
I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses

Nobody "didn't let them" use the school buses. That was a photographer's Monday-morning quarterback myth.

Sure because you say so, all the media that reported it was wrong.

I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

The Algiers Bus Barn at 801 Patterson Avenue 5 miles from the superdome was filled with buses that were neither under water nor "way outside the city" and the buses that were under water wouldn't have been underwater had they been used for the evacuation before the storm.

And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.
Last edited:
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

The hypocrisy and utterly transparent bias of the so-called free media in this country is not only disgraceful, but highly dangerous.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Louisiana is a solid red state, so according to Hillary and Obama fuck'em.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.
If I were a Louisianan who had just lost my home, the last thing I'd care about is having a big Suit come look at a neighborhood in Baton Rouge, make a 15 minute speech and leave. What matters is that FEMA, Red Cross, and all that need to be involved, are there. That applies to all of them--Obama, Trump, whoever else politicizes my loss for their gain. It will just slow down efforts while they block traffic and pull resources to protect their precious asses.

Oh please, if Bush were still President you'd be singing a different tune. You know it and I know it.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Louisiana is a solid red state, so according to Hillary and Obama fuck'em.

^^ Ladies and Gentlemen, we have the million dollar correct answer. ^^
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Obama going diverts resources from assistance which is why the Governor has asked him to stay away a few weeks. Workers that should be clearing storm drains instead have to go around inspecting them for explosives with cameras and then welding manholes shut; people that are cleaning streets in the neighborhoods have to converge on where the photo-op would be to clear all trash and debris, police have to be protecting the area for days once cleared and then provide parameter security. The POTUS bubble is insanely time consuming (and a bit excessive). As for Hillary, as long as she says she will spend lots of money she won't really be spending anyway on them, her supporters will cheer and vote for her.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses
Bush was the very one who sounded the alert that NOLA officials had a huge storm coming their way and suggested the put their evacuation plans into effect. The Mayor Nagin and the Gov. Blanco I think her name was were like deer in a headlight. Bush had FEMA standing buy and ready but could not act without the request of La. Officials. Kanye West was on TV screaming Bush don't care about black people. Democrats were running around trying to confiscate guns. It was a huge clusterfuck.
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And, do you know who rebuilt New Orleans? Not the jobless blacks. The Mexicans did.
Nobody "didn't let them" use the school buses. That was a photographer's Monday-morning quarterback myth.

Sure because you say so, all the media that reported it was wrong.

I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

The Algiers Bus Barn at 801 Patterson Avenue 5 miles from the superdome was filled with buses that were neither under water nor "way outside the city" and the buses that were under water wouldn't have been underwater had they been used for the evacuation before the storm.

And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.

Nope, not true, unless you count a 40-hour period as "days". Katrina was even for a hurricane unpredictable. It wasn't clear until Saturday that it was gonna happen there.

I lived through it Jack, I know whereof I speak.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Louisiana is a solid red state, so according to Hillary and Obama fuck'em.

It was solid red for Bush too so --- there goes that.

--- or have we kicked in the revisionism that O'bama was POTUS during Katrina now? Like he was for the '08 mieltdown?
Sure because you say so, all the media that reported it was wrong.

I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

The Algiers Bus Barn at 801 Patterson Avenue 5 miles from the superdome was filled with buses that were neither under water nor "way outside the city" and the buses that were under water wouldn't have been underwater had they been used for the evacuation before the storm.

And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.

Nope, not true, unless you count a 40-hour period as "days". Katrina was even for a hurricane unpredictable. It wasn't clear until Saturday that it was gonna happen there.

I lived through it Jack, I know whereof I speak.

Yep true. I sat and watched it and there was little doubt it was going to end up where it generally did. The reason you lived through it was because you spent too much time hoping it wasn't going where it did when you should have been getting on a school bus.

I've lived through 3 tornadoes so that makes me right when I say that ruby slippers will protect you :woohoo:
I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

The Algiers Bus Barn at 801 Patterson Avenue 5 miles from the superdome was filled with buses that were neither under water nor "way outside the city" and the buses that were under water wouldn't have been underwater had they been used for the evacuation before the storm.

