Louisiana police refuse to patrol football games after players kneel

Why bother to pay them for nothing then?
You are an idiot.

the cops are not doing "nothing" they are helping Nature to filter out libtards.
If they don't serve the public then WTH is their job?
They do serve the public....but some of the public can get fucked.
That's not how it works but for unethical pussies like you it does.
No, that is how the Real World works, dumbass, but you can go bitch and cry about it all you want.

Then go fuck yourself.

And welcome to my ignore list, bitch.
Is this supposed to matter to me in some manner? I doubt it.
Well, yet again, the cops are refusing to serve the public, shocking.
Frank, the whole story is misleading. The cops are not refusing to serve the public, as Breitbart tries to snooker people into believing. The cops are refusing to volunteer to cover the games, and we don't know if that means all of them or some of them. They are NOT refusing an assignment, and if duty called them to an incident at a game, they would undoubtedly respond. Years ago, when I worked on an ambulance, some of us not scheduled for a shift on Friday or Saturday night, used to cover the auto races. We were not paid for the service and it was voluntary. I suspect that's what is the issue in this case too. I don't know about Louisiana football games, but Michigan auto racing pits are just that, the pits. Not a fun gig.
I know the cops in Fla. have threatened to stop protecting Beyonce's fat ass!
Willow, for all I know there may be cops in Florida that would refuse to protect YOUR ass too, IF it were voluntary that is. But for you and Beyonce, it ain't voluntary and any cop on duty refusing to honor his oath to Serve & Protect could probably be charged. However, this blurb concerns off-duty volunteering, and the opinion expressed by the spokesperson is that..an opinion about what 'some' officers 'may' do.

From the article: My understanding is, we’ve had some officers that said they will not work the Bonnabel High football games,” Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand told FOX8 New Orleans who first reported the story.
They serve at Beyoncé concerts on a voluntary basis!
They have a good idea . Let's eliminate all police details ! Say goodbye to the cash cow shakedown !
They have a good idea . Let's eliminate all police details ! Say goodbye to the cash cow shakedown !
Great idea, let's bring back Frontier Justice!

We did a much better job of things before the Feds took over.
Great idea, let's bring back Frontier Justice!

We did a much better job of things before the Feds took over.

Or we could reject both government goons and ruthless vigilantism.

An armed society which truly adheres to the principles of violence begets violence, is a peaceful society. The state does now follow that principal, nor did vigilante gangs when they lynched negroes in the countryside.
Good for the cops in Louisiana. The cops should also stop responding to calls from black neighborhoods. The 911 operators should just respond with, "sorry, we don't enter those neighborhoods. Solve the problems yourselves."
Good for the cops in Louisiana. The cops should also stop responding to calls from black neighborhoods. The 911 operators should just respond with, "sorry, we don't enter those neighborhoods. Solve the problems yourselves."
Lucky, you post like the problems in 'black neighborhoods' are not your problems. Reminds me of the biblical teaching about the hand saying (paraphrased) to the foot, 'I don't need you' or the eye saying same to the nose. Those 'black neighborhoods' are part of the American body and in order to function smoothly we need ALL parts in good working order.

It's frustrating, I know. We place far too much responsibility on our police, and they must feel resentful. And in many areas of our society we place far too little emphasis on personal responsibility, especially parenting IMHO. It will take decades to correct our failures. But with some good old American "Can Do!" we can get started.
Not if they are off duty! Correct?
A cop is always a cop, and these are just the typical mindless immoral unprofessional thugs.
Then you go protect the kneelers. . The cops don't have to.
Have to verses being pros? Paid assholes. Good riddance.
Hey! I thought you libtards believed in choice? No?
Is an off duty soldier still not a soldier?

I see you are bleeding to death and you pay my salary but I can't help you, I'm off duty.
Soldiers are always on duty.

Police officers don't get paid when they are off.
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The Police Officers (probably most of which served in the Military) worked for nothing at the football games out of loyalty to the school and township which probably couldn't afford to pay them. What do they see at the first game of the season but smarmy kids who think they know it all and intentionally disrespect the Flag and their Country. Some day the kids might grow up and understand how fortunate they are to live in the greatest Country on the globe and this might be their first lesson.
If they don't pay for a ticket to see the game, they are not working for free...
What is it a $5.00 ticket? Working for less than minimal wage. Where is your outrage?
We're the police, you taxpayers pay our salaries but we decide which of you we will serve and protect. See, we don't support your first amendment rights, that whole 'uphold the constitution' thing, well no one really means that.
There is nothing about looting and burning your town down in the first amendment.
How professional of them !

How dare people think they can be shady and bias .
I hope that it is a liberal hiding in their home from invasive criminals and not getting cops to save them, EACH AND EVERY TIME IT HAPPENS.

Great . And when the cops get shot, maybe the er doctor doesn't feel like treating them. Wouldn't that be great!

Even the Dallas of would cover the game . Cause they have class .
Next time you need a cop, don't call them, okay?

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