Louisiana police refuse to patrol football games after players kneel

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone...... Suck it up liberal scum!!!!

Why bother to pay them for nothing then?

They're great at taking reports and taking pictures of dead thugs, after other thugs kill them!

I can pay college girls for that. Fuck 'em.
You didn't have to tell us you're a perverted little scumbag.... Your first post gave you away!
Why bother to pay them for nothing then?
You are an idiot.

the cops are not doing "nothing" they are helping Nature to filter out libtards.
If they don't serve the public then WTH is their job?
So cops are not allowed to be off?
No. They are never normal people. It's part of the job. If you want to play the hero you don't get the freedom to be just a regular person.

A bank teller that bounces checks? Fired. They aren't allowed to.
Well, yet again, the cops are refusing to serve the public, shocking.
Frank, the whole story is misleading. The cops are not refusing to serve the public, as Breitbart tries to snooker people into believing. The cops are refusing to volunteer to cover the games, and we don't know if that means all of them or some of them. They are NOT refusing an assignment, and if duty called them to an incident at a game, they would undoubtedly respond. Years ago, when I worked on an ambulance, some of us not scheduled for a shift on Friday or Saturday night, used to cover the auto races. We were not paid for the service and it was voluntary. I suspect that's what is the issue in this case too. I don't know about Louisiana football games, but Michigan auto racing pits are just that, the pits. Not a fun gig.
I know the cops in Fla. have threatened to stop protecting Beyonce's fat ass!
Willow, for all I know there may be cops in Florida that would refuse to protect YOUR ass too, IF it were voluntary that is. But for you and Beyonce, it ain't voluntary and any cop on duty refusing to honor his oath to Serve & Protect could probably be charged. However, this blurb concerns off-duty volunteering, and the opinion expressed by the spokesperson is that..an opinion about what 'some' officers 'may' do.

From the article: My understanding is, we’ve had some officers that said they will not work the Bonnabel High football games,” Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand told FOX8 New Orleans who first reported the story.
You can learn a lot about liberals reading this thread alone.

"Everybody OWES ME no matter how much I disrespect you."
They work for the people who pay them, who they are sworn to protect. The are supposed to be professionals.

They do protect all right, but it isn't you or me.

Government goons, that being the police, help to maintain an elaborate protection racket. Start picturing yourself as a slave living in a government tax farm, because that is far closer to reality.
You can learn a lot about liberals reading this thread alone.

"Everybody OWES ME no matter how much I disrespect you."
When we are paying them, they work for us. It's not optional.
How well they do their job is optional, fuckface.

No one should reasonably expect a cop to go into a situation where his life is endangered and he might get fired or sued for everything he owns.

That means that people likely to cause him trouble or who are supporting those who cause him trouble can go fuck themselves.

Yes, in the Real World EVERYTHING is optional, dimwit.
They work for the people who pay them, who they are sworn to protect. The are supposed to be professionals.
They are professionals and so they take calculated risks when they do their jobs.

If you dont like that you can shove it up your ass, sweetie.
They work for the people who pay them, who they are sworn to protect. The are supposed to be professionals.
They are professionals and so they take calculated risks when they do their jobs.

If you dont like that you can shove it up your ass, sweetie.
No, they can shove it up their asses, Sweetie, when we replace them with people with honor and a sense of duty instead of overly sensitive childish men.

If what some kids do upsets you, go raise cows instead.
No, they can shove it up their asses, Sweetie, when we replace them with people with honor and a sense of duty instead of overly sensitive childish men.
If you idiots have your way NO ONE with a brain is going to become a cop any more.

Then you can go cry to your local drug dealers for help, Sweety.
How well they do their job is optional, fuckface.

Since when was employment not conditional on good job performance?

No one should reasonably expect a cop gto go into a situation where his life is endangered and he might get fired or sued for everything he owns.

I never expect government goons to endanger themselves. Sometimes you find a brave soul who wont shake on the trigger too much.

Anyways, isn't endangering oneself a job requirement?

Yes, in the Real World EVERYTHING is optional, dimwit.

Everything is conditional though. All actions have consequences, and conditions come with expectations.
Why bother to pay them for nothing then?
You are an idiot.

the cops are not doing "nothing" they are helping Nature to filter out libtards.
If they don't serve the public then WTH is their job?
They do serve the public....but some of the public can get fucked.
That's not how it works but for unethical pussies like you it does.
No, that is how the Real World works, dumbass, but you can go bitch and cry about it all you want.

Then go fuck yourself.

And welcome to my ignore list, bitch.

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