And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.

Nope, not true, unless you count a 40-hour period as "days". Katrina was even for a hurricane unpredictable. It wasn't clear until Saturday that it was gonna happen there.

I lived through it Jack, I know whereof I speak.

Yep true. I sat and watched it and there was little doubt it was going to end up where it generally did. The reason you lived through it was because you spent too much time hoping it wasn't going where it did when you should have been getting on a school bus.

I've lived through 3 tornadoes so that makes me right when I say that ruby slippers will protect you :woohoo:

You sat and watched it on TV. How impressive.

No, the reason I lived through it was that I got a phone call from a co-worker about 2pm on Saturday who said, "so what are you gonna do about this hurricane?" I said, "what hurricane?" Because that was the level of knowledge at that point. Only THEN was it clear she was coming. I drove out the next day after collecting personal items, a GF, two pets and stashing my car. Actually one of the pets got away*. And when we left Sunday morning there was a guy in a truck ambling down the street selling fruit. Like just another day. (That street later took 8 feet of water.)

My GF's neighbors in the lower floor were staying put, even though they had a brand new car. So were my next door neighbors on the street where I live. Our journey to my parents' house, normally three hours, took seven, half of which was sitting in I-10 traffic going one mile an hour. So by, say Saturday night the word was getting out, and you had roughly 24 hours to act.

After the storm passed my GF's neighbors awoke to find themselves floating in their own bed. That's when the levees broke. They broke into my GF's house upstairs and eventually took refuge on the roof where they were finally rescued by helicopter. Meanwhile my apartment, in another part of town, took no water at all. Because whether you got flooded or not depended on how close you were to a levee breach. The French Quarter didn't even shut down -- it's higher ground.

Bottom line, it means that Katrina isn't what devastated New Orleans at all. The levee breaches did it. Other areas more directly in her path to the east were indeed devastated by the storm, since that's where it landed.

* When we finally were allowed back into the city --- in October --- we went to the GF's site to salvage what we could and as soon as we walked in ... there was the errant pet, Hector the cat, who had bolted when we were evacuating. He looked healthier than ever and had even put on some weight. He jumped into the window and said "where the fuck have you been?"

Here they are later, reunited, the cat who shrugged at Katrina and the dog we took with us....

Katrina cosurvivors - Sophie Hector.jpg
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Obama going diverts resources from assistance which is why the Governor has asked him to stay away a few weeks. Workers that should be clearing storm drains instead have to go around inspecting them for explosives with cameras and then welding manholes shut; people that are cleaning streets in the neighborhoods have to converge on where the photo-op would be to clear all trash and debris, police have to be protecting the area for days once cleared and then provide parameter security. The POTUS bubble is insanely time consuming (and a bit excessive). As for Hillary, as long as she says she will spend lots of money she won't really be spending anyway on them, her supporters will cheer and vote for her.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses
heckuva job, brownie
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

No. There is a Democrat in the White House so the media doesn't want to pile on. It's also mostly white people affected this time, so there are no poor blacks to exploit from this tragedy.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

No. There is a Democrat in the White House so the media doesn't want to pile on. It's also mostly white people affected this time, so there are no poor blacks to exploit from this tragedy.

There's been a democrat in the White House for ages. The bathroom could have flooded by now.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

No. There is a Democrat in the White House so the media doesn't want to pile on. It's also mostly white people affected this time, so there are no poor blacks to exploit from this tragedy.

:lol: --- and the Great Myth that the media is run by some kind of evil doctor behind a curtain pulling levers according to some paranoid "political agenda" lives on......

Take a look at this passage from a USA Today article that puts it into perspective. See if you can find it.

Louisiana flooding is worst disaster since Sandy, but people aren’t talking about it
>> The Louisiana flooding is a classic case of a "bad-timing” for media coverage, according to Moeller. She notes that while the floods have been covered, they’ve escaped the attention they would have received at another time.

“It’s a presidential election year, and the Olympics are ongoing,” she said. “There’s very little oxygen in the newsroom for covering it.”

