Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Without checking the exact number but one is on land and the other is in the sea... The one on land is colder... There is whole documentaries on this and it has nothing to do with climate change mainly...

... because Ted's BIRDBRAIN can only PARROT, never THINK....

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Antarctica.
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Greenland

97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole.... and land MOVES....

Ted, if Earth had two polar oceans, how much ice would it have???

Apart from your insults, what actual point are you trying to make....

You know there is 2,500 meters of ice under the south pole, under the north pole it is about 4 meters thick....

Ice accumulates on land over millions of years, that is why melting it is so dangerous...
By engaging in political issues, NOT THEIR MEDIUM, the Weather Channel has just undermined their own integrity and trust people had in them. If I want to get political propaganda I will turn to CNN or even Fox News.
Cowboy Ted keeps declaring that no one has posted any 'evidence' yet, which he could have found himself if he WANTED to, but HERE IT IS:


The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming
Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming

NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud
NASA Exposed in ‘Massive’ New Climate Data Fraud

300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging ‘Climate Change’ Data…
300 Scientists Blast NOAA For Fudging 'Climate Change' Data...

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered
Almost All US Temperature Data Used In Global Warming Models Is Estimated or Altered

NOAA’s climate change science fiction
The environmental intelligence agency ignores satellite data
LAMAR SMITH: NOAA’s climate change science fiction

Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming
Report: Temperature Data Being Faked to Show Global Warming

Scientists published climate change research under fake names. Then they were caught.

Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead
Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Fake Data—How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived
Fake Data&#151How the Hockey Stick Graph Was Contrived.

Global Warming "Science": New Study Reveals Large Temperature Fabrication By Cherry-Pick

...and there is SO MUCH MORE....


My prediction is that libs / Cowboy Ted's 1st reaction is to make a snide comment about the sources not being credible (because they say so...)

I stated at the start that we go around circles with a deluge of fake science...

I am asking for your best piece of evidence, I would hope it has been peer reviewed and fact checked for your own sake...

I just not getting drawn into a abusive discussion of conspiracy theories and fake science...

Please on your side pick your best article to prove your case... I am not going to do what I did we ye before and disprove the first three and act like an idiot...

Here is my proof...

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report

This is peer reviewed and has openly discussed any imperfections in its report... Can you offer real evidence to disprove the leading scientists in the world?

Now can you give a scientific basis for objecting to this... This is the best thinking from a very large group of experts in the field....

Please don't give and article from someone with no climate knowledge, argue science with science...

Even the leading Climate skeptics are saying the Earth is warming at an alarming rate, they had too, the evidence is overwhelming...

Thats your retort nothing?

Kid your out of your league here.

I gave you three and silence from you why is that? All you offer is junk science

You know there is 2,500 meters of ice under the south pole, under the north pole it is about 4 meters thick....

Ice accumulates on land over millions of years, that is why melting it is so dangerous...
Except that it is NOT melting
what actual point are you trying to make....

You were asked a question. You are too STUPID to answer it, especially since you searched the web and found nothing for your BIRDBRAIN to PARROT.

The Antarctic Circle is on average 50F colder than the Arctic Circle, and puts 9 times the ice into the oceans, some 46 times the molecular H2O the Mississippi River puts in the Gulf. The Antarctic Circle cools planet Earth much more than the Arctic does.


Two polar oceans would cause Earth to have no ice...

and your silly "melting" comment to boot.... there is no net melt ongoing on planet Earth, because 90% of Earth ice has added at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since the satellites started measuring it... and that explains why the "warmers" find "sinking islands" on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

" the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

Your side has no truth, which is why you have to have a BIRDBRAIN to believe it...
By engaging in political issues, NOT THEIR MEDIUM, the Weather Channel has just undermined their own integrity and trust people had in them. If I want to get political propaganda I will turn to CNN or even Fox News.

You do want political propaganda. You voted for Trump. Trump is all propaganda, no substance, all of the time.

And yes, climate change is what the weather channel does because studying climate is what meteorology does.

You Trumpbots are too stupid for words. You need a legal guardian so you don't do harm to yourself or others.

