Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

This chart is made from data taken by scientists studying deep ice in Antarctica. It starts a little more than 400 million years ago. It shows estimated global temperatures, based on the best available data, compared to the temperatures we have nowadays.

Note the pattern.

Temperatures started around where they are today. Then they dropped rapidly, not the few tenths of a degree the present hysterics are telling us about, but going down 4 to 8 degrees C. And they stayed there for more than 60,000 years.

Then they rose suddenly, as much as 10 degrees C, but quickly dropped back down to the lower levels, and stayed low for another 80,000 years.

Then they rose again for a short time, but dropped back down and mostly stayed low for another 100,000 years.

Then they rose again briefly, but dropped back down and stayed low yet again for another 100,000 years.

Then they rose again, and have stayed for a brief period... which brings us to the present day.

Note that this repeated cycle, has happened over and over, without the hand of man going anywhere near the planet in any significant way. Would anyone like to support the idea that those greedy, wasteful humans were burning too much oil, a hundred thousand years ago when the previous peak occured? Maybe driving too many SUVs two hundred thousand years ago? Maybe a jurassic Al Gore was chartering huge jets all over the world 300,000 years ago, warning his fellow humans back then about the dangers of THAT period of "global warming"?

Al Gore and the rest of his junk-science salesmen want us to believe that we will see temperatures getting warmer from where they are, with no end in sight. And he proposes massive government expenditures, massive programs, and huge government restrictions and regulations on everything we do, to try to stop temperatures from warming in the future.

But based on previous patterns, where do YOU expect temperatures to go from here?

Has Al Gore seen this chart?

See may comments in RED above!

Was acid rain a product of humanity?

You of the AGW cult offer dogma. Any questioning of "consensus" is met with black balling and universal demagoguery from the church. NO one DARE question the "settled science" of the AGW cult, lest they are prepared to face the fury of the cult.

Science is the last thing your fucked up church offers. That YOU of all morons would admonish another to "look up the scientific method" is beyond the pale. Your church CRUSHES real science the second it suspects that actual thinkers are questioning the dogma you promote.

As for your straw man, are you attempting to say that acid rain was a by product of AGW? :eek:
120 million years ago, Antarctica was attached to the southern part of Africa, and had no ice on it, because it was nowhere near the South Pole....
It's sadly hilarious to watch global warming deniers try to discredit the facts and science behind it and how it affects weather patterns.
5 ice ages. Guess what happened in between? No one doubts climate change. Just AGW bullshit. And politicians can't ever seem to get jack shit right and left wing loons actually believe politicians can "fix" the weather.

Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

So sploogy, you think that science is spelled "D O G M A" do you? You think that the scientific method is "the acceptance of consensus free from questioning of critical examination?"

^^^ seriously? You're either a liar, a fool or brain dead.

Wow, you cultists sure are smart.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Echo of propaganda? You mean the echo of "settled science" and "consensus" doofus?

See my comment above.

Tell me sploogy, what is nullification, and how does it relate to legitimate scientific inquiry? How does nullification demonstrate that the AGW cult is anything but scientific?


See may comments in RED above!

Was acid rain a product of humanity?

Stop with the propaganda it gets old, you know damn well climate change and pollution are two seperate issues pal.

It's sadly hilarious to watch global warming deniers try to discredit the facts and science behind it and how it affects weather patterns.

Its hilarious watching the AGW cult post thinking no one graduated to the third grade.


Hey chief sitting bull questions for you:

When did they officialy start recording temperatures in:


South Africa?




Saudi Arabia?

Main land U.S.?

New Zealand?

When did Argo start?

Cowboy Ted keeps declaring that no one has posted any 'evidence' yet, which he could have found himself if he WANTED to, but HERE IT IS:


The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud
NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud

300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging ‘Climate Change’ Data…
300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging 'Climate Change' Data...

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered
Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

NOAA’s climate change science fiction
The environmental intelligence agency ignores satellite data
LAMAR SMITH: NOAA’s climate change science fiction

Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming
Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming

Scientists published climate change research under fake names. Then they were caught.

Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead
Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Fake Data—How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived
Fake Data&#151How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived.

Global Warming "Science": New Study Reveals Large Temperature Fabrication By Cherry-Pick

...and there is SO MUCH MORE....


My prediction is that libs / Cowboy Ted's 1st reaction is to make a snide comment about the sources not being credible (because they say so...)

I stated at the start that we go around circles with a deluge of fake science...

I am asking for your best piece of evidence, I would hope it has been peer reviewed and fact checked for your own sake...

I just not getting drawn into a abusive discussion of conspiracy theories and fake science...

Please on your side pick your best article to prove your case... I am not going to do what I did we ye before and disprove the first three and act like an idiot...

Here is my proof...

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

This is peer reviewed and has openly discussed any imperfections in its report... Can you offer real evidence to disprove the leading scientists in the world?

Now can you give a scientific basis for objecting to this... This is the best thinking from a very large group of experts in the field....