Moller said all it takes is one scroll through your newsfeed to see the coverage is predominately about Trump and Clinton, the U.S. swimming fiasco in Rio, and the Olympic medal count.

More than a dozen USA TODAY stories on the topic have performed average, at best. Readers simply aren’t clicking on them. Maybe this article will be the same.

The lack of national interest in the flood, is likely because Americans are becoming almost numb to the onslaught of human suffering.

“There is a bit of disaster fatigue,” Moeller said. “We’ve seen a string of horrors over the past number of years. Yes, natural disasters, but also very human disasters of violence.” <<
Did y'all see it? Here's the key phrase:

"More than a dozen USA TODAY stories on the topic have performed average, at best"
--- "Performed"!?
What a dead giveaway. "Performed" is what a stock does when you invest in it. It's what an athlete does when your team buys a free agent.

News, if that's what you're dealing in, cannot "perform". COMMERCIALISM performs. Media is not in the business of distributing news, and it's not in the business of dispensing ideologies. It's in the business of selling papers. And it will play up whatever sells and play down whatever doesn't. Doesn't matter how credible or irrelevant it may be --- hence the blitz of "how Michael Jackson died" stories.

Nobody ever made money selling ideologies. It's all about the money, and that's all it's ever been about. What the article here says in a rare moment of candor is not "this story is not important" --- it's saying "we can't $ell it".
The Algiers Bus Barn at 801 Patterson Avenue 5 miles from the superdome was filled with buses that were neither under water nor "way outside the city" and the buses that were under water wouldn't have been underwater had they been used for the evacuation before the storm.

And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.

Nope, not true, unless you count a 40-hour period as "days". Katrina was even for a hurricane unpredictable. It wasn't clear until Saturday that it was gonna happen there.

I lived through it Jack, I know whereof I speak.

Yep true. I sat and watched it and there was little doubt it was going to end up where it generally did. The reason you lived through it was because you spent too much time hoping it wasn't going where it did when you should have been getting on a school bus.

I've lived through 3 tornadoes so that makes me right when I say that ruby slippers will protect you :woohoo:

You sat and watched it on TV. How impressive.

No, the reason I lived through it was that I got a phone call from a co-worker about 2pm on Saturday who said, "so what are you gonna do about this hurricane?" I said, "what hurricane?" Because that was the level of knowledge at that point. Only THEN was it clear she was coming. I drove out the next day after collecting personal items, a GF, two pets and stashing my car. Actually one of the pets got away*. And when we left Sunday morning there was a guy in a truck ambling down the street selling fruit. Like just another day. (That street later took 8 feet of water.)

My GF's neighbors in the lower floor were staying put, even though they had a brand new car. So were my next door neighbors on the street where I live. Our journey to my parents' house, normally three hours, took seven, half of which was sitting in I-10 traffic going one mile an hour. So by, say Saturday night the word was getting out, and you had roughly 24 hours to act.

After the storm passed my GF's neighbors awoke to find themselves floating in their own bed. That's when the levees broke. They broke into my GF's house upstairs and eventually took refuge on the roof where they were finally rescued by helicopter. Meanwhile my apartment, in another part of town, took no water at all. Because whether you got flooded or not depended on how close you were to a levee breach. The French Quarter didn't even shut down -- it's higher ground.

Bottom line, it means that Katrina isn't what devastated New Orleans at all. The levee breaches did it. Other areas more directly in her path to the east were indeed devastated by the storm, since that's where it landed.

* When we finally were allowed back into the city --- in October --- we went to the GF's site to salvage what we could and as soon as we walked in ... there was the errant pet, Hector the cat, who had bolted when we were evacuating. He looked healthier than ever and had even put on some weight. He jumped into the window and said "where the fuck have you been?"

Here they are later, reunited, the cat who shrugged at Katrina and the dog we took with us....

The models predicted a New Orleans strike three days before; the President declared a state of emergency two days before, and the mayor got around to ordering an evacuation a day before and you folks decided to stay. It doesn't make you insightful. It makes you an idiot.
And if we could all see the future we'd all be trillionaires from playing the lottery too.

