
NOLA had an evacuation plan which they did not follow! Airlines offered to fly people out and were turned down, the buses sat unused. The storm surge did not sink NOLA. When the hurricane passed over it hit Ponchatrain and pushed the waters back toward the ninth ward. The levees broke and the rest is history. So let's Give Bush the blame, he warned them. Nagin and Blanco were both incompetent nincompoops. After the damn hurricane half the police force ran away andNaginsent the rest on vacation. Yep! That!/ all Bush's fault.

NEW YORK (CNN Money.com) -- After two weeks of contentious and often emotional debate, the federal government's far-reaching and historic plan to bail out the nation's financial system was signed into law by President Bush on Friday afternoon.

"By coming together on this legislation, we have acted boldly to prevent the crisis on Wall Street from becoming a crisis in communities across our country," Bush said less than an hour after the House voted 263 to 171 to pass the bill.

The House vote followed a strong lobbying push by the White House and other supporters of the bill. The House rejected a similar measure on Monday - a defeat that shocked the markets and congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle.

The law, which allows the Treasury Secretary to purchase as much as $700 billion in troubled assets in a bid to kick-start lending, ushers in one of the most far-reaching interventions in the economy since the Great Depression.
And then he set about transforming a budgetary surplus into the most destructive deficit in our history, which is what he left Office with.


Bush had two LEGAL wars to fight, hurricane Katrina and the 911 tragedy that actually cost money. Obama has almost double the national debt. Even with the TARP money Bush gave him, Obama has had the slowest recovery in the history of the US.

NEW YORK (CNN Money.com) -- After two weeks of contentious and often emotional debate, the federal government's far-reaching and historic plan to bail out the nation's financial system was signed into law by President Bush on Friday afternoon.

"By coming together on this legislation, we have acted boldly to prevent the crisis on Wall Street from becoming a crisis in communities across our country," Bush said less than an hour after the House voted 263 to 171 to pass the bill.

The House vote followed a strong lobbying push by the White House and other supporters of the bill. The House rejected a similar measure on Monday - a defeat that shocked the markets and congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle.

The law, which allows the Treasury Secretary to purchase as much as $700 billion in troubled assets in a bid to kick-start lending, ushers in one of the most far-reaching interventions in the economy since the Great Depression.
And then he set about transforming a budgetary surplus into the most destructive deficit in our history, which is what he left Office with.


Bush had two LEGAL wars to fight, hurricane Katrina and the 911 tragedy that actually cost money. Obama has almost double the national debt. Even with the TARP money Bush gave him, Obama has had the slowest recovery in the history of the US.

Obama has added more to the debt than all the Presidetswho camebeforehim COMBINED.
Feel free to show me how commercial media --- which is a commercial, meaning profit-making, enterprise --- makes a penny on abstract stuff like ideologies.

I know how the media works Bub. I was part of it. It works to make money. Period.

Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist


Pfft. I can cite studies saying the bias is to the right, but that's not what I asked.

The question is --- how does commercial media -- which is by definition in business to make money -- profit by selling some preferred ideology?

The operative question word is "How".

Ah, so since the study, by the not exactly conservative UCLA, doesn't fit YOUR bias, it's not worthy? Yes, you absolutely did work in the media.

Like I said, head in the sand.

--- so you don't have an answer.

That's OK. There isn't one. Because it doesn't work that way, which is what I said.

I provided you with the study. You're in denial just like the Trump Tards when the polls don't go their way
Feel free to show me how commercial media --- which is a commercial, meaning profit-making, enterprise --- makes a penny on abstract stuff like ideologies.

I know how the media works Bub. I was part of it. It works to make money. Period.

Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist

It starts in academia, which is totally dominated by leftist professors who indoctrinate and brainwash the youth. The media then chooses their future journalists by going to these leftist colleges and hiring the most radical leftist that can be found and then softens them up so that are more palatable to the general public.

Here's a guy that CNN regularly promotes as an average representative of blacks.

Van Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earlier activism
In 1992, while still a law student at Yale, Jones participated as a volunteer legal monitor for a protest of the Rodney King verdict in San Francisco. He and many other participants in the protest were arrested. The district attorney later dropped the charges against Jones. The arrested protesters, including Jones, won a small legal settlement. Jones later said that "the incident deepened my disaffection with the system and accelerated my political radicalization."[16] In October 2005 Jones said he was "a rowdy nationalist on April 28th"[12] before the King verdict was announced, but that by August of that year (1992) he was a communist.[12] His activism was also spurred on by witnessing racial inequality in New Haven, Connecticut: "I was seeing kids at Yale do drugs and talk about it openly, and have nothing happen to them or, if anything, get sent to rehab...And then I was seeing kids three blocks away, in the housing projects, doing the same drugs, in smaller amounts, go to prison."[10]

When he graduated from law school, Jones gave up plans to take a job in Washington, D.C., and moved to San Francisco instead.[12] He became a member of a "socialist collective" called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM) that protested against police brutality.[12][17]
Feel free to show me how commercial media --- which is a commercial, meaning profit-making, enterprise --- makes a penny on abstract stuff like ideologies.