Please don't give and article from someone with no climate knowledge, argue science with science...

Even the leading Climate skeptics are saying the Earth is warming at an alarming rate, they had too, the evidence is overwhelming...

Another question, please tell us why the groups of scientist around the world include the likes of bass fishermen of america, the society of sheep farmers of afgahanastan, the study of monkeys of france and scientist who study worms in America...

What expertise do they have in climate? Except to sign a piece of paper for grant money. ...

31 Science Groups to Congress: Greenhouse Gases Emitted by Human Activities Is Primary Driver of Climate Change
You of the AGW cult offer dogma. Any questioning of "consensus" is met with black balling and universal demagoguery from the church. NO one DARE question the "settled science" of the AGW cult, lest they are prepared to face the fury of the cult.

Science is the last thing your fucked up church offers. That YOU of all morons would admonish another to "look up the scientific method" is beyond the pale. Your church CRUSHES real science the second it suspects that actual thinkers are questioning the dogma you promote.

As for your straw man, are you attempting to say that acid rain was a by product of AGW? :eek:

Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.
It's sadly hilarious to watch global warming deniers try to discredit the facts and science behind it and how it affects weather patterns.

Shitting Bull, you failed to finish third grade. What would you possibly know of science?

You're a libertarian. You think that everybody will do the right thing if left to their own devices. They won't, they never have, and they never will.
Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

So sploogy, you think that science is spelled "D O G M A" do you? You think that the scientific method is "the acceptance of consensus free from questioning of critical examination?"

^^^ seriously? You're either a liar, a fool or brain dead.

Wow, you cultists sure are smart.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Echo of propaganda? You mean the echo of "settled science" and "consensus" doofus?

See my comment above.

Tell me sploogy, what is nullification, and how does it relate to legitimate scientific inquiry? How does nullification demonstrate that the AGW cult is anything but scientific?


See may comments in RED above!

Was acid rain a product of humanity?

Stop with the propaganda it gets old, you know damn well climate change and pollution are two seperate issues pal.


Pollution by any other name is still pollution. Why do you claim that burning coal - polluting the environment - does not have an impact on the climate?

"A team of atmospheric scientists researching pollution in China say they've cracked a 60-year-old mystery — with research that explains not only the haze over Beijing, but also the remarkably toxic Great Smog of London from 1952.

"By examining conditions in China and experimenting in a lab, the scientists suggest that a combination of weather patterns and chemistry could have caused London's fog to turn into a haze of concentrated sulfuric acid."

Research On Chinese Haze Helps Crack Mystery Of London's Deadly 1952 Fog
You of the AGW cult offer dogma. Any questioning of "consensus" is met with black balling and universal demagoguery from the church. NO one DARE question the "settled science" of the AGW cult, lest they are prepared to face the fury of the cult.

Science is the last thing your fucked up church offers. That YOU of all morons would admonish another to "look up the scientific method" is beyond the pale. Your church CRUSHES real science the second it suspects that actual thinkers are questioning the dogma you promote.

As for your straw man, are you attempting to say that acid rain was a by product of AGW? :eek:

Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.

the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered

Yes, only gullible, greedy and stupid people believe in using cheap, reliable fossil fuels.

Smart people today in Chicago are heating their homes with wind and solar.
We'll discover their frozen corpses in the spring.
Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

So sploogy, you think that science is spelled "D O G M A" do you? You think that the scientific method is "the acceptance of consensus free from questioning of critical examination?"

^^^ seriously? You're either a liar, a fool or brain dead.

Wow, you cultists sure are smart.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Echo of propaganda? You mean the echo of "settled science" and "consensus" doofus?

See my comment above.

Tell me sploogy, what is nullification, and how does it relate to legitimate scientific inquiry? How does nullification demonstrate that the AGW cult is anything but scientific?


See may comments in RED above!

Was acid rain a product of humanity?

Stop with the propaganda it gets old, you know damn well climate change and pollution are two seperate issues pal.


Pollution by any other name is still pollution. Why do you claim that burning coal - polluting the environment - does not have an impact on the climate?

"A team of atmospheric scientists researching pollution in China say they've cracked a 60-year-old mystery — with research that explains not only the haze over Beijing, but also the remarkably toxic Great Smog of London from 1952.

"By examining conditions in China and experimenting in a lab, the scientists suggest that a combination of weather patterns and chemistry could have caused London's fog to turn into a haze of concentrated sulfuric acid."

Research On Chinese Haze Helps Crack Mystery Of London's Deadly 1952 Fog

Yea we know you are trying to mix the two to get the results you want...just like trying to mix leagals with illegals and calling them all the same..

Thats intellectually dishonest and borders on out right propaganda.


No body wants pollution and the smart ones dont want a world wide depression to fall for junk science, when the real stated goals of the AGW cult is social economic change.

In science we still have alot to learn, we are finding new things everyday, we are getting better better technology. But doing something might be worse then not doing anything at all.


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