Low Income Workers Seeing Best Wage Hikes in a Decade

Awww. The dude who tells us how honest he is has lied about how much a burger will cost if we pay people enough to live on. Sad. Believe me.

I lied? What was the lie?

You know that the price of a burger will not go up by $10. if the minimum wage is raised to $15 per hour. That was a lie aimed at duping morons.

One of our holier than thou both sides whiners is using propaganda to make his case. Sad.

Did I say that the price would go up by $10?


You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."
Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone.
It won't be an extra Ten dollars; even the dollar menu won't double.

In my state, minimum wage is 8.25, so you are wanting to almost double that. And if the lowest end people get paid more, those above them would need cosponsoring pay raises. It is an endless cycle that never works out well for the people it is supposed to help


Show some evidence I am incorrect. Because I said so does not really cut it.

Seattle. All the evidence one needs.

I agree.

They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

Here’s what happened when Seattle raised the minimum wage to $15
I lied? What was the lie?

You know that the price of a burger will not go up by $10. if the minimum wage is raised to $15 per hour. That was a lie aimed at duping morons.

One of our holier than thou both sides whiners is using propaganda to make his case. Sad.

Did I say that the price would go up by $10?


You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."

You just posted it, I do not need to restate it.

Do you agree or disagree that people will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger?
It won't be an extra Ten dollars; even the dollar menu won't double.

In my state, minimum wage is 8.25, so you are wanting to almost double that. And if the lowest end people get paid more, those above them would need cosponsoring pay raises. It is an endless cycle that never works out well for the people it is supposed to help


Show some evidence I am incorrect. Because I said so does not really cut it.

Seattle. All the evidence one needs.

I agree.

They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

Here’s what happened when Seattle raised the minimum wage to $15

Please pick one of those and I will look at it. It is very likely that you've cited faulty studies.

Which one do you like best?
Trade policy to maximize potential for those jobs, and immigration policy to dry up the labor pool for those jobs.

The problem is that jobs "lost" to trade if there is such a thing are not minimum wage jobs.

Though I do agree with the second part.

I've seen the difference for those jobs between different environments. I saw what happened when my mother-in-law's work place (hospital where she worked as a nurse's aide) was bought out by a major urban hospital.

Before hand, she made a decent wage, based on the environment of the rural area it was placed in. She had been able to support her family while her husband spent years slowly building up his small business.

Once the new system came in, and changed the pay scale to what had developed in the city, wages were drastically lowered, and she choose to retire at that point.

A difference of a few dollars an hour, pay wise, can be the difference between poverty, and working poor, or even lower middle class.

If you do not mind me asking ,when did this happen?
You know that the price of a burger will not go up by $10. if the minimum wage is raised to $15 per hour. That was a lie aimed at duping morons.

One of our holier than thou both sides whiners is using propaganda to make his case. Sad.

Did I say that the price would go up by $10?


You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."

You just posted it, I do not need to restate it.

Do you agree or disagree that people will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger?

They will not be asked to. That is the point of contention here. You've inferred that the result of a minimum wage hike would be a drastic increase in the price of a hamburger. That's not proven by the facts and evidence.
In my state, minimum wage is 8.25, so you are wanting to almost double that. And if the lowest end people get paid more, those above them would need cosponsoring pay raises. It is an endless cycle that never works out well for the people it is supposed to help


Show some evidence I am incorrect. Because I said so does not really cut it.

Seattle. All the evidence one needs.

I agree.

They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

Here’s what happened when Seattle raised the minimum wage to $15

Please pick one of those and I will look at it. It is very likely that you've cited faulty studies.

Which one do you like best?

Pick which ever one you like and then provide some counter evidence beyond "because I said so". That is all you have had to offer yet.
The Left can BS voters about a lot of things, but no politician can fool voters about their personal economic situation and that of their neighbors and friends.

Low-earning Americans are seeing the biggest wage gains in a decade.
Perfect time to raise the minimum wage
When it will have the least impact

Minimum wage is obviously being raised..... naturally. Tight labor demand raises wages. Arbitrary and arbitrary minimum wage increases reduce jobs and increase welfare.

Please pick one of those and I will look at it. It is very likely that you've cited faulty studies.

Which one do you like best?

