Louie Gohmert calls for RICO probe to find out who's paying for Honduras migrant caravan

And. re the OP, don't hold your breath waiting on Sessions to indict anybody; he's there to squat and do nothing, like his Hero Eric Holder was.
Whose paying for these invaders?

Soros..... the U.N.... the DemonRats....
I wondered how long it would take to get to blaming Soros. Now on to Hillary, Obama, Biden, Antifa, MS 13, Muslims, Iranians, Big Bird, Rosie O'Donnell..........
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
There is no evidence the caravan is being led by anyone other than Hondurans.

Bartolo Fuentes, a former Honduran lawmaker and social activist, originally got the word out to Hondurans, calling them to meet at the San Pedro Sula bus station to leave the country. Guatemalan police arrested Fuentes last week in the middle of a crowd, shortly after Trump threatened to cut off funding to Guatemala and Honduras if they did not stop the caravan. The caravan now continues without Fuentes, with a handful of different leaders making logistical decisions about when to depart each city.

There isn't much required to fund a caravan since the members are walking and have to provide their own food. The Mexican government as well as local governments provides water and some porta potties. However, most of the members have to buy their own food.

The goal of caravan members is to reach the border and plead their case for asylum. Many will cross illegally and face deportation. However, for most caravan members, this is better than remaining in Honduras. Many of those on the caravan will drop out before reaching the border and attempt settle in Mexico.

Mass migrations from central America is nothing new they have been going on since the late 1990's.
How are these destitute people taking a 2 month excursion with the whole family and feeding them the entire time?
Back when I was a kid there was a similar event in Europe. People knew their lives weren't worth a plugged nickle and they sought to 'get out of Dodge', but the few that could leave had to leave their fortunes and most possessions behind, and they had a problem being accepted by other countries, so most were trapped in place. Some brave souls tried to save them or hide them, but that effort cost lives of the saviors too. Anyway, the story has a sad and shameful ending. And I took such great pride that my country would NEVER allow such a horror to happen again, much less so close to home. Now it is OUR turn to show what we are made of. My pride is taking a big hit as I read posts here.
You have to ask,

Who benefits?

The only one benefiting from this caravan and using it for his and R's purpose, much like with the DNC and Podesta stolen emails and wikileaks, is TRUMP.... that's a fact.

Who actually caused it, should be investigated.

So you think Trump is paying for the caravan? God, that's stupid! Go back to bed, Care...you obviously didn't get enough sleep last night!
It sounds like a great idea to me.

These people have vehicles to haul them after they walk a while. They have food and water.

They didn't organize this on their own. Someone else did.

It would be nice to find out just who and why.
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
That idiot is too stupid to remember to breath....:71:
We're surprised YOUR still here!
"YOUR" :71: These Ironies just write themselves...:71:
And YOUR STUPIDITY entertains us all....Lololol!!
Congratulations for using the correct "your" this time. Or was it random luck? :71:
I am glad that Louie is trying to get to the bottom of this and we all know it has something to do with democrats(socialist). Someone is paying for this and the aim is to make Trump look like the devil before the election.
So....you think the Democrats did this to make tiny trump look bad? How would this make tiny trump look bad?
Whose paying for these invaders?

Soros..... the U.N.... the DemonRats....
Who benefits from these christian refugees heading to the border during the mid-terms?
Soros and the DemonRATS if they actually get into the country!
How so? What is the benefit?
I should have known your 2 digit IQ wasn't equipped for reason and logic. Soros is a big OPEN BORDERS guy, even has an organization that pushes that topic, if these vermin make it, he will be sending hundreds of thousands more for our FREE SHIT. A secondary target is to embarrass Trump, especially after Trump calls him out BY NAME at most of his rallies!.....Feeling inadequate yet?
So...once again...how would the Democrats benefit by this just before the election? You still haven't explained that part.
I am glad that Louie is trying to get to the bottom of this and we all know it has something to do with democrats(socialist). Someone is paying for this and the aim is to make Trump look like the devil before the election.

The only person who knows this are crazy Trumpies. Trump already looks like the devil.
You got the wrong president....Another 2 digit IQ ABNORMAL

Ah yes...that tiny trumpanzee obsession with Former President Obama. Still intimidates you, eh?
Whose paying for these invaders?

