Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

So the historical context and the intent of the drafters of the 14th don't matter? You just assume that your interpretation is correct because it suits your agenda?

The 14th was about race, not sexual orientation.
false the founding fathers were smart enough to understand the the constitution was a living document.
and would be interpreted and changed as the country grew.
it's not stuck in the 18th century

totally untrue. The constitution was written very carefully to ensure that its words would not be misinterpreted in the future. It means what it says, not what some activist judge wants it to say.
bullshit ! the words are not being misinterpreted.
you only wish they were because they don't serve your bias and bigoted position.

when SCOTUS is 5/4 at least 4 or 5 of them are misinterpreting it.
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
only to the willfully ignorant .
the atheist version of history is the most objective.

No, the truth is the most objective. Rome fell because it consumed itself in narcissism, greed, and perversions. it had nothing to do with religion.
false all the things you mentioned were part and parcel to the roman empire and had no effect on it's downfall ,that's the objective truth.
the truth you are shoveling is a christian morality tale to bolster that pov.

nope, you should invest in a world history 101 text. your left wing version is bullshit.
went to college, got a masters there is no left wing version of history.
however there is a right wing revisionist faux history movement ..

yeah, great. I went to college too and have an MBA from the liberal bastion known as Harvard business school.

In the past there was only one version of history, the truth as honest historians recorded it. Today's "historians" have injected their political bias into teaching history in order to brainwash our young into believing the liberal lies. That is terribly wrong. it makes us no better than the islamic madrassas.
speaking of brainwashed,
why does that stink of rush limbaugh.?
No, the truth is the most objective. Rome fell because it consumed itself in narcissism, greed, and perversions. it had nothing to do with religion.

What a childlike view of history

if you consider the truth to be childlike, thats your option. But it shows your ignorance once again,

will you switch to jake in this thread or wait for a new one?
there it is again the you're a sock dodge!
I smell a tantrum!

RW and Jake are the same person. I have proven it before. Look at the writing style, the positions, the fact that they are never on the same thread.

I don't know what he thinks he gains by having two user names, but he does.
yep doc! it's a bad case of you're a sock itis .
you've proven nothing.

oh, but I have and jake/RW knows it.
No, the truth is the most objective. Rome fell because it consumed itself in narcissism, greed, and perversions. it had nothing to do with religion.
false all the things you mentioned were part and parcel to the roman empire and had no effect on it's downfall ,that's the objective truth.
the truth you are shoveling is a christian morality tale to bolster that pov.

nope, you should invest in a world history 101 text. your left wing version is bullshit.
went to college, got a masters there is no left wing version of history.
however there is a right wing revisionist faux history movement ..

yeah, great. I went to college too and have an MBA from the liberal bastion known as Harvard business school.

In the past there was only one version of history, the truth as honest historians recorded it. Today's "historians" have injected their political bias into teaching history in order to brainwash our young into believing the liberal lies. That is terribly wrong. it makes us no better than the islamic madrassas.
speaking of brainwashed,
why does that stink of rush limbaugh.?

I rarely listen to Rush. I find him irritating. But since you know everything he says, maybe you are right.
false the founding fathers were smart enough to understand the the constitution was a living document.
and would be interpreted and changed as the country grew.
it's not stuck in the 18th century

totally untrue. The constitution was written very carefully to ensure that its words would not be misinterpreted in the future. It means what it says, not what some activist judge wants it to say.
bullshit ! the words are not being misinterpreted.
you only wish they were because they don't serve your bias and bigoted position.

when SCOTUS is 5/4 at least 4 or 5 of them are misinterpreting it.
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

What a childlike view of history

if you consider the truth to be childlike, thats your option. But it shows your ignorance once again,

will you switch to jake in this thread or wait for a new one?
there it is again the you're a sock dodge!
I smell a tantrum!

RW and Jake are the same person. I have proven it before. Look at the writing style, the positions, the fact that they are never on the same thread.

I don't know what he thinks he gains by having two user names, but he does.
yep doc! it's a bad case of you're a sock itis .
you've proven nothing.

oh, but I have and jake/RW knows it.
anything you say dear.
totally untrue. The constitution was written very carefully to ensure that its words would not be misinterpreted in the future. It means what it says, not what some activist judge wants it to say.
bullshit ! the words are not being misinterpreted.
you only wish they were because they don't serve your bias and bigoted position.

when SCOTUS is 5/4 at least 4 or 5 of them are misinterpreting it.
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


the senate was not in recess when it did it. thats why SCOTUS ruled against him
false all the things you mentioned were part and parcel to the roman empire and had no effect on it's downfall ,that's the objective truth.
the truth you are shoveling is a christian morality tale to bolster that pov.

nope, you should invest in a world history 101 text. your left wing version is bullshit.
went to college, got a masters there is no left wing version of history.
however there is a right wing revisionist faux history movement ..

yeah, great. I went to college too and have an MBA from the liberal bastion known as Harvard business school.

In the past there was only one version of history, the truth as honest historians recorded it. Today's "historians" have injected their political bias into teaching history in order to brainwash our young into believing the liberal lies. That is terribly wrong. it makes us no better than the islamic madrassas.
speaking of brainwashed,
why does that stink of rush limbaugh.?

