Louisiana starts requiring IDs to access porn on the positive internet

Anyway. This ''show us your ID to access a web site'' nonsense has always been a goal of authoritarians.

The ''it's for the childrens'' routine is almost universally the sob story they invoke, no matter what brand of authoritarianism they're trying to get written into law.

It's always for the childrens...
I do so like how you moved the goal post there,,
prove it,,

oh wait,, the link you provided proves thats a lie,,

No, the link I showed proved I was right.


There are no states where it is not necessary to show identification when buying liquor at a grocery store.

Your fucking argument is so fucking stupid. Like saying "There is no law that says you have to insert the seat belt latch into the buckle" but it's illegal drive without wearing a seatbelt so technically you don't have to put on your seatbelt. Um yea, you do.

You're splitting fucking **** hairs and being stupid doing it.
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no you said web site when we are only discussing porn sites,,

Oh. And you think that once the government gets the power to demand that companies collect your paperz pleez in order to access specific web content in the name of the childrens that they'll stop there?

They're just gonna ''flatten the curve,'' so to speak?
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Oh. And you think that once the government gets the power to demand your paperz pleez in order to access specific web content in the name of the childrens that they'll stop there?
doesnt change the fact you moved the goal post,,
like I said this is a tough one,,
do we allow children access to porn or do we make it harder and how do we do that,,
" Sanctimonious Hubris Without A Basic Understanding For Risk Analysis "

* Cloistered Sin Mythology Lunar Ticks Do Not Represent Us Republicanism *

A child , and possibly an adolescent , are not categorically capable of being held account for violent actions . based on a presumed insufficiency for informed consent , and risks to safety or security for firearm possession by an child or adolescent are significant .

The only significant threat to safety or security for anonymous public access to pornography arises from the degenerate condition of psychopathy by puritanical dumb fucks like mike - watch out for my johnson - whom has an agreement of queers with his son to make sure neither watches pornography , and whom wishes to extend his consternation through state mandates .
Watching porn is very harmful to children and society
I agree with you that psychiatric drugs are another cause of school shootings

Line from a past online porn performer...... a great line:

"The irony of all of this is, if you pay a woman to have sex with you - that is illegal. But if you put a camera in the room and let other people watch you - it is legal."


" Ideological Parallels For Abdication To Authoritarian Bureaucracies "

* Limiting Scope Of Call It Fate *

The intention of this us republican is to claim and preserve foundations and principles of us republic .

Though both the right and left trivialize us citizenship and foundations of us republic , the left is exceedingly worse in trivializing us citizenship and in trivializing foundations of us republic by collaborating with and granting credence for the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism .

" End of Debate Over Whether To Reconcile *

* Ass Holier Than Thou Medallion Of The Shiny Anus *

When pounding your head on the ground , in blind obedience and abdication to the pretentious supremacy for all the ass holes lofted before you , makes sense .



Notice how all the lefties are against trying to prevent kids from accessing porn?

No, they're simply noting that this is useless grandstanding.
doesnt change the fact you moved the goal post,,

You're darnedright I did. Now they're back in the actual field of play.

like I said this is a tough one,,

No it's not.

do we allow children access to porn or do we make it harder and how do we do that,,

Other peoples children are none of my business. And I, for one, certainly don't want government making other peoples children my business in the name of setting a Legal precedent at the barrel of a government gun that companies collect our paperz pleez in order to access web sites on the Internet.
hate to break it to you all,, but google has far more info on you than just your state ID,,

in mist cases when you go to provide ID google will pop up and say thats not needed we already have it,,
Basically what you're saying here is that ''I am incapable of supervising my children so I need the government to make a law, and subsequently enforce said Law at the barrel of a gun, which dictates that some web site operator will assume the authority of supervising me so that my children are not placed at risk."

"Oh, and so what if everybody else has to present paperz pleez at the barrel of a government gun just because of my own parenting shortcomings and because of my own need and desire for government supervision over the activities of my family unit.''
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