Pick which ever one you like and then provide some counter evidence beyond "because I said so". That is all you have had to offer yet.

OK. I will look at the middle one.

A moment please.
Did I say that the price would go up by $10?


You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."

You just posted it, I do not need to restate it.

Do you agree or disagree that people will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger?

They will not be asked to. That is the point of contention here. You've inferred that the result of a minimum wage hike would be a drastic increase in the price of a hamburger. That's not proven by the facts and evidence.

Which is because these places are not willing to raise prices and pass along costs to Consumers, which is the point I was responding to. Instead of doing that they cut jobs and hours for those still working.
Trade policy to maximize potential for those jobs, and immigration policy to dry up the labor pool for those jobs.

The problem is that jobs "lost" to trade if there is such a thing are not minimum wage jobs.

Though I do agree with the second part.

I've seen the difference for those jobs between different environments. I saw what happened when my mother-in-law's work place (hospital where she worked as a nurse's aide) was bought out by a major urban hospital.

Before hand, she made a decent wage, based on the environment of the rural area it was placed in. She had been able to support her family while her husband spent years slowly building up his small business.

Once the new system came in, and changed the pay scale to what had developed in the city, wages were drastically lowered, and she choose to retire at that point.

A difference of a few dollars an hour, pay wise, can be the difference between poverty, and working poor, or even lower middle class.

If you do not mind me asking ,when did this happen?

1. Jobs lost due to poor trade policy, would l
Trade policy to maximize potential for those jobs, and immigration policy to dry up the labor pool for those jobs.

The problem is that jobs "lost" to trade if there is such a thing are not minimum wage jobs.

Though I do agree with the second part.

I've seen the difference for those jobs between different environments. I saw what happened when my mother-in-law's work place (hospital where she worked as a nurse's aide) was bought out by a major urban hospital.

Before hand, she made a decent wage, based on the environment of the rural area it was placed in. She had been able to support her family while her husband spent years slowly building up his small business.

Once the new system came in, and changed the pay scale to what had developed in the city, wages were drastically lowered, and she choose to retire at that point.

A difference of a few dollars an hour, pay wise, can be the difference between poverty, and working poor, or even lower middle class.

If you do not mind me asking ,when did this happen?

1. Manufacturing jobs vary in degrees of skills required. Bring a significant number of them back, and it will benefit low skilled and semi-skilled workers directly and/or indirectly.

2. Don't recall exactly. 5 to 10 years ago. I could ask my wife, who would likely remember better, if it matters. Why do you ask?
Golfing Gator,

Vigdor's initial UW study was, as I expected, flawed. It used insufficient data. Specifiaclly, it left out 38% of impacted workers who worked for large, multi-location businesses.

He renounced the findings in that study and did a second study which showed that, overall, workers gained in take home pay while working the same or fewer hours. Here is that second study.

Minimum Wage Increases and Individual Employment Trajectories


I'll help you. Here is a synopsis. I don't expect you to buy the paper.

What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle
Last edited:
2. Don't recall exactly. 5 to 10 years ago. I could ask my wife, who would likely remember better, if it matters. Why do you ask?

Because the chances are all of that happened due to ObamaCare. ObamaCare caused many smaller hospital to have to sell out to major urban hospital or other healthcare conglomerates. The same thing took place at the hospital my wife used to work at. As an RN she did not see a pay cut but the PCTs did and they saw hours cut. The nurses had more patients added with less PCT help. Not a good thing

You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."

You just posted it, I do not need to restate it.

Do you agree or disagree that people will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger?

They will not be asked to. That is the point of contention here. You've inferred that the result of a minimum wage hike would be a drastic increase in the price of a hamburger. That's not proven by the facts and evidence.

Which is because these places are not willing to raise prices and pass along costs to Consumers, which is the point I was responding to. Instead of doing that they cut jobs and hours for those still working.

You question my reading comprehension skills when you should evaluate your own communication skills. You were not clear in making your point. Try harder.
Golfing Gator,

Vigdor's initial UW study was, as I expected, flawed. It used insufficient data. Specifiaclly, it left out 38% of impacted workers who worked for large, multi-location businesses.

He renounced the findings in that study and did a second study which showed that, overall, workers gained in take home pay while working the same or fewer hours. Here is that second study.

Minimum Wage Increases and Individual Employment Trajectories


I do not think this really helps your case...

