Loving Your Children Versus Loving Your Stuff

Another good question is why some people are so maniacally obsessed with teachers.
Since teachers salaries are low did you expect the best and the brightest to go into a profession where half the nation hates you? Why do people do a job ike that when they can make 5x that in the private sector? America is all about materialism and $$$ first and foremost. People want their things. The more money the more things.

No one is forced to take a job they do not wish to take.

Perhaps you missed the little thing called the Civil War.
Another good question is why some people are so maniacally obsessed with teachers.

Here's why: they are the point of the spear either to educate and make students good Americans,....

"Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

....or they are are 'obsessed' with turning out America-haters, and Democrat voters.

“Jason Rantz posted the following video of a zoom call with the Washington State Teachers Union president. In it, Washington State Teachers Union president says reopening schools is an example of “white supremacy”, concern over health or suicide risk is “white privilege”.

I have often said....
Unless we can pry the schools from them, as earlier American pried their slaves from them.....America is lost.

And it has come to pass.
"Chicago teachers are refusing to return to classrooms, despite the educational and emotional disaster that long-distance learning is proving to be for kids. Instead, six dance teachers offered an interpretative dance explaining why they prefer to stay home and get paid for short hours and minimally effective job performance.

At the beginning of the 2019 school year, Chicago's public school students weren't doing so well. Forty-three percent of elementary school students couldn't meet basic math metrics, and 37% couldn't meet reading requirements. The problem was blamed on the students' "socio-economic status" rather than teaching quality, but the lack of enthusiasm the teachers are showing for returning to https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...public_education_is_child_abuse.htmlclassroom duties indicates that there's more going on than blaming poverty or racism."

Nobody is forced to do the job I agree. But you stated that teachers.ate not near the top of their class which implies you would like the brightest teaching. You aren't going to attract them with teachers salaries. What is your idea to attract the teachers you want? Here our kids have the option for 5 days per week in person and teachers are working. About 40 percent of parents HAVE ELECTED to have their kids stay home for the virtual platform. I suppose you think that is not a good CHOICE on their behalf correct?
Nobody is forced to do the job I agree. But you stated that teachers.ate not near the top of their class which implies you would like the brightest teaching. You aren't going to attract them with teachers salaries. What is your idea to attract the teachers you want? Here our kids have the option for 5 days per week in person and teachers are working. About 40 percent of parents HAVE ELECTED to have their kids stay home for the virtual platform. I suppose you think that is not a good CHOICE on their behalf correct?

"teachers salaries"

$128,657 FOR HALF A YEAR

Gads, you're a fool.

"Increasingly, parents are exiting public schools for private schools, charter schools, online schools or homeschooling. (Hey, the guy who sold Tumblr to Yahoo for a billion dollars was homeschooled.) This steady stream of stories involving what can only be called institutional child abuse can only speed that trend along. And once large numbers of parents are no longer sending their kids to public schools, how long will the tax money keep coming? "
Another good question is why some people are so maniacally obsessed with teachers.

Here's why: they are the point of the spear either to educate and make students good Americans,....

....or they are are 'obsessed' with turning out America-haters, and Democrat voters.


That kind of character development (or lack thereof) happens at home, not from an hour or so in front of a teacher (the vast majority of whom do NOT so much as mention politics in class).
Another good question is why some people are so maniacally obsessed with teachers.

Here's why: they are the point of the spear either to educate and make students good Americans,....

....or they are are 'obsessed' with turning out America-haters, and Democrat voters.


That kind of character development (or lack thereof) happens at home, not from an hour or so in front of a teacher (the vast majority of whom do NOT so much as mention politics in class).

Are you actually claiming not to realize the leftwing plummeting of the school system????
My daughter has been teaching for almost 29 years, she makes about 50 grand...so throwing out 128,000 doesn't mean everywhere pays that.
It's high time for you to get in the classroom and pry the system from the left. It won't get fixed if you don't step in and teach.
She doesn't need to move. Luckily and wisely her and her husband chose not to have kids. Instead they focused on their careers.
My daughter has been teaching for almost 29 years, she makes about 50 grand...so throwing out 128,000 doesn't mean everywhere pays that.

Very few places pay anything near 128,000. Very few.
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Another good question is why some people are so maniacally obsessed with teachers.

Here's why: they are the point of the spear either to educate and make students good Americans,....

....or they are are 'obsessed' with turning out America-haters, and Democrat voters.


That kind of character development (or lack thereof) happens at home, not from an hour or so in front of a teacher (the vast majority of whom do NOT so much as mention politics in class).

Are you actually claiming not to realize the leftwing plummeting of the school system????

I am actually telling you that the teachers I work with are interested in helping students succeed, and nothing else. I'm telling you that there is no time in the typical class for promoting politics even if one were so inclined. I'm telling you that over 27 years of teaching no administrator has ever so much as suggested promoting any political point of view to students. I'm telling you that the anomalous anecdote here and there does not prove any universal practice or dark conspiracy among all teachers and all schools. I am actually telling you that you are looking with alarm at social and cultural decay many, many decades in the making and trying inaccurately to ascribe it to one source. I have told you before that the problem is much bigger than you seem to be willing to recognize. Maybe focusing on just one Boogeyman makes it easier to manage the fear.
...The basis of the thread title is that many have come to accept that two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

School systems don't raise kids, and anyone who thinks they are leaving that to schools is grossly negligent.

There are still one wage earner families in America today.
It's high time for you to get in the classroom and pry the system from the left. It won't get fixed if you don't step in and teach.

Even better: we're a home school family.

And, several of the home school orgs I belong to have organized schools for our kid, with parent volunteers teaching courses.

Wanna guess how our kids do on standard exams that all NYC kids have to take?

Wise up.

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