Lou Dobbs is telling South Carolina residents not to vote for Lindsey Graham

Graham losing would be the icing on the cake
Lindsay Graham is rino scum like mclame. I rather have a Democrat in front of me where I can see him than behind me stabbing me in the back.

I gave him a chance to win me a great victory and all he did was talk. Vote for the Democrat in his state.
Not likely to happen in SC....They'd vote for a palmetto tree if it had an (R) by its name.
Months ago senator Graham should’ve had Obama put i. Jail he didn’t now he pays the price
Graham is afraid to be outed, for what is more than obvious to anyone with more than a passing interest in politics.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
The Russian collusion was not bullshit. The Republicans are not honest enough to do anything about it.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
The Russian collusion was not bullshit. The Republicans are not honest enough to do anything about it.
The only russia collusion was Hillary paying russian spies for dirt on trump.
I'd like to thank Trumptard Lou Dobbs for reminding me to kick in a bit more for Jamie Harrison :)
Lindsey Graham is a whore. Plain n' simple.
First said the truth about Trump.
Then spread his buttcheeks for Trump after Trump won.
People of SC need to WTF up and vote this cockroach out.

It's going to be a close election, Harrison has a solid chance to take Graham out. My only problem with that is, I don't like either one of them. The third candidate was a hardcore whack job who unofficially dropped out to back Graham... what's a person to do when they can't, with a clear conscience, vote for any of the candidates presented?

I guess I'll write in my wife's name...
What’s your issue with Harrison.

He's too close to Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, he is, IMO, too far left, albeit in a stealthy fashion. His work with The Podesta Group is troublesome for me as well. One of the firms he lobbied while at TPG was the Fortress Investment Group. They foreclosed on people who lost their homes in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. While the lobbying didn't take place at the same time as the foreclosures, it was two years later, I believe a principled man would have passed on the job. I know I would have.

I'm a very(?) moderate conservative who can't stand Trump and can't stomach Graham's hypocrisy. I'm also not fond of Joe Cunningham's opponent, Nancy Mace, which is why Cunningham will get my vote. Mace is a Trump lap dog while Cunningham, so far as I can tell, has done a good job for South Carolina.
I'd like to thank Trumptard Lou Dobbs for reminding me to kick in a bit more for Jamie Harrison :)

Don't bother, he has more than enough out of state money... in fact, I think the majority of his money has come from out of state.
I'd like to thank Trumptard Lou Dobbs for reminding me to kick in a bit more for Jamie Harrison :)

Don't bother, he has more than enough out of state money... in fact, I think the majority of his money has come from out of state.

And the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) just kicked Lil Lindsey a 20 million dollar loan.
Are they located in South Carolina?
Graham losing would be the icing on the cake
Lindsay Graham is rino scum like mclame. I rather have a Democrat in front of me where I can see him than behind me stabbing me in the back.

I gave him a chance to win me a great victory and all he did was talk. Vote for the Democrat in his state.

Lindsy Graham is just like Mittens. He is waiting in the backfield for the perfect moment to come in and backstab the Republicans. If he is investigating anything, its how to let all the deep staters off and pin everything on trump.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
The Russian collusion was not bullshit. The Republicans are not honest enough to do anything about it.
Russian Collusion is bullshit, because the dems didn't even mention it as an article of impeachment. So stop slinging shit.
The Bidens are the crime family, raking in cash from all over the place.
Graham losing would be the icing on the cake
Lindsay Graham is rino scum like mclame. I rather have a Democrat in front of me where I can see him than behind me stabbing me in the back.

I gave him a chance to win me a great victory and all he did was talk. Vote for the Democrat in his state.

Lindsy Graham is just like Mittens. He is waiting in the backfield for the perfect moment to come in and backstab the Republicans. If he is investigating anything, its how to let all the deep staters off and pin everything on trump.

You know that he has to be in office to Govern, yes?
People who don't understand politics should just stand the fuck down.
Like someone in the thread said, Graham bought the ticket and now he takes the ride.

Lindsey Graham is just another deep state swamp critter and life long professional politician and taxpayer tit sucker. He is just another of what Donald Trump is trying his best to rid us of. The swamp covers both sides of the aisle just more so on the democratic side because their ergics are just a bit more lacking. Now we know why Feinstein was hugging him. Scratch their skin and they're one and the same kinda creep.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
The Russian collusion was not bullshit. The Republicans are not honest enough to do anything about it.
The only russia collusion was Hillary paying russian spies for dirt on trump.
Wrong. Only an idiot would believe that.
After the Biden whistleblower revelations, anyone who votes for a democrat is a moron.
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
There have been none. reputable sources are not even covering it.
WE have a whistleblower, a laptop, a shitload of verified emails, two iPhones, and an ongoing money laundering investigation.
Biden is toast, either before the election, or after the election.
It is a load of BS.
Russian collusion was bullshit.
The Biden's pay-to-play schemes involve a real whistleblower, and real money.
The Russian collusion was not bullshit. The Republicans are not honest enough to do anything about it.
Russian Collusion is bullshit, because the dems didn't even mention it as an article of impeachment. So stop slinging shit.
The Bidens are the crime family, raking in cash from all over the place.
Trump is accusing them of what he is guilty of.
Graham losing would be the icing on the cake
Lindsay Graham is rino scum like mclame. I rather have a Democrat in front of me where I can see him than behind me stabbing me in the back.

I gave him a chance to win me a great victory and all he did was talk. Vote for the Democrat in his state.

Lindsy Graham is just like Mittens. He is waiting in the backfield for the perfect moment to come in and backstab the Republicans. If he is investigating anything, its how to let all the deep staters off and pin everything on trump.

You know that he has to be in office to Govern, yes?
People who don't understand politics should just stand the fuck down.
Be prepared for him to disappoint you. He takes Democrats seriously and thinks they are rational people. That alone is telling of how incompetent he is. If the acb needed his vote to pass, he would sell out for example.

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