Low Energy John Kasich: Two-party system is in jeopardy

Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.
They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.

Try to conform to the facts...ok?

She won the popular vote by 2.8 million. However she won California
by 4.5 million. If you subtract the former from the latter, she lost the
other 49 states by 1.7 million votes.

Trump won 3 states by 100,000 votes...not 70,000 votes. However,
you fail to point out that Clinton won 3 states by only 78,000 votes.

Thus Trump had a better chance of winning the states 33-17 than that
whore had of losing the states 23-27.

Just keep the facts straight and you can avoid doing your housework
for another hour or so.

He won by 3 counties, I'm so glad MI he only won by about 10 grand. He had Russian help and Jill Stein.
The Trump landslide — three counties carried the day

This is why the EC must go to the dark side of the moon.

Because even with massive voter fraud, the left still couldn't cheat and win, amirite?
Considering the last election and the two choices Americans were presented with its getting closer to being a 3rd party time. I have zero in common with neither the dems or repugs.
Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.
They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.
Poor dumbfuck janitor that works at a law office doesnt know what bigotry or partisan hackery is.. awwwww :itsok:
Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

Maybe if he ate something?


And Kasich’s lilbuddy Hickenlooper,


YES ! Kasich Hickenlooper 2020! Pancakes and riddlen for all! And some pot!
Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.

I’m just telling you what I saw, I couldn’t vote for her or Trump, I didn’t trust either, I didn’t care a lot for Sanders but at least he was honest which would have swung my vote.
Honest maybe, but the biggest thing is he is not a warmonger owned by the MIC.
They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.

That would be a ton of ass to laugh off. Hell, sell it by the acre and we can clear up the National Debt. So what exactly did you bring to the topic other then partisan hackery? Go back to your sweet clover laughing cow.
they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.

That would be a ton of ass to laugh off. Hell, sell it by the acre and we can clear up the National Debt. So what exactly did you bring to the topic other then partisan hackery? Go back to your sweet clover laughing cow.
Yeah, why would trump loons be informed about anything?

I donlive the way bullying trumpscum can’t wven have a discussion. Right away you bullying loons start with the insults.
And you wonder why most of the country thinks you’ and your orange loon are disgusting?

Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

True that!
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.

That would be a ton of ass to laugh off. Hell, sell it by the acre and we can clear up the National Debt. So what exactly did you bring to the topic other then partisan hackery? Go back to your sweet clover laughing cow.
Yeah, why would trump loons be informed about anything?

I donlive the way bullying trumpscum can’t wven have a discussion. Right away you bullying loons start with the insults.
And you wonder why most of the country thinks you’ and your orange loon are disgusting?


Lol, the laughing cow crying about bullying. You never even bring a point. You just got a quip inbetween stuffing your maw.
I keep hearing that. I don't buy it. even after 2 years of fake GOP investigations which were admittedly to "run down her numbers", she still got 3 million more votes than Donald. Donald won by 70,000 votes in 3 states. those states were targeted by Russian disinformation? coincidence that Russia was running ads for Jill stein and bernie? And whatever Hillary was as a candidate, she wasn't an unhinged bigot.... which is not to say there aren't things I'd have told her to do differently

and let's remember she was on target for a landslide until comey's little announcement ten days before the election.... something I still find incomprehensible.
LOL you damn fool
The deplorable comment?
When she basically said america was retarded because she wasnt winning by 50 points?
For gawd sakes, jillian... Turn off your computer.

poor delusional hack. keep pretending you're not partisan so I can laugh my butt off at you.

there is nothing I said that wasn't true, would you like a tissue.

if you're too much of a snowflake to handle reality, maybe you're the one who should turn off the computer.

or you could always go to work for putin... you know, like our president is.

That would be a ton of ass to laugh off. Hell, sell it by the acre and we can clear up the National Debt. So what exactly did you bring to the topic other then partisan hackery? Go back to your sweet clover laughing cow.
Yeah, why would trump loons be informed about anything?

I donlive the way bullying trumpscum can’t wven have a discussion. Right away you bullying loons start with the insults.
And you wonder why most of the country thinks you’ and your orange loon are disgusting?


Lol, the laughing cow crying about bullying. You never even bring a point. You just got a quip inbetween stuffing your maw.
Be nice to Silly Jilly.

She thinks Big Ears great and Trump scum. Proving she lacks intelligence.
Neither party offers one candidate I could ever support. This is the first time in my life I can say that.
Kasich: 2-party system may be in jeopardy

I sure hope so, because this UNIPARTY (fake 2 party system) is a fiasco...

Kasich was 1 for 50 in the 2016 primary

They didn't want a mature adult. The candidates according to Bone Spur man , Jeb was the low energy man. Cruz had an ulgy wife and his father killed Kennedy, the female contender was ugly, Rubio sweated like a pig and had tiny hands and drank lots of water from a bottle, he never attacked Kasich did he?

they wanted an internet troll... someone who didn't make them feel stupid
Jillian had the Dems ran anyone else they would have won by a landslide. Hell, if it was Sanders, I would have voted for him, much better than Trump or Clinton.

True that!

not really
Well......history shows any presidential candidate needs Ohio to win, and I don't think Kasich stands a chance here. He ruined his reputation with us Ohioans when he ran for President. He's shown himself to be extremely childish in the race and afterwards.

There is no law that we have a two-party system, it's just voters are comfortable with it. Third parties run all the time, but all they really accomplish is syphoning a small amount of votes from one of the two major party candidates.

Kaisch can't run as a Republican and stands no chance switching to a Democrat. So now he's going to try to promote multi-party contests where he thinks he could stand a chance.

Right he is not a right wing nut job enough for the right wingers or sleazy enough.

He's a liberal. How much more sleazy can he get?

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