Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

I'm a conservative, and am firmly against any kind of carbon tax and 90% of the BS the climate people are pushing. But astronomy is sort of a hobby of mine. And all one has to do to understand climate change is to look at other planets like Venus and Mars to realize that climate change is a real deal. How long will it take for our planet to die, no one knows for sure. I would imagine a long damn time. But, it'll be a long time trying to find another suitable planet and have the ability to get people there.
Idea's on how to terraform another planet or moon have all been decided that it's just way too much work, and would take way too long because of the lack of technology we have today.

The earth itself produces a lot of CO2. Humans also create a lot of CO2. This kills a planet. Just take a look at the planet Venus. If we could extract 80% of it's CO2, there might be a way to terraform it.
There's even been talk and studies on terraforming our own moon and a moon around Saturn. But we don't have the resources or the man power.

Point is, if we can do something about all the CO2 here, the planet will die later than sooner. The only way to do this is to cut our human created CO2's. It might be the difference of humans last another 500 years.
Obviously, we'll never know those people. So the importance is much less to most of us. But it'll be important to them.

CO2 does not kill a planet. Mars atmosphere is 90% CO2. CO2 greens a planet, produces more crops, vegetation and that vegetation can increase oxygen levels, and support more life.

Truth is, CO2 right now is at one of the lowest points in Earth's history, and you idiots want to lower it? Have you taken any thought to that about what that will impact vegetation, crops, precipitation, not to mention the poor who rely on hydrocarbon fuels to heat their homes, sterilize water, and cook their food?

You loons are trying to kill us all, not save the planet.

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CO2 does not kill a planet. Mars atmosphere is 90% CO2. CO2 greens a planet, produces more crops, vegetation and that vegetation can increase oxygen levels, and support more life.

Truth is, CO2 right now is at one of the lowest points in Earth's history, and you idiots want to lower it? Have you taken any thought to that about what that will impact vegetation, crops, precipitation, not to mention the poor who rely on hydrocarbon fuels to heat their homes, sterilize water, and cook their food?

You loons are trying to kill us all, not save the planet.
Even though plants need CO2, too much can be harmful. Plants that take in too much carbon dioxide can deteriorate when pushed to the limit during flowering cycles, and can produce fewer and smaller buds if this happens. At night, the photosynthesis process ceases and respiration begins
Yes they are, and we had been lower at least twice in the past.

It is a made definition. one cannot be independent if they do not control the price of the commodity.

And yet the only one lying here is you, but that is what worshipers do
Obama and biden are both on record as being knee-jerk anti fossil fuel opponents

obama almost bragging the electricity costs will skyrocket under his cap and trade policy

and biden promising to end fossil fuel entirely

but now lefty apologists like you want to pretend they have nothing to do with the price of gasoline at the pump or US/free world dependance on bad actors such as putin for oil?

what a laugh
Even though plants need CO2, too much can be harmful. Plants that take in too much carbon dioxide can deteriorate when pushed to the limit during flowering cycles, and can produce fewer and smaller buds if this happens. At night, the photosynthesis process ceases and respiration begins
That's completely horse shit and is a bold faced lie. High Tech Green houses inject additional CO2 to increase plant growth rates which help them get their product to market faster, and it also increases the number of blooms on the plants.

Why do you bother posting lies?

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Even though plants need CO2, too much can be harmful. Plants that take in too much carbon dioxide can deteriorate when pushed to the limit during flowering cycles, and can produce fewer and smaller buds if this happens.
To do that you would need a sealed room or greenhouse and a whopping big co2 generator to get carbon levels far above what we have in the atmosphere
That's completely horse shit and is a bold faced lie. High Tech Green houses inject additional CO2 to increase plant growth rates which help them get their product to market faster, and it also increases the number of blooms on the plants.

Only to a certain extent.
That's completely horse shit and is a bold faced lie. High Tech Green houses inject additional CO2 to increase plant growth rates which help them get their product to market faster, and it also increases the number of blooms on the plants.