Soros..... the U.N.... the DemonRats....
Who benefits from these christian refugees heading to the border during the mid-terms?
Soros and the DemonRATS if they actually get into the country!
How so? What is the benefit?
I should have known your 2 digit IQ wasn't equipped for reason and logic. Soros is a big OPEN BORDERS guy, even has an organization that pushes that topic, if these vermin make it, he will be sending hundreds of thousands more for our FREE SHIT. A secondary target is to embarrass Trump, especially after Trump calls him out BY NAME at most of his rallies!.....Feeling inadequate yet?
George Soros is the ultimate boogeyman in conservative politics. Campaign managers use his name in political mailers and ads, even at the local level. I know it happens in my city and it’s effective. His name conjures up the worst thoughts towards liberal politics. His open borders brand of socialism is finally being rejected by voters and Trump rode that wave in 2016. Soros, like many Hillary Clinton voters, is having a hard time accepting our new reality. But, unlike another liberal billionaire, Tom Steyer, Soros doesn’t support Trump’s impeachment. He would only support impeachment if Democrats take back Congress and they could get some Republicans to go along with it.
(((Soros))) the ultimate Evil Jewish Overlord Conspiracy.....
More important than who started it is stopping it. The points of entry should be closed by now. The armed military should be shooting by now.
Anything stopping you from joining them at the border to enjoy a little shooting of refugees yourself?
Whose paying for these invaders?

Soros..... the U.N.... the DemonRats....
Who benefits from these christian refugees heading to the border during the mid-terms?
Soros and the DemonRATS if they actually get into the country!
How so? What is the benefit?
I should have known your 2 digit IQ wasn't equipped for reason and logic. Soros is a big OPEN BORDERS guy, even has an organization that pushes that topic, if these vermin make it, he will be sending hundreds of thousands more for our FREE SHIT. A secondary target is to embarrass Trump, especially after Trump calls him out BY NAME at most of his rallies!.....Feeling inadequate yet?
So...once again...how would the Democrats benefit by this just before the election? You still haven't explained that part.
Low IQ person, if they get in Soros and the DemonRATS will be sure to send perhaps hundreds of thousands more to hopefully alter the voting block of potential voterd....they have waited since WW II to accomplish their communist goals, it appears the time has come for them to push this agenda.


Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
There is no evidence the caravan is being led by anyone other than Hondurans.

Bartolo Fuentes, a former Honduran lawmaker and social activist, originally got the word out to Hondurans, calling them to meet at the San Pedro Sula bus station to leave the country. Guatemalan police arrested Fuentes last week in the middle of a crowd, shortly after Trump threatened to cut off funding to Guatemala and Honduras if they did not stop the caravan. The caravan now continues without Fuentes, with a handful of different leaders making logistical decisions about when to depart each city.

There isn't much required to fund a caravan since the members are walking and have to provide their own food. The Mexican government as well as local governments provides water and some porta potties. However, most of the members have to buy their own food.

The goal of caravan members is to reach the border and plead their case for asylum. Many will cross illegally and face deportation. However, for most caravan members, this is better than remaining in Honduras. Many of those on the caravan will drop out before reaching the border and attempt settle in Mexico.

Mass migrations from central America is nothing new they have been going on since the late 1990's.
Since when does Soro's money become a thing that leads? He BUYS humans to do his dirty work!
(((Soros))) either the greatest evil Jewish overlord ever.....or else trumpanzees are the most gullible sheep ever....hmmmmm
I am glad that Louie is trying to get to the bottom of this and we all know it has something to do with democrats(socialist). Someone is paying for this and the aim is to make Trump look like the devil before the election.

The only person who knows this are crazy Trumpies. Trump already looks like the devil.
You got the wrong president....Another 2 digit IQ ABNORMAL

Ah yes...that tiny trumpanzee obsession with Former President Obama. Still intimidates you, eh?
Truth hurts little commies. Especially when exposed!
Last edited:
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
What law is being broken? Americans and American interests have been assisting people all over the world to seek asylum and refugee status. Why is it suddenly a crime?

Seriously, when did Americans lose the right to make charitable contributions to causes Right Wing Nut Jobs don't like?
It’s kind of funny to me that the Democrats here think that Trump is behind this, and the Republicans think that the Democrats are behind it. Evidently one thing that many people agree on is that it seems orchestrated and the timing is suspicious.

I’ve gotten to the point where I question any big news “event” that divides us even further and keeps us all distracted. TBH, I haven’t been watching the news, but based on what I have heard about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s another orchestrated event by the globalist PTSB. Divide and conquer is their ultimate goal.

The Democrats are chronic liars and traitors. that should simply it enough. And you;re right, this one, and the last ones, are all orchestrated by criminal syndicates.
"The Democrats are chronic liars and traitors"........of course, tiny trump the Nationalist told you that.
Louie seems to be the only politician that has any interest in this much asked question right here on USMB!

Who's financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes. According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. ... You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages. It's a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that's not a certainty.

Read more at americanthinker.com ..
What law is being broken? Americans and American interests have been assisting people all over the world to seek asylum and refugee status. Why is it suddenly a crime?

Seriously, when did Americans lose the right to make charitable contributions to causes Right Wing Nut Jobs don't like?
Are you really this stupid....never mind you answered that!

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