Loughner's Posts and Threads @ Above Top Secret


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
We here at AboveTopSecret.com, our owners, staff, and membership find ourselves in the unfortunate position of apparently being one of the largest (if not the largest) repositories of online postings by someone who has been classified as a "monster" (among other things) due to his (accused) actions of two days ago. Online research that began on Reddit, and continued here on ATS has resulted in an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence to support the notion that the "erad3" member account here is Jared Loughner. Indeed, the content found in more than 4,000 Google search returns (including some pages in the mainstream press) have drawn the same conclusion.


Topics authored by erad3:
All aboard with the empty NASA Space Shuttles! (July 13, 2010)
Did NASA Fake the Mars Rovers? (July 12, 2010)
Infinite Source Of Currency!?!? (July 8, 2010)
Why is the year infinite in the date? (July 7, 2010)

Replies authored by erad3:
Posts by erad3


A look inside the mind of erad3 (most-likely Jared Loughner), page 1

Erad is Jerad minus the J.

Both of Rep. Giffords Husband and her Brother-in-law are Space Shuttle astronauts.

Just one theory of many.
reply posted on 11-7-2010 @ 09:45 AM by mordant1 reply to post by Erad3

I have maybe made a mistake is my assessment of your avatar, because for that to be the case, you'd have to be at least somewhat rational, but I think youre frankly schizophrenic, and no that's not an amateur opinion and not intended as an uninformed or insulting remark, you clearly make no sense and are unable to communicate. I really do care.

Seek help before you hurt yourself or others or start taking your medications again, please. Maybe, it'd be better for some there be an infinite source of haldol or cogentin then fiat [COLOR=#E0E060 ! important][FONT=inherit ! important][COLOR=#E0E060 ! important][FONT=inherit ! important]currency[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR].

Infinite Source Of Currency!?!?, page 2
First reply to the Jared
NI have maybe made a mistake is my assessment of your avatar, because for that to be the case, you'd have to be at least somewhat rational, but I think youre frankly schizophrenic, and no that's not an amateur opinion and not intended as an uninformed or insulting remark, you clearly make no sense and are unable to communicate. I really do care.
Seek help before you hurt yourself or others or start taking your medications again, please. Maybe, it'd be better for some there be an infinite source of haldol or cogentin then fiat currency.

Even by the very low standards of that board, he was wacked.
Topic started on 12-7-2010 @ 06:35 AM by Erad3

Is one of your favorite toys a remote control car?

If NASA creates a mars rover that communicates from mars then the signal reaches from the distance of Mars.
The signal doesn&#8217;t reach from the distance of mars.
Nonetheless, NASA creates a rover that doesn&#8217;t communicate from mars.

If NASA communication signals reaches mars then NASA communication signal from the mars rover.
The NASA communication signals reaches mars
Therefore, NASA communication signals from the mars rover.

If the pictures are from mars then the mars rover is on mars.
The Mars rover is not on mars.
Therefore, the pictures are not from mars.

NASA creates a remote control rover that is impossible to reach mars.
NASA fakes the situation they plan with the mars rover.
Therefore, NASA creates a remote control rover that&#8217;s impossible to reach mars and fakes the situation they plan with the mars rover.

NASA sends the the Mars Rover to mars with communication or NASA fakes the situation.
NASA didn&#8217;t send the Mars Rover to mars with communication.
Therefore, NASA fakes the situation.

If the mars rover lands on mars with communication then NASA sent the Mars Rover to mars.
The mars rover lands on mars with communication.
Therefore, NASA sent the mars rover to mars with communication.

The distance from earth and mars is about 33,926,867.1 miles.
The distance from earth and mars changes.

Think about how NASA sends the mars rover
Think about how NASA is able to communicate from that distance.
Did NASA Fake the Mars Rovers? , page 1
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Guy went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, and it seems he never really recovered.

He seems confused and a bit addled, but he is also full of himself.

