Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

The climate of the Arctic has changed and its now 35F warmer than normal...or something
Hey give me an accurate 5 day forecast when the temps don't plummet to minus <we're lower than the surface of Mars> for a month and I'll buy into the computer module that tells me I have to give up all my money to save the planet.
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
It always baffles me liberals are so anti-science. It is based on faith or opinion instead of facts.

"We don't need science, we have consensus!" -- AGWCult
Liberals fake science, coupled with their fake news, is way more dangerous to America than is normal climate change.....
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.

Well you dumber than hell dumb fuck explain to me when science has told me already we have had 5 count em FIVE major ice ages.

Guess what happened in between the ice mother trucking ages. IT GOT FREAKING WARM.
It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.

Well you dumber than hell dumb fuck explain to me when science has told me already we have had 5 count em FIVE major ice ages.

Guess what happened in between the ice mother trucking ages. IT GOT FREAKING WARM.
Liberal settled science discounts historical record and only focuses on weather data maintained since the 1800's.....
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.
Climate has always changed, and it will continue to change forever, well at least until the Son returns.

So why are we listening to a weather girl?

Climate change is a hoax.

I am sure the temperature is doing something and probably humans are not helping..... but it's no way as bad as they make it out. So the scare tactics and government boon doggle is what makes it a hoax. Now we are just transferring wealth back to 3rd world countries thanks to the Paris deal. Which is a joke.

The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?

Three posts later and not one piece of refutable evidence....

There is plenty of evidence that the Climate is change rapidly and humans are causing it. We can do things to slow it down and possibly reverse it.

I asked for actual evidence and all we are getting is conspiracy theories, denial and we can't do anything.... Experts in this field have been consistent...

The solution for a problem is not to ignore it. Some people talk about giving debt to their children, how would explain screwing up the planet because you ignored the problem...

So second chance, Show us your best argument, just one and we can move to the next point of the conversation, a solution.

I said it's not important. Idc if it's real or a hoax. To me it's just not important or relevant
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.
Climate has always changed, and it will continue to change forever, well at least until the Son returns.

So why are we listening to a weather girl?

Climate change is a hoax.

I am sure the temperature is doing something and probably humans are not helping..... but it's no way as bad as they make it out. So the scare tactics and government boon doggle is what makes it a hoax. Now we are just transferring wealth back to 3rd world countries thanks to the Paris deal. Which is a joke.

The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?

Three posts later and not one piece of refutable evidence....

There is plenty of evidence that the Climate is change rapidly and humans are causing it. We can do things to slow it down and possibly reverse it.

I asked for actual evidence and all we are getting is conspiracy theories, denial and we can't do anything.... Experts in this field have been consistent...

The solution for a problem is not to ignore it. Some people talk about giving debt to their children, how would explain screwing up the planet because you ignored the problem...

So second chance, Show us your best argument, just one and we can move to the next point of the conversation, a solution.

I said it's not important. Idc if it's real or a hoax. To me it's just not important or relevant
The liberals settled science tells us it's a hoax....
The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?
I can't wait to see what Melanoma's cause will be. It'll probably have something to do with exotic dancers and legal houses of prostitution getting tax exempt status.

With each surgery she is looking more and more like a tranny. She kind of has that Caitlyn Jenner look going for her now.

It always baffles me conservatives are so anti science. It is based on facts instead of faith or opinion.
It's not that they are anti science. They are just gullible idiots who believe without question what they are told to believe by the likes of rush limballs, hannity, etc...

Take my word for it, if rush and hannity came out tomorrow stating that climate change is for real. The nutters on here would be screaming, CLIMATE CHANGE IS FOR REAL, AND OBAMA ISN'T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

The nutters are just mindless useful tools.
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The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?
I can't wait to see what Melanoma's cause will be. It'll probably have something to do with exotic dancers and legal houses of prostitution getting tax exempt status.

With each surgery she is looking more and more like a tranny. She kind of has that Caitlyn Jenner look going for her now.


You must be confused on how a tranny looks.

