Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

Communism is in our DNA.
They are what allowed humans to come out of the trees and resist predators as a group.
Communism is what allows all hunter gatherers, families, etc., to succeed.
It is real and needs to be kept as the main driving force of all societies.
What we have to do instead is to prevent capitalist propaganda from taking over and destroying communism with capitalism.
For example, who do you think sent Lenin to Russia to take over the revolution and put Stalin into power?
It was the Germans, so they could do better in WWI.

And we all know communism gives us what we like the best, like public roads, schools, etc.
And we desperately need more communism, like public health care.
Listen , Trotsky
I just googled animal farm..

Has not change since 7th grade
Isn't that a big part of Communism,
to be sure that people can't be wrong about anything ever ?
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Let's just leave it at
there's no such thing as communism...

we'll call it

"Group lifestyle acclaimation programming" from now on


Climate change IS real, been going on for countless century's. When NASA projected a new ice age, they didn't blame it on humans, they pointed out the natural heating and cooling of the earth, mostly due to sun flares, or at least that was their opinion.

The key to realizing what is happening, is looking who is funding the CLIMATE CREW. Once you do, it becomes apparent just like every other political football, this whole CLIMATE RED HERRING, is designed for 2 purposes------> power and money; power for those who push it, and money for those who fund its nonsense.
Communism is in our DNA.
They are what allowed humans to come out of the trees and resist predators as a group.
Communism is what allows all hunter gatherers, families, etc., to succeed.
It is real and needs to be kept as the main driving force of all societies.
What we have to do instead is to prevent capitalist propaganda from taking over and destroying communism with capitalism.
For example, who do you think sent Lenin to Russia to take over the revolution and put Stalin into power?
It was the Germans, so they could do better in WWI.
Is racism in our dna ??
And we all know communism gives us what we like the best, like public roads, schools, etc.
And we desperately need more communism, like public health care.
What science?

Try. How much CO2 is there in the atmosphere

What is the radical enduring relationship of sun earth moon

Are we going to "fix the weather" and then go into an ice age ?

Can you guarantee me suis won't

There was a lecture on the solar system at an Mit location

after the lecture a man in the back raised his hand
professor did you say the Earth was going to be sucked into the sun in 5 million years
or 5 billion years
and the professor said five million years ...

and the man wiped his forehead and said Pheww... !

Global warming has become an episode of peanuts

The Global Warmalist
Has to come up with something better than
scaring people
redefining words that already exist and admit
the controversy that has never existed...

The meek that have been suppressed by the Democrats left are beginning to speak up

speak their minds

and they are leaving the party in droves..

And that I believe will be the topic of my next thread...
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Listen , Trotsky
I just googled animal farm..
Isn't that a big part of Communism,
to be sure that people can't be wrong about anything ever ?

What science?

You know how you know it is all a hoax? Just listen----------->

What did we hear what would happen in 100 years if we didn't do their bidding?

So what have virtually ALL energy scientists reported? Within 3 decades give or take, we WILL have an energy source CHEAPER, or at least competitive with fossil fuels. They are getting reasonably close already, but once they do, it will take about a decade to 15 years, to convert most of the industrialized countrys over to the new source. We all WANT THAT!

But, as soon as that was foretold, what happened, what did we hear? No longer were we talking what would happen in 100 years, the FUNDERS of these people proclaimed we now only had 10 years or we were doomed!


Because the fact is, the FUNDERS of these groups have one thing in mind------------>keep their regions oil profits up for as long as possible, and the only way to do that, is nerf the US production. If the US produces its reserves, the price tanks! Ergo, 100 years to 10, lol.

Has it worked? Of course it has, look at the price of oil even 2 months before Pooty invaded Ukraine. 90 dollar oil is faaaaaaaaaar more profitable then 45 dollar oil. And ALL they had to do was get Green Joe in office along with his crew, and Trump out. And their logic!!!!!!! Well, you can buy an electric car and save because fuel is 6 or 7 bucks at the pump. We may be stupid greenies, but even we know if we make it easier to get our own oil and the price falls dramatically, you won't buy an electric car because you are negative in cost benefit. Therefore, we must do everything we can to keep the price of fuel artificially high so our funding benefactors make tons of cash, and we with our brilliance can tell all of you what is best!

If this is the America you want, vote for the Left, end of story. They have blamed ALL of this on Pooty, not taken 1 iota of responsibility on themselves; including by allowing oil prices to be driven up, they helped get Pooty the cash to fund his war.

That may be Leftist politics, but in my view, it is 100% anti American, not to mention didn't help the poor Ukranian people much either!
That is silly because "Animal Farm", "1984", "Brave New World", and "Atlas Shrugged" have zero to do with communism, and instead should obviously illustrate the dangers of capitalism.
The book "Animal Farm" is about the capitalist pigs corrupting and taking over.
The book "1984" is about the capitalist bureacracy.
The book "Brave New World" is about capitalism abusing technology to control the ultimate in profits.
The book "Atlas Shrugged" is how to make millions selling fake propaganda.
No animal farm is about communists taking over russia which they did.

