Communism is contrary to human nature.

It is fake and nothing more than ideology of universal slavery and tyranny. Communism gives you only what you need as is done for every inmate in prison.

The "From each according to his ability, to each, according to their needs," always falls apart with the addition of this.....

Who decides?

That question always leads to mass murder and slavery........
Most of the world cares and is trying to do something about global warming.
The problem is nothing much is going to be accomplished unless everyone cares.
But you see solar, wind, geothermal, bio fuel, etc., all over the globe.
The US is about the only country that is not doing much.
Where are you getting that idea?

China isnt
India isnt
Africa isnt
South America isnt
Mexico isnt
Russia isnt
none of the Stans are

What you mean is a small fraction of the developed world is ”doing something”.
The "From each according to his ability, to each, according to their needs," always falls apart with the addition of this.....

Who decides?

That question always leads to mass murder and slavery........
That is because " from each according to his ability and to each according to his need " IS a working definition of the condition of slavery.

The whole story about "Animal Farm" is how Snowball's revolution against the evil humans was good, but that the evil Napoleon kills Snowball and takes over.
That does not mean the communism of Snowball was bad, but that the capitalism of Napoleon was bad.
There is no question George Orwell was a strong and dedicated socialist.
Orwell was a socialist but also understood how socialism fails. His nook the road to Wigam pier clearly shows this.

Animal farm was an indictment of communism all around it's lesson is that power corrupts and no one is immune from this. Communist governments always amass power because the very ideas of communism is contrary to human nature an people will not cooperate.
If there wasn't a long history of it occurring on the planet I might agree with you.
But.......while there may be a history of naturally occurring climate flucuations the man made climate change the Earth is experiencing now is a recent phenomenon.
Most of the world cares and is trying to do something about global warming.
The problem is nothing much is going to be accomplished unless everyone cares.
But you see solar, wind, geothermal, bio fuel, etc., all over the globe.
The US is about the only country that is not doing much.
No most of thw world does not care.

Communist nations n particular do not care and never have. We know now that communist atuons are always more destructive to the envirnment than capitalist nations.

Even that is irrelevant however. The average person cares about heating their home paying for food and getting to work. When climate change alarmists come along demanding sacrifice to save the planet they are rejected because their cure is usually worse than the problem.

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