I know how the media works Bub. I was part of it. It works to make money. Period.

Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist


Pfft. I can cite studies saying the bias is to the right, but that's not what I asked.

The question is --- how does commercial media -- which is by definition in business to make money -- profit by selling some preferred ideology?

The operative question word is "How".

Ah, so since the study, by the not exactly conservative UCLA, doesn't fit YOUR bias, it's not worthy? Yes, you absolutely did work in the media.

Like I said, head in the sand.

--- so you don't have an answer.

That's OK. There isn't one. Because it doesn't work that way, which is what I said.

I provided you with the study. You're in denial just like the Trump Tards when the polls don't go their way

I asked a question as to how that can work. It can't be answered. All you have here is a deflection away from that question.
Does anyone care that 13 are dead and 85,000 have registered for disaster aid? I realize President Bush isn't in office anymore so there's no political points to score, but does anyone care at all? Obama has still not returned from his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard and Hillary is MIA. Trump and Pence are touring the devastated area today.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Obama going diverts resources from assistance which is why the Governor has asked him to stay away a few weeks. Workers that should be clearing storm drains instead have to go around inspecting them for explosives with cameras and then welding manholes shut; people that are cleaning streets in the neighborhoods have to converge on where the photo-op would be to clear all trash and debris, police have to be protecting the area for days once cleared and then provide parameter security. The POTUS bubble is insanely time consuming (and a bit excessive). As for Hillary, as long as she says she will spend lots of money she won't really be spending anyway on them, her supporters will cheer and vote for her.

Perfect, the exact talking points you received from one of your far left Progressive sites.

A mite hypocritical when Sen. Barack Hussein Obama railed against President Bush for flying over New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina.

So you are upset that Obama hasn't come raised the dead?
The FACT that neither Obama or Hillary has gone to the scene of the disaster speaks volumes about their interest in the victims.
These victims have a long memory!
Polls must not be showing enough support for Hillary so why bother right?

Obama going diverts resources from assistance which is why the Governor has asked him to stay away a few weeks. Workers that should be clearing storm drains instead have to go around inspecting them for explosives with cameras and then welding manholes shut; people that are cleaning streets in the neighborhoods have to converge on where the photo-op would be to clear all trash and debris, police have to be protecting the area for days once cleared and then provide parameter security. The POTUS bubble is insanely time consuming (and a bit excessive). As for Hillary, as long as she says she will spend lots of money she won't really be spending anyway on them, her supporters will cheer and vote for her.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses

Nobody "didn't let them" use the school buses. That was a photographer's Monday-morning quarterback myth.

Former mayor and now convicted felon, Ray Nagin, waited too long to order the evacuation for the buses to be used. All the drivers had already headed out of town.

As you know, the delay in the federal government sending in troops and aid had to wait for a formal request from Governor Blanco. She had called out the National Guard and believed she could handle it herself. She delayed that request for three days. Thus, the delay in Federal help.
Obama going diverts resources from assistance which is why the Governor has asked him to stay away a few weeks. Workers that should be clearing storm drains instead have to go around inspecting them for explosives with cameras and then welding manholes shut; people that are cleaning streets in the neighborhoods have to converge on where the photo-op would be to clear all trash and debris, police have to be protecting the area for days once cleared and then provide parameter security. The POTUS bubble is insanely time consuming (and a bit excessive). As for Hillary, as long as she says she will spend lots of money she won't really be spending anyway on them, her supporters will cheer and vote for her.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses

Nobody "didn't let them" use the school buses. That was a photographer's Monday-morning quarterback myth.

Sure because you say so, all the media that reported it was wrong.

I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

NOT true. Katrina did not come up fast. Convicted felon mayor Ray Nagin delayed the decision to evacuate until it was too late. His excuse was he didn't want to disrupt New Orleans economy if it went in a different direction. The path went across Florida and the storm filled the entire Gulf of Mexico. Virtually all the models showed it hitting or coming very close to New Orleans.
Oh btw it was not an outdoor stadium it was the Superdone. The people were instructed to go there by city officials.

The Superdome which, due to the lack of planning by Mayor, now convicted felon Ray Nagin, had no supplies for the thousands who rushed to the stadium.
Oh btw it was not an outdoor stadium it was the Superdone. The people were instructed to go there by city officials.
I don't care what it was or how those people got there. I'm talking about the conditions they endured there and how nothing was done about it in spite of the fact the Nation, which includes Bush, was watching it on tv.

I couldn't do anything about it -- but Bush could have.
I will give you that, but my understanding at the time was that even though Bush had the help he could not by law intervene until the officials of Louisiana formerly asked.

