Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

That is too short of a time frame. Millions of years is more appropriate. The global maximum occurred 55 million years ago - far far hotter than today and no humans to blame it on.

View attachment 618771

55 million years ago​

The Palaeocene/Eocene extinction. A sudden rise in greenhouse gases sends temperatures soaring and transforms the planet, wiping out many species in the depths of the sea – though sparing species in shallow seas and on land.

Read more: Timeline: The evolution of life

Think it might be better and cheaper to address climate change factors instead.
Actually the covid science has been abysmal.
It is not even really a "new" virus, but one of hundreds of coronaviruses we have had for millions of years.
It would not even be remotely significant if not for the fact our immune system has a potentially deadly allergic over reaction. The virus itself does essentially nothing.
There are no vaccines for covid approved in the US.
A vaccine has to have real but dead viruses, so that the immune system has something to remember.
The immune system can not remember a spike protein grown by our own body, because those spike proteins have to work in our own ACE2 receptors, so can't be different from the spike protein our own exosomes use.
Omigawd you are demented.
There are a lager number Scientists who have a very different view Climate Change. However, you will never see them on any website or among the Media. Scientific Research is very political just as the idiot on Covid who never get's it right. Below are the Large number of Scientists who have a very different opinion about Climate Change
That is silly.
Obamacare, or ACA, is just mandatory private health insurance.
It is NOT at all public, and there is NO government involvement at all, except for the ER and a few things like that.
It is monopolistic because you are forced to prepay, thus giving up any opportunity to bargain if you dispute quality or costs.
it is third party payer, but none of the parties are government.
Except for the medicaid expansion in civilized Dem states duh....
There are a lager number Scientists who have a very different view Climate Change. However, you will never see them on any website or among the Media. Scientific Research is very political just as the idiot on Covid who never get's it right. Below are the Large number of Scientists who have a very different opinion about Climate Change
That's what you get from the Big Oil Party, dingbat....The only political party in the entire world that denies this- and vaccine masks, real tax rates, election security here etc etc...
The point is that George Orwell was an extreme, left wing, socialist.
He believed the problem was the corruption of the wealthy elite capitalists.

How could anyone believe anything else?
Of course the wealthy elite are greedy, insensitive, and corrupt

Because smarter people know better.

Provide evidence for your claim about wealthy people
No its not.
That is the exact opposite of slavery, because no slave holder NEEDS any of the fruits of the slave's labor, or else they would not have been able to afford to buy the slaves in the first place.
Slavery is the exact opposite, where the wealthy get more wealthy by taking from the already poor.
Yes it is.

Need is irrelevant. They want the fruits of the slaves labor whether it is needed or not. When your labor is traken ( from each according to his ability ) You are a slave.

Marx advocated slavery
There are no communist countries and has not ever been one yet, because the power capitalists won't allow it.

And no, the cure to global warming is not worse.
We would all save money if there were mass transit again, like street cars, lots of fast trains, etc.
Jet planes and private cars cost 10 times more, pollute 10 times more, and are 10 times more dangerous, but the mass transit alternatives were deliberately destroyed by the automobile, oil, and airplane industries.
There are lots of better alternatives that cost less, like nuclear, biofuels, etc.
Yes there has been and still are.

The USSR, Red CHina, North Korea, Cuba etc etc all communist countries.

Yes the proposed cures are all worse. The proposed cures such as carbon taxes would cause people to frexe to death in winter and ruin the econmy plunging the world into depression.
Buring ancient sequestered fossil fuel carbon adds over 30 trillion tons of carbon to the atmosphere every single year.
That more dramatic than an asteroid hit every single year.
It is huge, ongoing, and vastly faster than normal climate cycles.
No it is not.

Your claims are not supported by science or evideence as usual
Each person in China uses less than half the fossil fuel we do in the US.
So China is NOT the problem, we are.
If we would use less, than so would China.
You can't expect the people in the rest of the world to use less fossil fuel, per person, than we do.
CHina is the problem.

The Communist government of China pollutes more.
You do NOT measure carbon emissions by country.
You measure by person.
And the US is by far the main offender.
We do not even try.
We could easily do mass transit and save almost half our fossil fuel emissions.
China has great mass transit.
You measure it by country and communist countries are the worst offenders.
You are the only people and political party in the world that denies global warming, End of story, brainwashed functional moron. Change the channel for crying out loud, Big Oil Big money super dupe...

Lol, such logic I have never seen.

Well then all, we must have it wrong! Most of the worlds population isn't free, so we shouldn't be free either.

Also, most of the worlds population believes in Allah, so we must all be wrong again, if you use his argument.

And again, the largest % of people in the world, either believe in Socialism, or Communism; and yet everyone invests in the USA. Go figure. Amazing when you think about how bassackwards we are, and yet we seem to have been on top for quite awhile now, although as we morph into being MORE LIKE THEM, we have a tendency to slide backwards.
But the guy you voted for sucks, just like the guy you did not vote for. This is what you are too fucking stupid to grasp.
wrong, the guy I voted for gave us the lowest unemployment rates in history, made us energy independent, opened dialog with North Korea, started no new wars, caused companies to relocate to, and expand in, the USA. Under Trump the USA was respected in the world. He also made the NATO members pay their fair share and eliminated several murdering terrorists. We had a booming economy and a rising stock market. Then the coup happened and old senile Joe and the Ho are now running our country into the sewer. and make no mistake, the 2020 election WAS A COUP
And we can also look at it from an entirely different perspective.
Since fossil fuels are so limited, (from ancient 100 million year old swamps), we should be conserving them.
We can easily use less fossil fuel and or replace them with renewable or nuclear.
yes, we should do those things, but unless we do them smartly, we will suffer.
But if we can pollute enough to cause visible smog, then it should also be obvious that we can easily create global warming.
That is because it takes a lot of particulates to make a haze, but very little carbon in the upper atmosphere boundry to space, in order to retain heat.
pollution and climate are separate and unrelated things. Fight pollution, stop the foolish rants about climate change.
wrong, the guy I voted for gave us the lowest unemployment rates in history, made us energy independent, opened dialog with North Korea, started no new wars, caused companies to relocate to, and expand in, the USA. Under Trump the USA was respected in the world. He also made the NATO members pay their fair share and eliminated several murdering terrorists. We had a booming economy and a rising stock market. Then the coup happened and old senile Joe and the Ho are now running our country into the sewer. and make no mistake, the 2020 election WAS A COUP

you have a little orange on your nose where it was stuffed up Trump's ass a bit too far.
Lol, such logic I have never seen.

Well then all, we must have it wrong! Most of the worlds population isn't free, so we shouldn't be free either.

Also, most of the worlds population believes in Allah, so we must all be wrong again, if you use his argument.

And again, the largest % of people in the world, either believe in Socialism, or Communism; and yet everyone invests in the USA. Go figure. Amazing when you think about how bassackwards we are, and yet we seem to have been on top for quite awhile now, although as we morph into being MORE LIKE THEM, we have a tendency to slide backwards.
As always, total crap. This is about science versus crap propagandist liars like Rush, Joe, Trump and a few EXXON "scientists"...1/5 of the world is muslim...Socialism is democratic ALWAYS and simply fair capitalism., communism is a dictatorship and CRAP....We have unfair savage big oil health pharma capitalism, the only modern country without a living wage, healthcare, daycare, cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, and MAINLY TAXING THE RICH. Great job, brainwashed functional moron...

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