Only to a certain extent.
Obama and biden are both on record as being knee-jerk anti fossil fuel opponents

Obama wasn't as anti oil as you might thing. Our oil companies were able to produce a lot of oil/gas during his administration. The keystone was completed and put into production during Obama's term.

obama almost bragging the electricity costs will skyrocket under his cap and trade policy

Yeah, that was just retarded. He and all the other presidents, including Trump, can give billions upon billions to NATO and foreign aid. But can't help electric companies retrofit their plants to created a better level of emissions.
and biden promising to end fossil fuel entirely

You didn't actually believe him, did you? This moron is amazed when he can tie his own shoe.
but now lefty apologists like you want to pretend they have nothing to do with the price of gasoline at the pump or US/free world dependance on bad actors such as putin for oil?

what a laugh

The biggest factor now, as it has always been, is the oil companies themselves and their boom and bust cycles. The same wells that were producing during Trump, are the same wells that are producing now. And even more wells now than when Trump was in office.
The stock market is hugely to blame. Plus the cut backs on oil production. This is done in cycles. And will always be done in cycles. The bust cycle in the oil fields, is the boom cycle for CEO's and investors. Lower the overhead (laying off drillers and pipeliners, inspectors, Xray techs, geologist), the stock market comes in and increases the value of oil and gas on the stock exchange. Fewer barrels of oil/gas getting to the refineries for the sole purpose of waiting til the stock price is at it's highest. Then sell & produce at the highest rates to maximize profits.
Once this happens, and the price per barrel falls to something more affordable to us, oil companies hire back all those drillers and pipeliners, and the boom cycle for the oil field hands begins again.
Obama wasn't as anti oil as you might thing. Our oil companies were able to produce a lot of oil/gas during his administration. The keystone was completed and put into production during Obama's term.

Yeah, that was just retarded. He and all the other presidents, including Trump, can give billions upon billions to NATO and foreign aid. But can't help electric companies retrofit their plants to created a better level of emissions.

You didn't actually believe him, did you? This moron is amazed when he can tie his own shoe.

The biggest factor now, as it has always been, is the oil companies themselves and their boom and bust cycles. The same wells that were producing during Trump, are the same wells that are producing now. And even more wells now than when Trump was in office.
The stock market is hugely to blame. Plus the cut backs on oil production. This is done in cycles. And will always be done in cycles. The bust cycle in the oil fields, is the boom cycle for CEO's and investors. Lower the overhead (laying off drillers and pipeliners, inspectors, Xray techs, geologist), the stock market comes in and increases the value of oil and gas on the stock exchange. Fewer barrels of oil/gas getting to the refineries for the sole purpose of waiting til the stock price is at it's highest. Then sell & produce at the highest rates to maximize profits.
Once this happens, and the price per barrel falls to something more affordable to us, oil companies hire back all those drillers and pipeliners, and the boom cycle for the oil field hands begins again.
Actually oil prices are driven mostly by oil speculators who buy on the futures market
Actually oil prices are driven mostly by oil speculators who buy on the futures market

Oil companies depend on them to help generate an excuse so they can get through the bust cycle without getting much blame. Plus, they know when the cycle is going to start. So they invest too.

We're just the oil companies customers. Not their friends. The ones making all the money can afford to be $50 per gallon of gas.
Oil companies depend on them to help generate an excuse so they can get through the bust cycle without getting much blame. Plus, they know when the cycle is going to start. So they invest too.

We're just the oil companies customers. Not their friends. The ones making all the money can afford to be $50 per gallon of gas.
It goes deeper than that

the price oil is set by the open market which is set by the speculators who buy the oil
those factions corrupted our 2020 election by creating millions of fraudulent votes. It was a coup, the US government was taken over by a media/dem/china coalition that successfully produced a fake election result, Its amazing that you libs are OK with that. freedom? bullshit, are vax mandates and mask mandates freedom? Is CIA spying or private citizens freedom? Is political imprisonment freedom? We are becoming Russia and you assholes are too dumb to realize it-------------because as long as they give you the free government cheese you will do as they demand.
The only fraud was created by tump with his ridiculous "big steal" nonsense and his attempt to shortstop the election.
The only fraud was created by tump with his ridiculous "big steal" nonsense and his attempt to shortstop the election.
vote fraud in Wisc was just verified, more to come from other states. Senile Joe did not win in 2020. The proof is coming out, once it does it will be up to congress to act on it or ignore it.
These jokers who don’t have a pot to piss in claiming 50% tax bracket . Hardy har har

I don't need to piss in a pot. I live in a proper house with indoor plumbing.

And please, stop peeing on the sidewalk. It's gross.

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