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The climate has been changing since the Ice Age and the mini ice age. It's likely that the globe is gradually warming up because of that gigantic nuclear reactor in the sky but lefties can't enjoy anything without spinning disaster. The dirty little secret is that propaganda spin doctors like the Weather Channel are careful not to mention the main issue alleging that climate change is due to human (American) decadence. Ask the hypocrite demonstrators in N.D. (who are ironically demonstrating against fossil fuel ) about global warming while they are freezing their collective asses off in a freaking blizzard and they are running out of (fossil fuel) gas in their gas guzzling vehicles and waiting to be rescued by other fossil fueled vehicles.
I found it funny when several 'bright' scientists claimed that floating icebergs would melt, causing sea levels to rise and flood coastlines.

You want to 'fight science with science'? Here is an experiment you can do yourself - I was taught this in 7th grade science class:

Fill a glass up with ice then pour water in the glass - all the way up to the rim, the edge of the glass, just shy of pouring over...and leave it out. As the ice melts does the water flow over the edge of the glass?


A 7th-grader could tell those scientists they were / are full of shit!

I will give them the benefit of the doubt, however, that they simply 'mis-spoke' and meant that GLACIERS on land melting could cause the effect they credited to FLOATING icebergs. :p
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.

Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.

Oh, well if the weather girl on TV says so... :eusa_whistle:
Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

So sploogy, you think that science is spelled "D O G M A" do you? You think that the scientific method is "the acceptance of consensus free from questioning of critical examination?"

Wow, you cultists sure are smart.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Echo of propaganda? You mean the echo of "settled science" and "consensus" doofus?

Tell me sploogy, what is nullification, and how does it relate to legitimate scientific inquiry? How does nullification demonstrate that the AGW cult is anything but scientific?

What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.

Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Says the pot calling the kettle black...

You have to be fucking kidding me fool

Pointing out your ignorance would be foolish, somethings are self evident. Please look up the
Scientific Method, study it, and then come back and explain how that process proves any part of your post.

So sploogy, you think that science is spelled "D O G M A" do you? You think that the scientific method is "the acceptance of consensus free from questioning of critical examination?"

^^^ seriously? You're either a liar, a fool or brain dead.

Wow, you cultists sure are smart.

Your conclusion is nothing more than an echo of propaganda by those who seek to keep the status quo, and thus protect their golden goose.

Echo of propaganda? You mean the echo of "settled science" and "consensus" doofus?

See my comment above.

Tell me sploogy, what is nullification, and how does it relate to legitimate scientific inquiry? How does nullification demonstrate that the AGW cult is anything but scientific?


See may comments in RED above!

Was acid rain a product of humanity?

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.

Oh, well if the weather girl on TV says so... :eusa_whistle:

Since we are trusting weather girls now .... let's check in to see what the Romanian weather girls think of climate change. Looks like they agree it's not a big deal.

Speaking of "Science".... nobody has ever proven that man has any effect on the climate. Even after 40-plus years of insisting he must have had something to do with it, not a bit of proof.

The climate has been changing for as long as the Earth has existed. Or for as long as it's had a climate, at least.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer. And sometimes it gets cooler.

People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-five years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-five years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-FIVE YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
What I can understand at this stage...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories...

On this forum we have answered every single question brought up and they go into a loop of making bogus claims we refute and they come with another bogus claim and keep going until they get back to the first one....

There has to be something about credibility... Has the denier group got a claim which we can't refute based on actual science. We have shown our data time and time again...

Asking for detailed proof and choosing to be stupid when you get a detailed answer is not a defense....

So give us again... One shot your best defense for your case... We shoot it down can we just win...

Stop the deluge of bogus crap, just your one best shot...

What are the deniers trying to say?
Are they denying that climate is changing at a pretty volatile way OR
It is happening but Man has nothing to do with it....

We can't live our lives adhering to conspiracy theories..

Everybody except gullible fools understands that "climate change"(aka "global warming" "aka global cooling") is a conspiracy theory designed purely to defraud people out of money and power. It is up to people who hold a theory to prove it's truth and that simply hasn't happened. It hasn't even come close to happening. Nor is it ever going to happen. If you wish to believe that the sky is falling or that you can lay hands on your TV and be healed if you will just send in $19.95 as a "love offering" and vote away your freedom of choice more power to you; just don't expect anything but laughter from me.
Climate has always changed, and it will continue to change forever, well at least until the Son returns.