1984 is about world wide socialist dictatorship
Communism is in our DNA.
They are what allowed humans to come out of the trees and resist predators as a group.
Communism is what allows all hunter gatherers, families, etc., to succeed.
It is real and needs to be kept as the main driving force of all societies.
What we have to do instead is to prevent capitalist propaganda from taking over and destroying communism with capitalism.
For example, who do you think sent Lenin to Russia to take over the revolution and put Stalin into power?
It was the Germans, so they could do better in WWI.

And we all know communism gives us what we like the best, like public roads, schools, etc.
And we desperately need more communism, like public health care.
Communism is contrary to human nature.

It is fake and nothing more than ideology of universal slavery and tyranny. Communism gives you only what you need as is done for every inmate in prison.
It's not controversial. Either you believe in the science or you don't.
Climate change is real, but it is what it is. However, the Leftists' climate crisis is as fake as Athena Palomino's boobs. If Leftists' climate crisis is so "clear and present danger," Why does the West not kick the shxt out of China, Mid-East, India ....? Those massive Carbon dioxide producers.
You know how you know it is all a hoax? Just listen----------->

What did we hear what would happen in 100 years if we didn't do their bidding?

So what have virtually ALL energy scientists reported? Within 3 decades give or take, we WILL have an energy source CHEAPER, or at least competitive with fossil fuels. They are getting reasonably close already, but once they do, it will take about a decade to 15 years, to convert most of the industrialized countrys over to the new source. We all WANT THAT!

But, as soon as that was foretold, what happened, what did we hear? No longer were we talking what would happen in 100 years, the FUNDERS of these people proclaimed we now only had 10 years or we were doomed!


Because the fact is, the FUNDERS of these groups have one thing in mind------------>keep their regions oil profits up for as long as possible, and the only way to do that, is nerf the US production. If the US produces its reserves, the price tanks! Ergo, 100 years to 10, lol.

Has it worked? Of course it has, look at the price of oil even 2 months before Pooty invaded Ukraine. 90 dollar oil is faaaaaaaaaar more profitable then 45 dollar oil. And ALL they had to do was get Green Joe in office along with his crew, and Trump out. And their logic!!!!!!! Well, you can buy an electric car and save because fuel is 6 or 7 bucks at the pump. We may be stupid greenies, but even we know if we make it easier to get our own oil and the price falls dramatically, you won't buy an electric car because you are negative in cost benefit. Therefore, we must do everything we can to keep the price of fuel artificially high so our funding benefactors make tons of cash, and we with our brilliance can tell all of you what is best!

If this is the America you want, vote for the Left, end of story. They have blamed ALL of this on Pooty, not taken 1 iota of responsibility on themselves; including by allowing oil prices to be driven up, they helped get Pooty the cash to fund his war.

That may be Leftist politics, but in my view, it is 100% anti American, not to mention didn't help the poor Ukranian people much either!
We know it is a hoax because we the solution destroys the world
That is silly because "Animal Farm", "1984", "Brave New World", and "Atlas Shrugged" have zero to do with communism, and instead should obviously illustrate the dangers of capitalism.
The book "Animal Farm" is about the capitalist pigs corrupting and taking over.
The book "1984" is about the capitalist bureacracy.
The book "Brave New World" is about capitalism abusing technology to control the ultimate in profits.
The book "Atlas Shrugged" is how to make millions selling fake propaganda.
Are you sure you read those books?
It's not controversial. Either you believe in the science or you don't.

I believe in science. Like the common knowledge we have that's scientifically shown like Antarctica has melted before.

Or all of the other scientific evidence we have showing earth has a reversal of it's poles, world wide floods, world wide droughts, world wide fires, extinction of life, loss of the ozone layer and much more that happened millions of years before man ever showed up.

Try. How much CO2 is there in the atmosphere

What is the radical enduring relationship of sun earth moon

Are we going to "fix the weather" and then go into an ice age ?

Can you guarantee me suis won't

There was a lecture on the solar system at an Mit location

after the lecture a man in the back raised his hand
professor did you say the Earth was going to be sucked into the sun in 5 million years
or 5 billion years
and the professor said five million years ...

and the man wiped his forehead and said Pheww... !

Global warming has become an episode of peanuts

The Global Warmalist
Has to come up with something better than
scaring people
redefining words that already exist and admit
the controversy that has never existed...

The meek that have been suppressed by the Democrats left are beginning to speak up

speak their minds

and they are leaving the party in droves..

And that I believe will be the topic of my next thread...
trump 34% approval lol
Climate change is real, but it is what it is. However, the Leftists' climate crisis is as fake as Athena Palomino's boobs. If Leftists' climate crisis is so "clear and present danger," Why does the West not kick the shxt out of China, Mid-East, India ....? Those massive Carbon dioxide producers.
and mainly the USA....
Ok then. They are making record profits year after year. I sure feel sorry for them. NEVER.

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