Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

the media has destroyed your brain with its lies and propaganda. Jan 6 was part of the dem/media/NWO/ China coup of the US government . It was successful and fools like you are too dumb to realize that you are now a zoo animal with zero freedom.

All false and a figment of your imagination. Whatever tump did had consequences, none of them good. Make no mistake, the Jan 6 insurrection was a failed coup attempt since tump didn't show up at the Capitol as promised. Oh, and he LOST the election.
so explain how these consequences are not good
1. lowest unemployment rates ever
2. energy independence

do those two first then I have more for you.
"We are all socialists now!!" -President of Finland when Obamacare passed. But he didn't know the scumbag GOP. Only english speakers don't know the diff between soc's and commies: DEMOCRACY!!!! The French italians spanish scandinavians chileans etc etc all elected socialists.... So did the UK, canada NZ but they have to call them Labour or somethng....

Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, the UK, Canada and NZ are not socialist economies/societies. The only way you can support the welfare state you advocate for is through capitalism. I would love it if we were like Scandinavia.

Unless something has drastically changed in the last 24 hours those governments do not own the means of production. If you're going to use a word you should have at least some clue as to what it means.
Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, the UK, Canada and NZ are not socialist economies/societies. The only way you can support the welfare state you advocate for is through capitalism. I would love it if we were like Scandinavia.

Unless something has drastically changed in the last 24 hours those governments do not own the means of production. If you're going to use a word you should have at least some clue as to what it means.

Your definition used to be the gold standard, but not any longer. Many governments figured out a while back, that they could control production by taxes or regulations on the products, they did, or did not want.

EXAMPLE----------> If through regulations, taxes, and subsidies...........if I am government, I can get you to go green by through the use of those 3 methods, I can make green energy CHEAPER than fossil fuels. I don't own the means of production as government, but manipulated the cost to benefit what I want you to do. And when you do it, you will think it was your idea, which is great for me as government.
Climate change caused by man and Covid are similar hoaxes preying on ignorance that one tenth of one percent is a fakely Huge number and that only 4% of the planet is developed or populated. They call these “conspiracy” offerings when they are merely facts which are vodoo to lockdown loons.
Lib s like fear. It relieves them of responsibility, they just blindly shuffle along following directions. But, much much worse is they insist on having their fear fantasies forced on others by government and they found the “Beat Trump at any costs” so delicious that they will try and perpetuate it forever so that everyone is as feckless and frightened as they are.
Tons of stats provided over months of posting and provided to you by many resources. However you choose to ignore those stats and like a child declare there are no stats.

Give us the post number with your stats in them or a link to them or something.

Otherwise they just do not exist.
Your definition used to be the gold standard, but not any longer. Many governments figured out a while back, that they could control production by taxes or regulations on the products, they did, or did not want.

EXAMPLE----------> If through regulations, taxes, and subsidies...........if I am government, I can get you to go green by through the use of those 3 methods, I can make green energy CHEAPER than fossil fuels. I don't own the means of production as government, but manipulated the cost to benefit what I want you to do. And when you do it, you will think it was your idea, which is great for me as government.
My definition? It's THE definition. I love how people just decide words don't mean what they mean.
so explain how these consequences are not good
1. lowest unemployment rates ever
2. energy independence

do those two first then I have more for you.
There is no energy independence until we get off the oil standard. You still pay market price for gas
and Biden has encouraged more drilling than tump. Lowest unemployment is short-lived since wages didn't move at all or very little. The result is that people are not going back to work.
so explain how these consequences are not good
1. lowest unemployment rates ever
2. energy independence

do those two first then I have more for you.

Both are myths.

It was not the lowest unemployment rates ever and one cannot have energy independence when you do not control the price of said energy.
the media has destroyed your brain with its lies and propaganda. Jan 6 was part of the dem/media/NWO/ China coup of the US government . It was successful and fools like you are too dumb to realize that you are now a zoo animal with zero freedom.
What the fuck are you talking about?? Dem China media coup? You have freedom and do not appreciate it. If the dictator wannabe tump is reelected, you will experience a lack of freedom.
I thought you said people are not getting rich off the man made climate scam?
That is what I said, and there is no man-made climate scam. The rough climate that we have been experiencing is certainly man made.
That is what I said, and there is no man-made climate scam. The rough climate that we have been experiencing is certainly man made.
And people like Al Gore are making millions of the man made climate scam and what rough climate?

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