Low information voters

rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.
rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.

especially when you're losing huh?
even people on your own side of the aisle have criticized the Dem frontrunner for not taking questions from the press; b ut you got the gall to accuse others of being low information when your own Presidential candidate keeps you in the dark?

Once again we see that same 30% of Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim


Low information voters
View attachment 48309
View attachment 48310

You just can't keep a low information voter down

You are starting to sound like Matthew when losing an argument

You should also say infrastructure, R n D, science it works for that dork....
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician

After your support for Obama, you have no credibility to call someone else a low information voter.
The Obama phone lady 5 years later does a 180 about the Messiah. .... :cool:

Bush jr started the phone program...

Who Started the Obama Phone?

“Who started the Obama Phone?” is one of the most frequently asked questions about the Lifeline program.

The simple answer is that any number of Presidents could claim credit for it, but the program is usually called the Obama Phone because it expanded so rapidly during his administration.
rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.

especially when you're losing huh?
Who is losing what? Just having your multiple meaningless post proves the point of the OP. You still think after all this time spent on this board that posting rhetorical silliness and childish insults makes you a winner. It doesn't. It makes you appear to be a low information person who relies on silly rhetoric and childish insults. If there even is a thing such as a winner or loser on a message board thread, it would be determined by the neutral and objective readers who agreed or disagreed with the OP's claim. A flock of low information people making repeated post that they are not low information and the OP is unfairly judging them confirms that the flock is indeed low information and the OP is correct in his assessment.
The Obama phone lady 5 years later does a 180 about the Messiah. .... :cool:

Bush jr started the phone program...

Who Started the Obama Phone?

“Who started the Obama Phone?” is one of the most frequently asked questions about the Lifeline program.

The simple answer is that any number of Presidents could claim credit for it, but the program is usually called the Obama Phone because it expanded so rapidly during his administration.

The first phones came out in 2008, during Boosh, of course it would have expanded during the next president...
rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.

rightwinger; how does it feel to get your ass kicked on your own thread?

By the boards low information voters?


You are getting smoked here RW...

Better get out your socks... Because no liberal wants to step in to save you today .... Lmao....
Well, the mention of low information voters caused a flock of you guys to land here. It isn't that much fun debating the same idiots on this board over and over.

especially when you're losing huh?
Who is losing what? Just having your multiple meaningless post proves the point of the OP. You still think after all this time spent on this board that posting rhetorical silliness and childish insults makes you a winner. It doesn't. It makes you appear to be a low information person who relies on silly rhetoric and childish insults. If there even is a thing such as a winner or loser on a message board thread, it would be determined by the neutral and objective readers who agreed or disagreed with the OP's claim. A flock of low information people making repeated post that they are not low information and the OP is unfairly judging them confirms that the flock is indeed low information and the OP is correct in his assessment.

Are you going to debate on the OP on here or just come to the paid poster RW rescue?

So far you have not debated anything in his OP.

Sheep camp baaaaaaaa

Go back to democrat under ground, you guys love to knob gobble eatch other.
"bush started the phone program......"

yes loon and obama expanded it THREE HUNDRED PERCENT

but you DONT WANT TO KNOW about that

one of his crony campaign donors has the contract for that

but again you DONT WANT TO KNOW

low information
your leaders say unemployment and welfare actually create jobs

you are the definition of low information idiot

How else can you explain 33% of Republicans supporting a BIRTHER for President?

Low information voters

It also means that 70% or so see him for the big mouth doofus he is.

That is the key factor in the Trump presidential run

The 70% of Republicans who aren't low information voters. They are the ones who pick the eventual candidate. Currently, that 70% of voters are split among 15 candidates. As those candidates eventually drop out their support will go to another of the 70% candidates not to Trump

We are still five months from the first primary....we will see the real impact of low information voters then

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