Lou Dobbs is telling South Carolina residents not to vote for Lindsey Graham

Vote for Trump, Vote for Graham.....we have to save the country from these morons, and Trump needs republicans in the Senate to fight the joe biden voters who have been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans for the last 6 months...
The problem with that approach is Trump and Graham are also morons.

Graham is a moron, but he is a vote for Supreme Court nominees.....

And the democrat party is actively siding with the enemies of the United States...again......selling out to China and Russia....so Trump and Graham are worlds above any democrat.
Selling out implies you are getting something in return. Trump is just straight-up owned by Putin.
Whatever credibility Graham may have had was wiped clean by those videos of him telling people to hold him to his words on the Supreme Court.

Just another example of how desperately we need to change the system with short term limits and publicly-funded elections.

It blows my mind, every single day, how so many Americans can put so much faith in these people.

Moron.....whatever he said, he isn't the Constitution.......the power to appoint and the power to confirm are in the hands of the Republicans. If Breyer assumes room temp. before the election they should replace him too......on Nov. 2......
I fully support your “if it’s legal go ahead and do it even if it breaks traditions and norms” attitude!

It means we’ll get no argument for you when we expand the SCOTUS.
Lindsey Graham is a whore. Plain n' simple.
First said the truth about Trump.
Then spread his buttcheeks for Trump after Trump won.
People of SC need to WTF up and vote this cockroach out.

It's going to be a close election, Harrison has a solid chance to take Graham out. My only problem with that is, I don't like either one of them. The third candidate was a hardcore whack job who unofficially dropped out to back Graham... what's a person to do when they can't, with a clear conscience, vote for any of the candidates presented?

I guess I'll write in my wife's name...
What’s your issue with Harrison.
Vote for Trump, Vote for Graham.....we have to save the country from these morons, and Trump needs republicans in the Senate to fight the joe biden voters who have been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans for the last 6 months...
The problem with that approach is Trump and Graham are also morons.

Graham is a moron, but he is a vote for Supreme Court nominees.....

And the democrat party is actively siding with the enemies of the United States...again......selling out to China and Russia....so Trump and Graham are worlds above any democrat.
You should know by now that there is little difference between R pols and D pols.
You are arguing with an idiot.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.

Yet no proof that any wrong doing happened.
Lindsey Graham is a whore. Plain n' simple.
First said the truth about Trump.
Then spread his buttcheeks for Trump after Trump won.
People of SC need to WTF up and vote this cockroach out.
Only have a liberal lier running against him. I'm voting for him, after what you loons did to Kavanaugh and his family. You loons never need to be in power again.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.

Yet no proof that any wrong doing happened.
The FBI is talking to Bobulinski.
If the money-laundering investigation comes up empty, then Joe is just a liar because he did discuss his son's businesses.
Biden is not in the clear yet. There is a lot of pay-to-play money sloshing around that needs 'splainin.
Vote for Trump, Vote for Graham.....we have to save the country from these morons, and Trump needs republicans in the Senate to fight the joe biden voters who have been burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans for the last 6 months...
The problem with that approach is Trump and Graham are also morons.

Graham is a moron, but he is a vote for Supreme Court nominees.....

And the democrat party is actively siding with the enemies of the United States...again......selling out to China and Russia....so Trump and Graham are worlds above any democrat.
Selling out implies you are getting something in return. Trump is just straight-up owned by Putin.
Russia Russia Russia...LOL
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Fox News Channel's Lou Dobbs, rabid Trump bootlicker, has attacked Lindsey Graham and told voters not to vote for him. It's certainly a personal feeling and an axe to grind for Dobbs, but it appears that Lindsey going on Fox and begging for campaign contributions, as well as being one of Trump's biggest ass kissers, was not enough for Graham.

Graham losing would be the icing on the cake
Lindsay Graham is rino scum like mclame. I rather have a Democrat in front of me where I can see him than behind me stabbing me in the back.

I gave him a chance to win me a great victory and all he did was talk. Vote for the Democrat in his state.

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