I rarely listen to Rush. I find him irritating. But since you know everything he says, maybe you are right.
couldn't be that irritating it's almost word for word..
and it's false.
bullshit ! the words are not being misinterpreted.
you only wish they were because they don't serve your bias and bigoted position.

when SCOTUS is 5/4 at least 4 or 5 of them are misinterpreting it.
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


the senate was not in recess when it did it. thats why SCOTUS ruled against him
the pres is not perfect..
nope, you should invest in a world history 101 text. your left wing version is bullshit.
went to college, got a masters there is no left wing version of history.
however there is a right wing revisionist faux history movement ..

yeah, great. I went to college too and have an MBA from the liberal bastion known as Harvard business school.

In the past there was only one version of history, the truth as honest historians recorded it. Today's "historians" have injected their political bias into teaching history in order to brainwash our young into believing the liberal lies. That is terribly wrong. it makes us no better than the islamic madrassas.
speaking of brainwashed,
why does that stink of rush limbaugh.?

I rarely listen to Rush. I find him irritating. But since you know everything he says, maybe you are right.
couldn't be that irritating it's almost word for word..
and it's false.

maybe he reads my posts on this message board. :dance:
when SCOTUS is 5/4 at least 4 or 5 of them are misinterpreting it.
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


the senate was not in recess when it did it. thats why SCOTUS ruled against him
the pres is not perfect..

first thing you have said that makes sense.
went to college, got a masters there is no left wing version of history.
however there is a right wing revisionist faux history movement ..

yeah, great. I went to college too and have an MBA from the liberal bastion known as Harvard business school.

In the past there was only one version of history, the truth as honest historians recorded it. Today's "historians" have injected their political bias into teaching history in order to brainwash our young into believing the liberal lies. That is terribly wrong. it makes us no better than the islamic madrassas.
speaking of brainwashed,
why does that stink of rush limbaugh.?

I rarely listen to Rush. I find him irritating. But since you know everything he says, maybe you are right.
couldn't be that irritating it's almost word for word..
and it's false.

maybe he reads my posts on this message board. :dance:
it's a good thing one of you can read
false they're only misinterpreting as i STATED BEFORE because it's not favoring your pov..
besides that's scotus's job to interpret the constitution so asshats like you don't...'

are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


the senate was not in recess when it did it. thats why SCOTUS ruled against him
the pres is not perfect..

first thing you have said that makes sense.
ALL OF WHAT i say makes sense.
it's not the left or the democrats who expect him to be perfect it's the right that does...
besides it's the repubs that vowed to block and hinder him in every way possible.
that's about as un american as it gets.
It's time we replace these rogue judges. We don't want dictators deciding what is law.
Oh good the first retard showed up to prove the point you dont understand how our system works.
Blow me! I know how the system works. These are rogue judges deciding laws that should be left to the supreme court to determine. He a liberal, so of course he's going to rule in favor of liberal policies no matter if it goes against what the people have voted for. Winning the popular vote doesn't count unless it's in the Liberals favor.
Judge Edward Rubin who made the decision has served 15 years as a judge and was elected by people of Louisiana. Rubin is running for re-election unopposed.
It's one thing for one gay man in a robe overruling the will of the majority. It's quite another to pretend that the ruling is the will of the majority.

My condolences to the gays that will suffer for this foolishness.
Same song second verse as when the court ordered integration of schools in Louisiana, threw out Jim Crow laws, and voter registration tests for blacks. As long as the people of Louisiana agreed the state should be able to tramp all over the rights of individuals.
It's time we replace these rogue judges. We don't want dictators deciding what is law.
Oh good the first retard showed up to prove the point you dont understand how our system works.
Blow me! I know how the system works. These are rogue judges deciding laws that should be left to the supreme court to determine. He a liberal, so of course he's going to rule in favor of liberal policies no matter if it goes against what the people have voted for. Winning the popular vote doesn't count unless it's in the Liberals favor.

Wow....you literally know nothing do you?
are they also misinterpreting when they disagree with your POV? Were they wrong when they ruled against obama on recess appointments?
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.


the senate was not in recess when it did it. thats why SCOTUS ruled against him
the pres is not perfect..

first thing you have said that makes sense.
ALL OF WHAT i say makes sense.
it's not the left or the democrats who expect him to be perfect it's the right that does...
besides it's the repubs that vowed to block and hinder him in every way possible.
that's about as un american as it gets.

Did the dems work with Bush? This partisan shit started with Clinton. Reagan and O'Neill knew how to work together and get things done. No one since has, although clinton and newt came close.
It's time we replace these rogue judges. We don't want dictators deciding what is law.
Oh good the first retard showed up to prove the point you dont understand how our system works.
Blow me! I know how the system works. These are rogue judges deciding laws that should be left to the supreme court to determine. He a liberal, so of course he's going to rule in favor of liberal policies no matter if it goes against what the people have voted for. Winning the popular vote doesn't count unless it's in the Liberals favor.
Judge Edward Rubin who made the decision has served 15 years as a judge and was elected by people of Louisiana. Rubin is running for re-election unopposed.

that decision is being appealed. the rest of your post is bullshit.

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