Loughner v Hodgkinson: Fabrication v distraction.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
When Jared Loughner killed those people and shot Gabby Giffords, Obama and his minions lept into action. Determined to link his favorite pet peeves, Talk Radio and gun control There was an all out blitz about Hate speech, talk radio, and how that drove Loughner to kill. Oh but there was just one problem. That was a completely intentional fabrication. All the people who know Loughner were in complete agreement that he was a-political didn't listen to the news, was a registered Independent and was neither Right nor Left. This quote from a close friend was what everyone said of him:
Loughner's high-school friend Zach Osler said, "He did not watch TV; he disliked the news; he didn't listen to political radio; he didn't take sides; he wasn't on the Left; he wasn't on the Right.

PFFFFFT sez the Left. That doesn't fit our narrative. Blow it off. OK Sheriff Dupnik we want you to start spewing about hate speech. CNN we want you spewing your crap about gun control and evil talk radio. In the mean time Obama establishes a "Center of Civility" in Tucson to help insure that such a tragedy caused by hate speech will never happen again.

Now compare that to what you are hearing about the Socialist Political fanatic Hodgkinson. You might hear a passing reference to his Bernie Sanders support or his hatred of Trump before they launch into the horrors of the type of weapon he used and how many rounds he shot off.

The Left uses tragedy to push their narrative even if they have to lie their asses off or suppress the truth when it doesn't suit their purpose. And you wonder why REAL Americans are fed up with the Left? A little honesty would go a long way right now. What do you say Democrats?

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