Loyalty Oaths Return with Faculty “Diversity Statements”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is a link contained in an article, The Cancer Eating Away at College Campuses. The cancer of liberalism and progressiveness. At one time, those seeking employment in institutions of higher learning were often required to sign statements that affirmed their loyalty to the United States government, plus swear they were not members of any organizations, including the Communist Party USA, which sought the overthrow of the United States government.

SCOTUS struck that down in 1964; from the infamous Earl Warren court.

In pursuit of this agenda, colleges spend billions of dollars on offices of diversity and inclusion, diversity classes, and diversity indoctrination. The last thing that diversity hustlers want is diversity in ideas. From The Cancer Eating Away at College Campuses with the essay on loyalty oaths @ Loyalty Oaths Return with Faculty "Diversity Statements" — The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

and then this:

Left’s Newest Diversity Rule Is a Recipe for Unemployment @ Left’s Newest Diversity Rule Is a Recipe for Unemployment

Huh, so the Constitution put forward that the First Amendment is limited by what hurts someone’s feelers? I guess leftists get to decide to rewrite the Constitution at will and as our politicized judiciary has shown, that is dangerously true.

The left’s version of “diversity” is once again exposed as what it is — indoctrination and ideological bullying. To the left, diversity means buying the crap they’re selling and if you don’t, they’ll bully and shame you until you do.

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