I think he sounds like the 4th carbon of a troofer who has a handle on physics, but not a grasp. Someone explained the cube law of radio signal propagation, and it was just too much for him to absorb, but he got the idea that the signal would be too weak.

He really does seem to be someone with an infinite level of self esteem, but nothing to esteem himself for.
reply posted on 15-7-2010 @ 12:56 PM by Erad3

Please bring information to this thread that concludes the layers of atmosphere for mars.

How is a scientist testing the layers of the atmosphere to know the facts?
I'm not accepting that mars posses the same layers as the layers of earth.

If NASA knows the layers of the atmosphere for mars then NASA factually-knows the layers of the atmosphere for mars through scientific experiments.
NASA doesn&#8217;t factually-know the layers of the atmosphere for mars through scientific experiments.
Hence, NASA doesn&#8217;t know the layers of the atmosphere for mars.

How are you accepting this faked program from the government?

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Erad3]
Did NASA Fake the Mars Rovers? , page 3
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Guy went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning, and it seems he never really recovered.

He seems confused and a bit addled, but he is also full of himself.

I think he sounds like the 4th carbon of a troofer who has a handle on physics, but not a grasp. Someone explained the cube law of radio signal propagation, and it was just too much for him to absorb, but he got the idea that the signal would be too weak.

He really does seem to be someone with an infinite level of self esteem, but nothing to esteem himself for.

The guy is nuts.

He makes a statement, then proves the statement by restating it.

If this is true, then that is also true.
I say this is true.
Therefore, that is true.
After that happens, no amount of logic penetrates his fallacy.

This is the basis of every argument he presents.
Jerad's Myspace status log, captured by an Arizona blogger before the FBI shut down Loughner's page:

Although there are several sites that have posted his [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHZy1tax2lw"]rants from YouTube[/ame] as well as a few screengrabs of his Myspace page, I was able to get the only exclusive status updates that Loughner left prior to December 2010. The messages follow an obviously schizophrenic young man as he delves deeper into psychosis. The most interesting thing about Loughner's page was that after making so many threats, he was still somehow able to remain free to carry out his psychotic plans. I left out a large amount of text as most of the messages were ramblings that made about as much sense as his manifestos on YouTube. Here is the PotShot exclusive, Loughner's words:

Jul 11, 2010 - I keep hearing voices in my head!

Aug 18 - I'll tell you how to kill a pig in my bulletin!

Sep 14 - I didn't hesitate playing Russian roulette with 3 bullets!

Sep 16 - I thought about attempting suicide again...... notice the again...

Sep 27 - Be careful when you go out of body, the government can control the out of body with programming their energy.

Oct 3 - I'm suspended from school for my first freedom! The police is on myspace stalking you! Call them f**king teachers! Cons! The police are wrong.

Nov 14 - Are you single and looking for a rich boyfriend?

Nov 17 - It hurts to have been never sexually active at 22!

Nov 22 - :( The literacy rate is below 10% in Tuscon; you cant write or read!

Nov 24 - The FBI and CIA is watching you for rioting!

Nov 24 - The CIA is on your myspace.

Dec 09 - I know your watching me pigs!

Dec 10 - I'm done with this because the police bugged my myspace.

Dec 12 - I can't wait for something f**kin huge!

Dec 13 - I don't feel good: I'm ready to kill a police officer! I can say it.

Dec 14 - Wow! Im glad I didn't kill myself. I'll see you on National TV. This is foreshadow... Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me?

Dec 14 - You're going to regret not talking to me!(this message was repeated six times on this date)

Dec 20 - OK! I'm f**king dead! Im about to prove to myself something.

Dec 20 - Why are you not texting me for anal sex?

Dec 20 - I can't stand to look at a f**kin pig without thinking about murdering that f**k!​
There are a lot of interesting questions raised by the insanity plea? If he is insane is he then not responsible for his actions? If he is insane why did his insanity take this particular turn? If he is insane how was it he managed to operate in the world? Buy a gun? Know how to use it? Know who to target? Go to school? Graduate HS? Write nonsense online? If insanity means you operate outside reality, why did he choose to kill? Does it follow that insane people want to kill others?