We attribute significant hourly wage increases and hours reductions to the policy. On net, the minimum wage increase from $9.47 to as much as $13 per hour raised earnings by an average of $8-$12 per week. The entirety of these gains accrued to workers with above-median experience at baseline; less-experienced workers saw no significant change to weekly pay. Approximately one-quarter of the earnings gains can be attributed to experienced workers making up for lost hours in Seattle with work outside the city limits. We associate the minimum wage ordinance with an 8% reduction in job turnover rates as well as a significant reduction in the rate of new entries into the workforce.
You have a reading comprehension problem. Have you thought about going back and getting your GED and working on that?

Please restate your comment regarding the "extra $10 for a burger". Thanks.

Here it is.

"Consumers will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger so that your artificial minimum wage can be maintained.

The market works when people leave it alone."

You just posted it, I do not need to restate it.

Do you agree or disagree that people will not pay an extra 10 bucks for a burger?

They will not be asked to. That is the point of contention here. You've inferred that the result of a minimum wage hike would be a drastic increase in the price of a hamburger. That's not proven by the facts and evidence.

Which is because these places are not willing to raise prices and pass along costs to Consumers, which is the point I was responding to. Instead of doing that they cut jobs and hours for those still working.

You question my reading comprehension skills when you should evaluate your own communication skills. You were not clear in making your point. Try harder.

I cannot help it if you lack the ability to follow the flow of a thread and see what post is being replied to.

Again, they have classes that you can take to help with this.
2. Don't recall exactly. 5 to 10 years ago. I could ask my wife, who would likely remember better, if it matters. Why do you ask?

Because the chances are all of that happened due to ObamaCare. ObamaCare caused many smaller hospital to have to sell out to major urban hospital or other healthcare conglomerates. The same thing took place at the hospital my wife used to work at. As an RN she did not see a pay cut but the PCTs did and they saw hours cut. The nurses had more patients added with less PCT help. Not a good thing

Maybe. THe urban system in question, is quite the evil empire, even before obamacare.

My point is the same, either way. A little attention can make a big difference in the lives of a lot of people, and to the good of society as a whole.
California has been increasing the Minimum Wage each year for years. The October 2019 unemployment rate is at its lowest since 1989, 3.9%. The labor expansion in California goes back 117 months. The California population has increased through it all, and more areas of the state are majority Hispanic.

The Head Pathological Liar In Charge--the President with the daily Fantasies--has invented the scenario of Immigration costing jobs, Minimum Wage Increases costing jobs, a Perfect Phone Call--(the edited version), the Recession-level federal deficit--an economy unable to pay: The Profligate Liar's own bills.

There are fewer believers in any of that--even about to cost Republicans the Senate, including its Majority Leader--in cahoots!

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, is not about equal treatment under law, or a bunch of Fair Trials: But is an atrocity Moses learned from Pharaoh and Israel foisted off on now billions, worldwide. Other Fantasies: From announcements of one dead Jew, Catholics and Protestants think Old Testament is actually about them(?)! Then toss in even the Moslems, and followers of other Jew, Karl Marx. Usury even made the "The Communist Manifesto," as Credit Centralization. Trump's economy has that, too!)
Golfing Gator,

Vigdor's initial UW study was, as I expected, flawed. It used insufficient data. Specifiaclly, it left out 38% of impacted workers who worked for large, multi-location businesses.

He renounced the findings in that study and did a second study which showed that, overall, workers gained in take home pay while working the same or fewer hours. Here is that second study.

Minimum Wage Increases and Individual Employment Trajectories


I do not think this really helps your case...

We attribute significant hourly wage increases and hours reductions to the policy. On net, the minimum wage increase from $9.47 to as much as $13 per hour raised earnings by an average of $8-$12 per week. The entirety of these gains accrued to workers with above-median experience at baseline; less-experienced workers saw no significant change to weekly pay. Approximately one-quarter of the earnings gains can be attributed to experienced workers making up for lost hours in Seattle with work outside the city limits. We associate the minimum wage ordinance with an 8% reduction in job turnover rates as well as a significant reduction in the rate of new entries into the workforce.

Sure it does. You are cherry picking. That's boring, you know.

The overall data is positive on Seattle's minimum wage hikes. Period.

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