Louisiana starts requiring IDs to access porn on the positive internet

This is a clear violation of right-to-privacy laws set forth in the constitution. One should not have to disclose their personal ID just to go to a porn site. If it is a federal law, that would be one thing, but one state? That's bullshit.

When you can use a VPN and get around it, it's a bullshit law. Oh yea, there are no legal consequences to using a VPN to bypass the age verification. Why? Because watching porn as an adult is legal.

Is it a clear violation of right-to-privacy laws set forth in the constitution to require ID to
buy alcohol or tobacco?
Is it a clear violation of right-to-privacy laws set forth in the constitution to require ID to
buy alcohol or tobacco?

Nope, but you're not paying for anything with these sites. These are free sites. If you have to pay money for access, that's fine. But you don't.

What good does it do if using a VPN bypasses it?
I have,, not seeing it,,

Read the SCOTUS rulings I linked to. They read it for you.

In Griswold, the Supreme Court found a right to privacy, derived from penumbras of other explicitly stated constitutional protections. The Court used the personal protections expressly stated in the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments to find that there is an implied right to privacy in the Constitution.

You idiots realize you're the same people saying that anyone flying a drone over your property and watching you sunbathe naked in your fenced in yard is guilty of a violation of your privacy rights, but not someone forcing you to disclose your ID to a porn site that is free and anonymous for everyone else in the nation? Do you fucking realize how stupid you sound?
Nope, but you're not paying for anything with these sites. These are free sites. If you have to pay money for access, that's fine. But you don't.

What good does it do if using a VPN bypasses it?

You have a right to privacy if it's free, but they can violate that right if they charge you?
You might want to check the 4th and 14th amendments.

The Supreme Court first recognized a constitutional right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965). SCOTUS has ruled the 4th and 14th amendments grant us a right to privacy in numerous court cases.

From Cornell law school:

doesnt apply here,
You have a right to privacy if it's free, but they can violate that right if they charge you?

You don't have to pay for porn. If it's free, it should be anonymous. If it's a pay site, I have no issues ensuring ID for age verification. Just like buying alcohol. But making me show ID for something my neighbor gets without, is not fair, nor legal.
there are no laws that require id for that,, at least not in my state,,

but there is one to vote,,

In every state you have to show ID to buy tobacco or alcohol because of age laws. But in every one of these instances YOU ARE BUYING SOMETHING. You are not receiving it for free. If it's free, it should be anonymous. And it's not fair because someone down the street that happens to be in another state doesn't have to show ID to see the same thing.

Why are righties, who are so against gov't intrusion, so FOR gov't intrusion when it comes to free porn sites?
In every state you have to show ID to buy tobacco or alcohol because of age laws. But in ev3ry one of these instances YOU ARE BUYING SOMETHING. You are not receiving it for free. If it's free, it should be anonymous. And it's not fair because someone down the street that happens to be in another state doesn't have to show ID to see the same thing.
hate to break it to you but here in missouri there is no law that requires showing id for either of those,,

but we do require id to vote,,
You might want to check the 4th and 14th amendments.

The Supreme Court first recognized a constitutional right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965). SCOTUS has ruled the 4th and 14th amendments grant us a right to privacy in numerous court cases.

From Cornell law school:

What you are saying is the right to privacy comes from 5 unelected lawyers on the supreme court rather than the Constitution
hate to break it to you but here in missouri there is no law that requires showing id for either of those,,

but we do require id to vote,,

You're an idiot.

Yes they do. Every state MUST have this law. If they don't have it, why is it a crime to present a fake ID to buy alcohol?

In Missouri, it is only a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $500 fine for a person under 21 to represent by virtue of displaying a fake ID that they are over 21 for the purposes of purchasing or possessing alcohol.
your privacy is yours to create,, if you go into public all bets are off,,

That's right. And what you view at home on your computer in the privacy of your own home is your private information. As long as its legal, not child porn, the gov't has no right to tell you that you can't view it or to disclose who you are to view it.
hate to break it to you but here in missouri there is no law that requires showing id for either of those,,

but we do require id to vote,,
Again, they don't RETAIN your ID. They look at it to verify your name and only retain your name. These sites retain whatever credentials you use for age verification.

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