Low information voters

your leaders ADMIT they relied on low-information losers like you when they crafted obamacare

The Obama phone lady 5 years later does a 180 about the Messiah. .... :cool:

Bush jr started the phone program...

Who Started the Obama Phone?

“Who started the Obama Phone?” is one of the most frequently asked questions about the Lifeline program.

The simple answer is that any number of Presidents could claim credit for it, but the program is usually called the Obama Phone because it expanded so rapidly during his administration.

The first phones came out in 2008, during Boosh, of course it would have expanded during the next president...


I had a $1,200 cell phone in my camero in 1988
Once again we see that same 30% of Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim


Low information voters
View attachment 48309
View attachment 48310

You just can't keep a low information voter down

Is THAT why you haven't run away?
Telecom Outrage: Obamaphone Program Plagued With Fraud
Jan 30, 2015 - Telecom Outrage: Obamaphone Program Plagued With Fraud: Over 13 Million ... If you own a cellphone, you pay for the free phones and their wireless ... our friend Joe 'The Plumber' Wurzelbacher during the run-up to his election: .... Corporations (28), Corruption (1,020), Cronyism (52), Culture (87), Death ...
Obamaphones cost taxpayers $2.2 billion last year;... | Poor ...
If you're an Obama supporter, he gives you a phone an... ... Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet → ... cash, and he gives phones to his million of his supporters who aren't even eligible for the program! ... of the welfare state being used to reward political cronies and potential voters with “free stuff.”.
Obama crony wins contract to give phones to jobless ...
The Washington Times
Feb 5, 2013 - The program's supporters tout it as a way for the unemployed to learn ... such as Twitter and run simple Google searches on a small phone screen didn't meet ... promoting “free camera phones” with 250 minutes of talk time.
And Halliburton got a no bid contract for the Iraq invasion, but you would never bitch about that...
Obama crony wins contract to give phones to jobless ...
The Washington Times
Feb 5, 2013 - The program's supporters tout it as a way for the unemployed to learn ... such as Twitter and run simple Google searches on a small phone screen didn't meet ... promoting “free camera phones” with 250 minutes of talk time.
And Halliburton got a no bid contract for the Iraq invasion, but you would never bitch about that...

and the first President to grant Halliburton a no-bid contract was.............................
wait for it...............................wait for it............................wait.................................
Bill clinton

low information
rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.

especially when you're losing huh?
Who is losing what? Just having your multiple meaningless post proves the point of the OP. You still think after all this time spent on this board that posting rhetorical silliness and childish insults makes you a winner. It doesn't. It makes you appear to be a low information person who relies on silly rhetoric and childish insults. If there even is a thing such as a winner or loser on a message board thread, it would be determined by the neutral and objective readers who agreed or disagreed with the OP's claim. A flock of low information people making repeated post that they are not low information and the OP is unfairly judging them confirms that the flock is indeed low information and the OP is correct in his assessment.

Four post latter, still have not addressed the op.... So what say you on the op ?

We all know liberals don't vote in midterms... So who is the low information voter?

The republicans killed the democrats in 2014 in governorship and state legislators.....

So come again camp? Why the low information democrats now protest and cry about the minimum wage?

Your side is so low information it's Fucking pathetic.
When Factcheck.org checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November." (Emphasis added.)
the left want to rake Bush and repubs over the coals for being heartless and not caring for the poor; but when you talk about the corruption in the obamaphone program they are quick to remind you it was a republican idea

left-wing nutjobs, always talking out of both sides of their mouths
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician

As big an idiot as I think you are, sometimes you post something worthwhile. I agree.
The Obama phone lady 5 years later does a 180 about the Messiah. .... :cool:

Bush jr started the phone program...

and low information voters give Obama the credit for it

That's hilarious.

I'm referring to the low info voters that are praising Obama for the phones, and someone thanked the posts, because he's thinking about republicans.

I'm busting a gut here.

Agree x 2
Thank You! x 1

How do you explain the fact that the person that started the birther movement is the Democrat front runner?
It is explained by the fact that it is a lie only the stupidest of Low-Information Voters swallow.


the fact that he's not the frontrunner based on his ideas on where obama was born; and left-wing losers here are desperately clawing for an issue?
Yeah, it wasn't Hillary...

it was her backers, her staff, etc..

'Hillary' had NOTHING to do with it...

(psst, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn, I'll let it go cheap)
No, it was DittoTards pretending to be her supporters as part of Operation Chaos
Birtherism: Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau
The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.
Lies only the stupidest of Low-Information voters are gullible enough to swallow. Late Winter 2008 Birferism began on freerepublic and was picked up by the DittoTards as part of Op-Chaos.

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