Low IQ black people telling "white folks" they are racist, yet those Low IQ voters voted for Joe who called blacks Super Predators.

Now, did i say all black people are stupid?

And that's why I wrote *On av"

Now what do you do with stupid blk ppl like me ?

No, only low IQ blacks who believe that someone like me prevented someone like you from making it in life.

OK. So what do you do with the stupid low IQ blk ppl ?

Being in the Victim"Hood" of life, just doesnt cut it, in the real world, but those Prog Democrat elites, love it when you play the victim then vote for them, who make you a victim...That is how fucking stupid a low IQ black is....

We still have not got to the doing part Sir. You're just telling what you think they are. Get to the doing part.

What do you do with all these low IQ stupid black people ? Because I'm one of them. So I'd like to know
Did you vote for Joe Biden? If you did you voted for a White Supremacist who called people like you a "super predator". Why would you vote for someone like that? Are you a racist?
Now, did i say all black people are stupid?

And that's why I wrote *On av"

Now what do you do with stupid blk ppl like me ?

No, only low IQ blacks who believe that someone like me prevented someone like you from making it in life.

OK. So what do you do with the stupid low IQ blk ppl ?

Being in the Victim"Hood" of life, just doesnt cut it, in the real world, but those Prog Democrat elites, love it when you play the victim then vote for them, who make you a victim...That is how fucking stupid a low IQ black is....

We still have not got to the doing part Sir. You're just telling what you think they are. Get to the doing part.

What do you do with all these low IQ stupid black people ? Because I'm one of them. So I'd like to know
Do you know how to read? Start picking up books of successful people and read what they did to get out of the Victim"Hood" of Liberalism..There are lots of books out there, that the prog masters dont want you to read. Why else do they call successful blacks, Uncle Toms or Oreos?

Do you know how to read?


Start picking up books of successful people and read what they did to get out of the Victim"Hood" of Liberalism.

But what's the point of picking up books by successful people if I'm a low IQ blk person ? My IQ is lower than a snakes belly and I have nine kids to nine women and smoke blunts all day and listen to rap and have bad hygiene and gold teeth

There are lots of books out there, that the prog masters dont want you to read. Why else do they call successful blacks, Uncle Toms or Oreos?

But I'm low IQ. So what do you do with black low IQ people ?
Do you know how to read?


Start picking up books of successful people and read what they did to get out of the Victim"Hood" of Liberalism.

But what's the point of picking up books by successful people if I'm a low IQ blk person ? My IQ is lower than a snakes belly and I have nine kids to nine women and smoke blunts all day and listen to rap and have bad hygiene and gold teeth

There are lots of books out there, that the prog masters dont want you to read. Why else do they call successful blacks, Uncle Toms or Oreos?

But I'm low IQ. So what do you do with black low IQ people ?

Your replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success.

Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote.

Mayor Daley for 25 years would get around 90% of the black vote then he ignores them over and over. He liked the bootstrap theory for blacks, which was offensive, but blacks in Chicago were lemming voters, thus they are exposed as being dumb as shit.
Your replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people

Hate ? You said that not me.

while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success.

But I'm low IQ. What do you do with black low IQ people ?

Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote.

But I'm low IQ. No point of an education.
Your replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people

Hate ? You said that not me.

while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success.

But I'm low IQ. What do you do with black low IQ people ?

Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote.

But I'm low IQ. No point of an education.

Now you are being unreasonable since I haven't talked about intelligence at all, I am talking about being free thinkers making voting decisions that are good for America and not supporting race haters who like Mayor Daley would just take your vote and then ignore you.

Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?
I meet plenty of white diseased trash every day
. Whites are more cunning and evil but blacks are way more violent
Very very difficult to be around blacks
They will blast their crack music at 3 am and wake you up . I know some are great folks but I just prefer to never live near any

You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.

You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.
Ok. So hate doesn't apply to me. So your comment has no relevance to me

You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.
Ok. So hate doesn't apply to me. So your comment has no relevance to me

You are being dishonest here since I responded to your reply you made to someone else, meanwhile you keep avoiding my question.

It appears YOU have nothing of substance to offer in the thread.

Many of you are complete ignoramuses and have no idea how violent and savagery many are .
Dumb ass whites talking about Joe Bidens one statement where the word black is not spoken while ignoring 50 years of blatant trump racism.

Can you give us all 1 (just 1) racist thing Trump has done/said in each of these 50-years?

Should be easy.

You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.
Ok. So hate doesn't apply to me. So your comment has no relevance to me
Being ignorant is just as bad as being stupid. There are people who are willing to change for the better as shown by Dr. Carson, and there are people like you who dont want to. You are the reason why you wont be better but continue to stay a victim. Must suck to be you.
The Democrats are the Plantation owners and blacks are the administrators of the Plantation/Large Cities.
Let's face facts. Racists just aren't very smart, regardless of their skin color. Rather it's the KKK or BLM (aka the Klan with a Tan) we're not dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed.

You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.
Ok. So hate doesn't apply to me. So your comment has no relevance to me
Being ignorant is just as bad as being stupid. There are people who are willing to change for the better as shown by Dr. Carson, and there are people like you who dont want to. You are the reason why you wont be better but continue to stay a victim. Must suck to be you.
What do you do with low IQ blk ppl ?
  • Thanks
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You said I hate. Not me.

No I didn't, this is why you are having problems understanding:

"replies indicate that you are not going to understand why many blacks ruin their lives hating people, while many other blacks do well in life which is mainly due to getting up and work for success."

"Hate doesn't give you an education or a job, decades of voting the same party that doesn't represent you much is a lemming vote, a wasted vote. "

"Hate doesn't give anyone a job or education. You going to dispute that?"


Not once did I say YOU hate something, it was about people in general.

You also didn't answer my question.
Ok. So hate doesn't apply to me. So your comment has no relevance to me
Being ignorant is just as bad as being stupid. There are people who are willing to change for the better as shown by Dr. Carson, and there are people like you who dont want to. You are the reason why you wont be better but continue to stay a victim. Must suck to be you.
What do you do with low IQ blk ppl ?
So what you are saying that low IQ black people, are just too stupid to do something with their lives other than vote for the very people who keep them poor and uneducated? Dr. Carson started poor and got an education through hard work, and not listening to the liberal victimhood the left so wants of their voters. Maybe you need to step up and educate those poor low IQ voters into finding their dreams in the United States.
This video is only 6 minutes long, thus way longer than your attention span demands, but try to see what Morgan Freeman did with his God given talents...Instead of playing race card victimhood.

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