Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

But.......while there may be a history of naturally occurring climate flucuations the man made climate change the Earth is experiencing now is a recent phenomenon.

massive climate change is a never ending thing throughout the history of the planet. Climagte changew is not man MADE. Man has some influence on it no doubt but to call it man MADE ignores the vast complexity of what iis going on.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

Evolution is still controversial to many.

That aside, the climate is changing, that there is no controversy over.

The cause is still under debate, but the cause is not the important part. What is important is what we are going to do to mitigate the harm the changing climate does to our country
just that the MSM and leftists make it look realistic.
Well......then there's also the science. And the observable weather/climate events like record levels of CO2, extreme weather events, unusual drought in some places and flooding in others, record high temps., etc.

massive climate change is a never ending thing throughout the history of the planet. Climagte changew is not man MADE. Man has some influence on it no doubt but to call it man MADE ignores the vast complexity of what iis going on.
Never before in the history of the Earth has there been the burning of massive amounts of CO2 producing fossil fuels as we've had over the last 150 years. The irrefutable result being man made global warming.
But.......while there may be a history of naturally occurring climate flucuations the man made climate change the Earth is experiencing now is a recent phenomenon.
How recent ten thousand years or nine thousand years or just a couple of hundred?
What you feel and see is weather, not climate.
The hotter climate means more energy to weather, making it move faster and further, so the cold polar air is going further to the equator.
That can make it "feel" colder in moderate regions.
But the problem is all the ice reserves, like ice shelves, glaciers, etc., are melting.
That means summer droughts, rivers being more seasonal, etc.
It means farmers will have to move.
The good thing is that the Northwest Passage that was iced over for tens of thousands of years, is now open.
The question isn't whether the climate changes... The question is do we have anything to do with it.

Missouri was not too long ago on the global timescale both under the sea AND under polar ice...



All of which is irrelevant

The point is that George Orwell was an extreme, left wing, socialist.
He believed the problem was the corruption of the wealthy elite capitalists.

How could anyone believe anything else?
Of course the wealthy elite are greedy, insensitive, and corrupt.
Use to be called global warming, when that shit didn't work when the assholes found out some areas actually got colder the fucks changed it to climate change. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Additionally, the pretense of global warming prevents us from preparing for a sharp decline in cold weather that will be dangerous to society to say the least. This winter is colder than last year and last year was colder than the previous. It has snowed in Japan down to Athens. Even Corsica where winter highs are typically in the mid-50s, lows around 40, saw snow. We need to pay attention to Climate Change but stop blaming man. Something far more significant is developing and handing academics $100 billion to prove global warming is an absolute joke.
The only consistency in our climate is that it goes through cycles of heating and cooling on a fairly regular basis and we're overdue for the next cold turn.

The feedback system cannot go in one direction only, eventually the pendulum has to swing back and when it does we'll really see a "climate disaster" because within a few years we'll cease to be able to feed and warm our ever growing population.

Cold, starvation, and deprivation due to cooling will make the wars we've seen so far look like child's play.

The normal heating/cooling cycle is 110,000 years long.
When cycles are that long, it is not a "disaster" because each generation only has to make tiny accommodations for it.
But the current artificial increase of 32 trillions tons of carbon added to the atmosphere every single year, is compressing that 110,000 year long natural cycle, into about 200 years of an artificial cycle.
And that is way too fast to accommodate.
In addition, the current artificial warming is happening on top of about the highest part of the natural warming period.
That means we will artificially be creating a double warming like the planet has not seen in hundreds of millions of years.
That means lots of permafrost and ocean bottom, frozen methane hydrate is going to be defrosted.
And since methane is 27 times the greenhouse gas of CO2, the odds are this will greatly accelerate global warming.
There is a potential then for a race condition, where all the liquid water also then evaporates, turning the atmosphere of the earth into the dense heat retainer of the planet Venus, where the surface temperature is that of molten lead.
That would mean the end of any life on the planet.

So your perspective is all wrong.
The normal cycle is so slow it is never a problem at all.
The natural ice age glaciers never got south of Kansas.
Over tens of thousands of years, farming just can slowly shift south or north, as needed.
Cold is not a problem, and the Arctic is full of life, both on land and in the sea.
Excess heat and desertification is a problem, like the Sahara used to be ocean and swamps that teamed with life.
Now Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc., have to run nuclear desalinization plants.
Wow......you really, truly, are delusional.....

Look, I have some property down in Florida I am trying to sell......is is a little...."Watery," and may actually be owned by the Federal Government, but I would be willing to cut you a good deal on it.........

Read anything about George Orwell, and you see he was a very strong socialist.
Books like "1984" and "Animal Farm" are saying how it is unfortunate that capitalism works to take over socialism.

"Atlas Shrugged" is anti-communist, but that was because Aynn Rand was not very smart, and she actually thought that the USSR was communism.
The "From each according to his ability, to each, according to their needs," always falls apart with the addition of this.....

Who decides?

That question always leads to mass murder and slavery........

No it doesn't.
Families, primitive tribes, and all small social circles are always communist or at least socialist.
Given the free choice, everyone naturally decides to share.
It is inherent human nature.
It takes considerable conditioning to make people greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, isolated, etc.

Mass murder and slavery always are due to a few greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, and anti social sociopaths who are always capitalists.
No it doesn't.
Families, primitive tribes, and all small social circles are always communist or at least socialist.
Given the free choice, everyone naturally decides to share.
It is inherent human nature.
It takes considerable conditioning to make people greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, isolated, etc.

Mass murder and slavery always are due to a few greedy, materialistic, selfish, competitive, and anti social sociopaths who are always capitalists.
how do you then explain slavery in socialist and communist countries?

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