We had one of those as First Lady.... now it's time to go back to having an actual woman.

Cowboy Ted keeps declaring that no one has posted any 'evidence' yet, which he could have found himself if he WANTED to, but HERE IT IS:


The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud
NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud

300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging ‘Climate Change’ Data…
300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging 'Climate Change' Data...

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered
Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

NOAA’s climate change science fiction
The environmental intelligence agency ignores satellite data
LAMAR SMITH: NOAA’s climate change science fiction

Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming
Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming

Scientists published climate change research under fake names. Then they were caught.

Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead
Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Fake Data—How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived
Fake Data&#151How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived.

Global Warming "Science": New Study Reveals Large Temperature Fabrication By Cherry-Pick

...and there is SO MUCH MORE....


My prediction is that libs / Cowboy Ted's 1st reaction is to make a snide comment about the sources not being credible (because they say so...)
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Liberal nut jobs are willing to do more damage to this planet than any climate change will ever do.
Cowboy Ted keeps declaring that no one has posted any 'evidence' yet, which he could have found himself if he WANTED to, but HERE IT IS:


The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud
NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud

300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging ‘Climate Change’ Data…
300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging 'Climate Change' Data...

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered
Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

NOAA’s climate change science fiction
The environmental intelligence agency ignores satellite data
LAMAR SMITH: NOAA’s climate change science fiction

Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming
Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming

Scientists published climate change research under fake names. Then they were caught.

Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead
Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Fake Data—How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived
Fake Data&#151How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived.

Global Warming "Science": New Study Reveals Large Temperature Fabrication By Cherry-Pick

...and there is SO MUCH MORE....


My prediction is that libs / Cowboy Ted's 1st reaction is to make a snide comment about the sources not being credible (because they say so...)

Now Easy,

Pick your best one from that list and use it...

We are going to credibility issue... We disprove your best...

We have done this before and disproved all of these and you just go back to posting a post like this...

So read your links and give us your best one...

This should be easy for you, you got a list there, just pick your best one...

We disprove that one and we can question the credibility of the whole list...

We might be generous and allow you a second try after we dispelled your first one, but lets do this in scientific way.

So what's your best shot.... If you think it is climategate, go for it, pick one up there and we can discuss it.
Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.

Your pretty little lines, and made up liberal paid off skanks proves only how desperate you are to achieve the bottom.
Now Easy, Pick your best one from that list and use it...

So you whine about no one posting any 'evidence', which I pointed out you could have easily found yourself if you had WANTED TO, and NOW YOU WANT ME TO READ IT ALL FOR / TO YOU?!


As I predicted, the 1st response is to attempt to cast doubt on credibility of sources - standard.

2ndly you CLAIM to have disproven all the science and reports discrediting NASA, NOA, and most of the other 'proven science' fakers while offering no 'evidence' to support your claim, which you have been bitching about all along!


How the hell do you know what you have or can disprove when you didn't even read any of the links, don't know what's in any of the links because you asked ME to read and pick the sources FOR YOU?!


We might be generous and allow you a second try after we dispelled your first one, but lets do this in scientific way.

:fu: FU, you arrogant liberal prick!

You come onto this board, make the declaration that Global Warming is real because Liberals say so, personally offer no evidence to support your claim, bitch and whine about how others are pointing out the lack of true scientific evidence to support the claim, finally have someone provide you with a massive in-complete list of links, articles, and reports written by some of the world's most renowned scientist pointing out fake / altered data that ignores data / satellite imagery, and claim 'you' have already discredited it all and that it is not true...because YOU say so, then tell me to read the evidence that discredits your claim and spoon-feed it to you because you are willing to believe the BS, and finally say you will me merciful and MIGHT give me a second chance to respond after you claim once again that everything I have provided is BS....BECAUSE YOU SAY SO.

Again, FU!
The cherry picking part was funny. Pretty sure we didn't recalibrate satellites to match our "data", build weather stations in heat sinks, create climate models that fail to match reality every time and confuse planetary cycles with something man created.

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