Lots of Americans are sick of this climate change stuff

Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, the UK, Canada and NZ are not socialist economies/societies. The only way you can support the welfare state you advocate for is through capitalism. I would love it if we were like Scandinavia.

Unless something has drastically changed in the last 24 hours those governments do not own the means of production. If you're going to use a word you should have at least some clue as to what it means.

The definition is , where business and industry is owned or REGULATED by the community. Everyone in the world knows what a socialist is except english speakers, who have been confusing soc's and commies since the USSR started...Socialists won in other countries elections, and no, not Stalinists. THEY LOST!!!! Brainwashed MORON...Communism has never won an election and never will.
so explain how these consequences are not good
1. lowest unemployment rates ever
2. energy independence

do those two first then I have more for you.
Then he wrecked Obama's recovery with the worst reaction to the pandemic ANYWHERE...and led the world bad reactors...GREAT JOB!!! OBAMA DID ENERGY INDEPENCE FIRST DUH...His achievements are total BULLSHYTTE...Bolton says Putin waited for him to leave NATO in his second term...A disgrace in every way, super dupe. CHANGE THE GD CHANNEL....
The definition is , where business and industry is owned or REGULATED by the community. Everyone in the world knows what a socialist is except english speakers, who have been confusing soc's and commies since the USSR started...Socialists won in other countries elections, and no, not Stalinists. THEY LOST!!!! Brainwashed MORON...Communism has never won an election and never will.
You're argument is with Websters not me.
The definition is , where business and industry is owned or REGULATED by the community. Everyone in the world knows what a socialist is except english speakers, who have been confusing soc's and commies since the USSR started...Socialists won in other countries elections, and no, not Stalinists. THEY LOST!!!! Brainwashed MORON...Communism has never won an election and never will.
Oh and why doesnt Sweden get to decide whether it's a socialist country or not? Why do you get to decide for them? Well you and Bernie.
They know lol
Funny because they think they arent a socialist country.

Funny because they think they arent a socialist country.

They don't like arguing with loudmouth RW US idiots...
Funny because they think they arent a socialist country.

I knew that was next lol...
And people like Al Gore are making millions of the man made climate scam and what rough climate?
Many more people are making millions off this man-made oil debacle. Get off Gore, lamb chop, because he is only one.
Both are myths.

It was not the lowest unemployment rates ever and one cannot have energy independence when you do not control the price of said energy.
the UE numbers are documented. We were a net exporter of oil and gas---------that is the definition of energy independent. Its OK if you don't like Trump, but lying about things is not OK.
the UE numbers are documented

Yes they are, and we had been lower at least twice in the past.

We were a net exporter of oil and gas---------that is the definition of energy independent.

It is a made definition. one cannot be independent if they do not control the price of the commodity.

Its OK if you don't like Trump, but lying about things is not OK.

And yet the only one lying here is you, but that is what worshipers do
What the fuck are you talking about?? Dem China media coup? You have freedom and do not appreciate it. If the dictator wannabe tump is reelected, you will experience a lack of freedom.
those factions corrupted our 2020 election by creating millions of fraudulent votes. It was a coup, the US government was taken over by a media/dem/china coalition that successfully produced a fake election result, Its amazing that you libs are OK with that. freedom? bullshit, are vax mandates and mask mandates freedom? Is CIA spying or private citizens freedom? Is political imprisonment freedom? We are becoming Russia and you assholes are too dumb to realize it-------------because as long as they give you the free government cheese you will do as they demand.
Yes they are, and we had been lower at least twice in the past.

It is a made definition. one cannot be independent if they do not control the price of the commodity.

And yet the only one lying here is you, but that is what worshipers do
Wartime UE rates are not apples to apples comparison

The price of oil is controlled by supply and demand, we increased the supply and the price worldwide went down. The Saudis were not happy, but tough shit.

I have never posted a lie, I post truth. Sorry if the truth violates your agenda.
If it was a consensus it wouldn't be controversial

climate change is a hoax intended, like communism, to put money into the leaders pockets...

This is a good time in American history to reread animal farm1984 Brave New World Atlas Shrugged

Of course Bernie Sanders Communist Manifesto

America is so done with Democrat asshole antics and control shit...

I'm a conservative, and am firmly against any kind of carbon tax and 90% of the BS the climate people are pushing. But astronomy is sort of a hobby of mine. And all one has to do to understand climate change is to look at other planets like Venus and Mars to realize that climate change is a real deal. How long will it take for our planet to die, no one knows for sure. I would imagine a long damn time. But, it'll be a long time trying to find another suitable planet and have the ability to get people there.
Idea's on how to terraform another planet or moon have all been decided that it's just way too much work, and would take way too long because of the lack of technology we have today.

The earth itself produces a lot of CO2. Humans also create a lot of CO2. This kills a planet. Just take a look at the planet Venus. If we could extract 80% of it's CO2, there might be a way to terraform it.
There's even been talk and studies on terraforming our own moon and a moon around Saturn. But we don't have the resources or the man power.

Point is, if we can do something about all the CO2 here, the planet will die later than sooner. The only way to do this is to cut our human created CO2's. It might be the difference of humans last another 500 years.
Obviously, we'll never know those people. So the importance is much less to most of us. But it'll be important to them.

I'm posting this video not to show how Venus could be terraformed. But for the information as to why global warming is real.
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