That is 100% true. The Federal Government could not send in troops and other help without a formal request from Gov. Blanco. Subsequent to the storm, President Bush put through legislation that makes an exception for such circumstances.
NOLA had an evacuation plan which they did not follow! Airlines offered to fly people out and were turned down, the buses sat unused. The storm surge did not sink NOLA. When the hurricane passed over it hit Ponchatrain and pushed the waters back toward the ninth ward. The levees broke and the rest is history. So let's Give Bush the blame, he warned them. Nagin and Blanco were both incompetent nincompoops. After the damn hurricane half the police force ran away andNaginsent the rest on vacation. Yep! That!/ all Bush's fault.

Trains and commercial buses offered free space to and were rejected. Ray Nagin, who is in prison for corruption and Blanco both have blood on their hands.
So why was Bush criticized so heavily?

I don't recall him being criticized for that so much as things like the federal relief efforts were held up by them debating whether the officials would be wearing DHS jackets or FEMA jackets. Some of the criticism was unfounded in so much as the Mayor of New Orleans obstructed evacuation efforts by not letting them use school buses

Nobody "didn't let them" use the school buses. That was a photographer's Monday-morning quarterback myth.

Sure because you say so, all the media that reported it was wrong.

I'm a Katrinite.
The media didn't "report" anything like what you posted --- the media posted a photo of drowned buses, and then speculated about them after the fact. Buses which were by the way outside the city.

In the actual event, Katrina came up fast. I wasn't even aware a storm existed until Saturday afternoon (it hit at dawn Monday less than 40 hours later). That isn't realistically enough time to corral drivers and get buses ready and dispatch them effectively. On the other hand it's the easiest thing in the world to hover in days later, take a picture of something under water and go "woulda shoulda coulda".

NOT true. Katrina did not come up fast. Convicted felon mayor Ray Nagin delayed the decision to evacuate until it was too late. His excuse was he didn't want to disrupt New Orleans economy if it went in a different direction. The path went across Florida and the storm filled the entire Gulf of Mexico. Virtually all the models showed it hitting or coming very close to New Orleans.

Oh yes it IS true. I was there, dood. And I damn sure didn't evacuate that time or any other, because a mayor did or didn't say to do it. I consider that irrelevant. Again, I had only a matter of hours between first becoming aware of the approach of the storm, and getting out. And that was typical.

The mayor? Fuck the mayor. I go by the weather forecast.
NOLA had an evacuation plan which they did not follow! Airlines offered to fly people out and were turned down, the buses sat unused. The storm surge did not sink NOLA. When the hurricane passed over it hit Ponchatrain and pushed the waters back toward the ninth ward. The levees broke and the rest is history. So let's Give Bush the blame, he warned them. Nagin and Blanco were both incompetent nincompoops. After the damn hurricane half the police force ran away andNaginsent the rest on vacation. Yep! That!/ all Bush's fault.

Trains and commercial buses offered free space to and were rejected.

Oh btw it was not an outdoor stadium it was the Superdone. The people were instructed to go there by city officials.
I don't care what it was or how those people got there. I'm talking about the conditions they endured there and how nothing was done about it in spite of the fact the Nation, which includes Bush, was watching it on tv.

I couldn't do anything about it -- but Bush could have.
I will give you that, but my understanding at the time was that even though Bush had the help he could not by law intervene until the officials of Louisiana formerly asked.

That is 100% true. The Federal Government could not send in troops and other help without a formal request from Gov. Blanco. Subsequent to the storm, President Bush put through legislation that makes an exception for such circumstances.

Blanco sent the request to the White House on Saturday, two days before landfall. Same day I became aware of it (27th).
Oh btw it was not an outdoor stadium it was the Superdone. The people were instructed to go there by city officials.
I don't care what it was or how those people got there. I'm talking about the conditions they endured there and how nothing was done about it in spite of the fact the Nation, which includes Bush, was watching it on tv.

I couldn't do anything about it -- but Bush could have.
I will give you that, but my understanding at the time was that even though Bush had the help he could not by law intervene until the officials of Louisiana formerly asked.

That is 100% true. The Federal Government could not send in troops and other help without a formal request from Gov. Blanco. Subsequent to the storm, President Bush put through legislation that makes an exception for such circumstances.

Blanco sent the request to the White House on Saturday, two days before landfall. Same day I became aware of it (27th).
Show me!
Here is an interesting perspective from Mr. Brown

Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina

As the storm neared New Orleans, all I could do—and did do even before the federalization debate got underway—was go on television, radio and any media outlet my press team could find—and encourage people to “literally get your butts out of New Orleans before the storm hits.”

Prior to Katrina making landfall, I asked then-National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield to forcefully explain on a secure video conference call with Blanco and Nagin the catastrophe they were potentially facing if they failed to evacuate at least two or three days prior to landfall. When that didn’t work, I called President Bush at the ranch and implored him to call Mayor Nagin and encourage him to evacuate his city. The president called; the mayor dallied.

Nagin finally asked people to evacuate on Sunday morning for a storm that hit his city sometime after midnight that night. By that point, Amtrak had left the city with rail cars sans passengers. Airlines had evacuated Louis Armstrong International Airport with planes sans travelers. And school buses sat in their lots, soon to be flooded and ruined. The mayor’s incompetence cost lives.

Read more: Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina
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