L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

...your call for genocide is sick

Saying Islam should be eradicated is not a call for genocide you stinky, demonic lunatic.

So when are you going to put down you computer and do something about it Rambo

When you learn how to spell, Rain Man.

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What you say is true.

However, they are more than welcome to think how they can start and change the reputation they have tying them with terror.

I think the west is hardly holds all the blame in this.

The Arab community need more people like Musab Hassan Yusuf and Wafa Sultan

On the other hand, Lipush - NO OTHER religion is required to on-masse repudiate and apologize over and over for the extremists amongst them - NONE. There have been many Muslims and Muslim groups speaking out against terrorism and violence but they are largely ignored in favor of 24 hr attention on any and every atrocity. Why?


Because it's so easy to close the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Most of those peaceful movement rise after terror attacks, but you almost don't hear of them fighting the terrorists before they get the chance to rise their heads at all.

Now why is that?

Well ... the terror attacks represented a sharp increase in violence - a wake up call to radicalization - a pivitol point don't you think?

As to WHY? Have you considered the western media in general just doesn't report it much? Media bias? No blood, gore, outrage or sexual intrigue thus minimal coverage? How do you know it's NOT going on? Even in the US - most anti-terrorism efforts do not make the news - not until something breaks and certainly not strategy.
If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:
If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

Show me one post of someone here calling for genocide of Palestinians and Muslims Sea- ..... I mean Hoffstra
OK, so again, when are you going to put down your computer and do something about the muslims Rambo? .. :cool:

Maybe the Muslims should do something to rectify the situation themselves; Like having the Imams speak up, the " nice Muslims " having a voice, etc. etc. Naaaah That would make them CIVILIZED !
I fail to see anything the muslims are doing wrong or any need for them to change. .. :cool:

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Video: Islamic Slavery in Sudan Alive and Well | FrontPage Magazine

Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In :: Gatestone Institute

I know you see nothing wrong with this. Consider the source :cool:
You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:
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You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.
If you want to know how much Nazis hated the Jews, just look at how they treated them. Not even REMOTELY close to the way Jews hate Muslims. It's a disgusting comparison.

Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:

There s no justification for Zionist ethnic cleansing, your excuses you are giving us here simply do not justify it, nothing justifies it.
Uber-Zionists on this and other forums call for ethnic cleansing and genocide to be committed against Palestinians and all Muslims.

These Zionists, these Jews, have taken their sorrow over the Holocaust and redirected their anger at Muslims rather than the Nazis.

You mean we should be blaming the German people of today for what the Nazi's did? If that happened you would be among the first who would be yelling; RACIST !!!!!

Can't " understand" why Jews feel " angry" at Muslims?

Point of no return: Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948


Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

These are just SOME of the reasons. Still can't " understand" it with all the Hate, Racism, Bigotry, and Anti Semitism? Never met a Pro Palestinian that wasn't Bigoted and Racist themselves. You're typical :cuckoo:

There s no justification for Zionist ethnic cleansing, your excuses you are giving us here simply do not justify it, nothing justifies it.

What the fuck does this post have to do with what proudveteran posted?? Where did he say anything about ethnic cleansing ??
It's almost as if you meant to respond to a different post.
You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.

wtf are you talking about Sea... I mean Hoffstra ??
Where did anyone here call for ethnic cleansing ?
You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.

No Jews call for ethnic cleansing and surely not Genocide thats not possible sock:cuckoo:

You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.

Did you notice that EVERY single time you reply to a pro-Israeli on this board, you insult them and accuse them of something.
And then you have the nerve to call us hateful ?

You remind me of this Irish guy who used to post here. You guys are exactly the same drek
You are a hateful bigot with a Nazi mindset and you support Jihad, so your opinion is as useful as the wax that comes out my ear. :cool:

and yet you say nothing when your fellow Uber-Zionists call for ethnic cleansing and genocide against Muslims. you say nothing when vile hateful rhetoric against Muslims is uttered by your comrades.

you are a hypocrite and you know it.

Did you notice that EVERY single time you reply to a pro-Israeli on this board, you insult them and accuse them of something.
And then you have the nerve to call us hateful ?

You remind me of this Irish guy who used to post here. You guys are exactly the same drek

the sock tries to throw you with a couple of threads..He's a genus:doubt:
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