Katrina did not just sneak up in the middle of the night LOL. They knew for days it was coming. The slight shift in its pattern would not have made a difference if it had not happened as far as what needed to be done. When you live on the coast below sea level and a monster hurricane is coming your way, steal the damned school bus if that is what it takes to get you the hell out.

Nope, not true, unless you count a 40-hour period as "days". Katrina was even for a hurricane unpredictable. It wasn't clear until Saturday that it was gonna happen there.

I lived through it Jack, I know whereof I speak.

Yep true. I sat and watched it and there was little doubt it was going to end up where it generally did. The reason you lived through it was because you spent too much time hoping it wasn't going where it did when you should have been getting on a school bus.

I've lived through 3 tornadoes so that makes me right when I say that ruby slippers will protect you :woohoo:

You sat and watched it on TV. How impressive.

No, the reason I lived through it was that I got a phone call from a co-worker about 2pm on Saturday who said, "so what are you gonna do about this hurricane?" I said, "what hurricane?" Because that was the level of knowledge at that point. Only THEN was it clear she was coming. I drove out the next day after collecting personal items, a GF, two pets and stashing my car. Actually one of the pets got away*. And when we left Sunday morning there was a guy in a truck ambling down the street selling fruit. Like just another day. (That street later took 8 feet of water.)

My GF's neighbors in the lower floor were staying put, even though they had a brand new car. So were my next door neighbors on the street where I live. Our journey to my parents' house, normally three hours, took seven, half of which was sitting in I-10 traffic going one mile an hour. So by, say Saturday night the word was getting out, and you had roughly 24 hours to act.

After the storm passed my GF's neighbors awoke to find themselves floating in their own bed. That's when the levees broke. They broke into my GF's house upstairs and eventually took refuge on the roof where they were finally rescued by helicopter. Meanwhile my apartment, in another part of town, took no water at all. Because whether you got flooded or not depended on how close you were to a levee breach. The French Quarter didn't even shut down -- it's higher ground.

Bottom line, it means that Katrina isn't what devastated New Orleans at all. The levee breaches did it. Other areas more directly in her path to the east were indeed devastated by the storm, since that's where it landed.

* When we finally were allowed back into the city --- in October --- we went to the GF's site to salvage what we could and as soon as we walked in ... there was the errant pet, Hector the cat, who had bolted when we were evacuating. He looked healthier than ever and had even put on some weight. He jumped into the window and said "where the fuck have you been?"

Here they are later, reunited, the cat who shrugged at Katrina and the dog we took with us....

The models predicted a New Orleans strike three days before; the President declared a state of emergency two days before, and the mayor got around to ordering an evacuation a day before and you folks decided to stay. It doesn't make you insightful. It makes you an idiot.

When you read that post and somehow come up with the idea that I "decided to stay" --- it ain't me that's the idiot.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

Do you remember the people trapped in that outdoor auditorium with no food, no water, no basic medical supplies? It was no secret. I watched it on tv news. Are we to believe it wasn't possible to have a military helicopter fly over that place and lower basic survival supplies along with a squad of military police to keep order? Those people were ignored and left to die, which a few of them did.

I haven't heard of anything like that happening this time, so what's the big deal about Obama not showing up? Who needs him? In fact it's better if he stays away because his presence would be a distraction. What is important is to know what attention Washington is paying to the situation.

I'm not a fan of Obama but he is a big improvement over Bush -- who literally deserves to be hanged for his crimes.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

Do you remember the people trapped in that outdoor auditorium with no food, no water, no basic medical supplies? It was no secret. I watched it on tv news. Are we to believe it wasn't possible to have a military helicopter fly over that place and lower basic survival supplies along with a squad of military police to keep order? Those people were ignored and left to die, which a few of them did.

I haven't heard of anything like that happening this time, so what's the big deal about Obama not showing up? Who needs him? In fact it's better if he stays away because his presence would be a distraction. What is important is to know what attention Washington is paying to the situation.

I'm not a fan of Obama but he is a big improvement over Bush -- who literally deserves to be hanged for his crimes.
Horseshit. You sound like a big fan of obama's. You think Obama is a big improvement over Bush? ROFLMAO.

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