The Contemporary Condition: The Radical Right, The Extreme Right and The Republican Party
Thanks for doing the legwork on this stuff, Missourian.

I don't know if his posts creep me out just because of the knowledge that they're the product of a future mass-killer, but I think even if I didn't know who wrote them there's still something way off about how he communicates...just plain weird. It's like he has shiny penny syndrome, and doesn't even remotely absorb other people's ideas. Unless that was just a charade he put up, it's clear he doesn't know how to interact with others.

I'm not going to read the rest of his threads, that one was enough.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Loughner was suspended from Pima because of the video, which he uploaded to YouTube on Septermber 23rd after an encounter with campus police while he was trying to argue for a better grade in a biology class. In it, he expresses a variety of bitter sentiments towards the school. "I'm in a terrible place," he says while strolling through the courtyard. "This is the school that I go to. This is my genocide school, where I'm going to be homeless because of this school. I haven't forgot the teacher that gave me the B for freedom of speech."

New Jared Loughner YouTube Video: 'This Is my Genocide School'

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From Loughner's Youtube Channel, where he posts under the moniker Classitup10:

This Student At Pima Community College: An Unconstitutional Crime!
From: Classitup10 | November 30, 2010 | 232,301 views
If I'm not receiving the purchase from a payment then I'm a victim of fraud. I'm not receiving the purchase from a payment. Therefore, I'm a victim of fraud.

All purchases for an educational course in The United States as of now are unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Section 10 in the United States of America's Constitution. A student paying for a Pima Community College course is a purchase for an educational course in the United States as of now. Therefore, a student paying for a Pima Community College course is unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Section 10 in the United States of America's Constitution.

If you're receiving a grade from Pima Community College class then the grade you're receiving is unconstitutional because of the United States Bill of Rights. You're receiving a grade from Pima Community College class. Therefore, the grade you're receiving is unconstitutional because of the United States Bill of Rights. The grading you purchase from Pima Community College is unconstitutional at tuition.

The United States Department of Education is allowing unconstitutional education facility's to operate or the United States Department of Education is allowing free constitutional education facility's to operate. The United States Department of Education isn't allowing unconstitutional education facility's to operate. Thus, the United States Department of Education is allowing free constitutional education facility's to operate.

If the police remove you from the educational facility for talking then removing you from the educational facility for talking is unconstitutional in the United States. The police remove you from the educational facility for talking. Thus, removing you from the educational facility for talking is unconstitutional in the United States. This situation is fraud because the police are unconstitutional!

Every police officer in the United States as of now is unconstitutionally working. Pima Community College police are police in the United States. Therefore, Pima Community College police are unconstitutionally working. The police are unconstitutionally working!

All United States of America's college programs are unconstitutional colleges that's in accordance with the United States of America's Constitution. Pima Community College is a United States of America's college program. Hence, Pima Community College is an unconstitutional college that's in accordance with the United States of America's Constitution.

Every Pima Community College class is using free sources for education from the internet. Algebra is a Pima Community College class. Thus, Algebra is a free source for education from the internet. Every Pima Community College class is always a scam!

If you're literate in English grammar then you know English grammar. You don't know English grammar. Thus, you're not literate in English grammar. Most of the teachers and students at Pima Community College are illiterate.

If I'm thinking of adding the 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system then I'm thinking of creating 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. I'm thinking of adding the 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. Thus, I'm thinking of creating 1 new symbol and number to the current alphabet and number system. You control the grammar!

Don't be scared to know you can't find the location of a subject: Most students can't locate a subject! Most people know all the subjects are for mind control and brainwash! The students are unconstitutionally paying for free education! The students are attending a torture facility! You know the teachers are con artists?

You now know - every college's unconstitutional crime! You shouldn't pay unconstitutional money for free speech! Don't trust the current government, listener! ... (more info)

(less info)

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Another Loughner Youtube Video...How to: Your New Currency!


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