So why are we listening to a weather girl?

Climate change is a hoax.

I am sure the temperature is doing something and probably humans are not helping..... but it's no way as bad as they make it out. So the scare tactics and government boon doggle is what makes it a hoax. Now we are just transferring wealth back to 3rd world countries thanks to the Paris deal. Which is a joke.

The only scary thing right now is that Ivanka Trump is making this something she cares about ..... why can't she care about human trafficking or some other actual problem?

Three posts later and not one piece of refutable evidence....

There is plenty of evidence that the Climate is change rapidly and humans are causing it. We can do things to slow it down and possibly reverse it.

I asked for actual evidence and all we are getting is conspiracy theories, denial and we can't do anything.... Experts in this field have been consistent...

The solution for a problem is not to ignore it. Some people talk about giving debt to their children, how would explain screwing up the planet because you ignored the problem...

So second chance, Show us your best argument, just one and we can move to the next point of the conversation, a solution.

There is plenty of evidence that the Climate is change rapidly and humans are causing it.

What is the proper rate of change? Because you'd need that to show that recent change is rapid.
Where is your proof that without humans, the change would have been less or slower?

We can do things to slow it down and possibly reverse it.

You mean waste trillions on windmills? Or cripple our economies to reduce temps in 2080 by 0.1 degree?

When you get a chance, post the correct "average global temperature", so we know what target we're aiming for.

Its happening to fast its happening to fast...

Yea tell us teddy what is the proper way for change child?

What caused the Great Sahara desert to change from tropical to dry in only a few hundred years?

At the end of the last Ice Age, the Sahara Desert was just as dry and uninviting as it is today. But sandwiched between two periods of extreme dryness were a few millennia of plentiful rainfall and lush vegetation.

During these few thousand years, prehistoric humans left the congested Nile Valley and established settlements around rain pools, green valleys, and rivers.

The ancient climate shift and its effects are detailed in the July 21 issue of the journal Science.

When the rains came

Some 12,000 years ago, the only place to live along the eastern Sahara Desert was the Nile Valley. Being so crowded, prime real estate in the Nile Valley was difficult to come by. Disputes over land were often settled with the fist, as evidenced by the cemetery of Jebel Sahaba where many of the buried individuals had died a violent death.

But around 10,500 years ago, a sudden burst of monsoon rains over the vast desert transformed the region into habitable land.

This opened the door for humans to move into the area, as evidenced by the researcher's 500 new radiocarbon dates of human and animal remains from more than 150 excavation sites.

"The climate change at [10,500 years ago] which turned most of the [3.8 million square mile] large Sahara into a savannah-type environment happened within a few hundred years only, certainly within less than 500 years," said study team member Stefan Kroepelin of the University of Cologne in Germany.

Sometimes the reasons are known though.

California has an area called the "Antelope Valley." The name makes utterly no sense today, since the area is brutal desert. There are certainly no antelope nor any grass for them to eat. So how did the place get such a name? What kind of fools name part of the Mohave Desert, one of the most inhospitable places on earth, "Antelope Valley?"

The answer is extremely simple, 150 years ago the area was lush and fertile, grass lands with abundant life that provided rich hunting grounds for the Chumash Indian and the White Americans alike. But in the 1870's something happened that changed the place dramatically. No, it was not Americans living middle class lives. You see, the AV sits right on the San Andreas fault. A massive earthquake (not caused by driving an SUV) diverted a major underground river, and paradise became hell on earth (Lancaster and Palmdale).

AGW is meant for the stupid, so that they can feel wise. The dumb and uneducated like SheepboiTed are convinced that if they recite the popular myths of their religion, others will think them smart. For the left, the recitation of dogma is the substitute for intellect.
Left wing science guru Carl Sagan predicted the virtual end of the world if Saddam ever lit up the oil fields in Iraq. Saddam lit them up and the world barely burped. You almost gotta laugh that an American can be indicted and likely spend time in jail for possession of a single eagle feather but Hussein Obama authorized the windmill industry to continue killing migratory birds (including endangered species) for the foreseeable future. So far PETA and the liberal media are silent.

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